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Permalink Bruce Welch of the Shadows on rhythm guitar techniques

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Sonichris wrote:

Wow! fantastic - I've loved the Shadows , and I've
loved Bruce Welch since I first learned the lead to
Apache and thought "you know, that rhythm guitar part
is cool too, I should try to learn that", only to
realize that he is a fantastic player with way more to
offer than simple rhythm guitar parts. - a great
interview, with tons of great info. Bruce's guitar
drives the Shadows songs, and it wouldn't be the same
group if he wasn't there.

I also love the fact that he absolutely idolizes Buddy
Holly! I've always thought that surf music owes a bit
to Buddy, and Surf owes a bit to the Shads.

Well put Chris! I've been a Shadows fanatic since 1961 when the guy next door who was in the Air Force stationed at Lakenheath brought home some of their records. Not to dis the phenomena that is Hank Marvin but what has always intrigued me about the Shads is Bruce...that's how rhythm should be played!

He's completely self deprecating. I own and have read his book also. Several times he says he's always felt like the musical weak link in the Shadows. That book was released in 1989. In these 2011 interviews he plays a chord, shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know what it is but it sounds nice, so I use it". Maybe the Silver Fox is laughing down his sleeve a bit!

Finally, I now understand why I've turned myself inside out trying to read what he's playing from videos! "Riders in the Sky" from the Final Tour DVD is the best example. His part the way I play it goes all over the damn neck but he's playing it in 2 positions!

Bless you Bruce, you are a treasure!

You're not drunk if you can put your socks on while standing.

Last edited: Sep 22, 2011 23:39:15

Bruce is badass! The second of two reasons I even considered a Shadows project. (Men Of Mystery). The first reason was getting to play with Abdel. Icing on the cake.

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

Geordies smoke tabs.. probably think you're nuts to play it with a guitar! Big Grin


Managed to watch all segments over the last few days. What a treat! Highly recommended. Thanks again, Ivan.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

I just had the chance to watch some of this. It was great. Thanks so much for posting.

I too must thank you Ivan. I have been strugling with Shadows rhythm parts (wonderfull world) for some time now. Lot's of how to and tab on the solo parts but no help but to watch the vids on the rhythm parts. I was working up the nerve to ask you (Ivan) if you had the chord progression. Watching this has shed a new light on things. An maybe I should be asking your Dad seeing he is King of Rhythm.

Impressive that this thread comes up as one of the TOP hits net-wide under a search of Bruce Welch correlated with rhythm guitar. The unfortunate part is that the link to the interview with Lee Hodgson is long gone, and the iGuitar mag archives don't seem to be able to cough it up.

Hopefully if someone locates it (other than the 2 minute teaser/intro) they could post a fresh link in this thread.

Now to keep an eye out for a copy of Bruce's book that isn't ridiculous money.
Thanks Ivan for feeding the search engine monsters, past to future.
Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Came across this thread whilst browsing having listened to Bruce on BBC R2 this week.
The interview is at

Hoping that's the same one!
Shadows forever! Keep strumming Guitar

Hope you're still about to see, mind you, probably found it yourself by now!
Badger wrote:

Impressive that this thread comes up as one of the TOP hits net-wide under a search of Bruce Welch correlated with rhythm guitar. The unfortunate part is that the link to the interview with Lee Hodgson is long gone, and the iGuitar mag archives don't seem to be able to cough it up.

Hopefully if someone locates it (other than the 2 minute teaser/intro) they could post a fresh link in this thread.

Now to keep an eye out for a copy of Bruce's book that isn't ridiculous money.
Thanks Ivan for feeding the search engine monsters, past to future.
Big Grin

THANK YOU Doc!!! That is the same interview and article once available, then vanished, now back again. So good to be able to rewatch the conversation. Cheers

Long live Sir Welch! Worship
And here is to hoping his hand troubles at the time of the interview are no more.

drzeus wrote:

Came across this thread whilst browsing having listened to Bruce on BBC R2 this week.
The interview is at

Hoping that's the same one!
Shadows forever! Keep strumming Guitar

PS - at the very bottom of that link you can get to the e-magazine “full” article and edition of the magazine.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

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