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Permalink Who plays Mermen songs?

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After working on Krill Slippin in another thread, I wondered how many of you play Mermen songs. Especially those who play out, I wonder what the audience reaction is to these songs. Links to performances would be cool.

I play an abbreviated version of Last Forever, but I just play for my own amusement.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
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Outerwave in so cal does Curve from the Songs of the Cows EP


I played most of the "Food for other fish" album with the Tritones in Belgium in the mid 2000's. Lots of staring and head nodding, no dancing. Very few people knew the Mermen over here.

ELZEB wrote:

I played most of the "Food for other fish" album with the Tritones in Belgium in the mid 2000's.

Wow, I never would have guessed this based on your current music and the early Los Venturas! You are mastering quite an incredible range of styles!

I can play about 4 measures of "To be naked and French...", and that's about it, but my old band used to do a song, which drew heavily from the aesthetic of the Mermen, i.e. dreamy and more loose stuff bordering on soundscapes. And that was actually one of the audience favourites. We actually played two reunion concerts recently, and people were again asking about it or expressing their appreciation. (And nobody of these people ever heard of the Mermen, of course.)

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
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My band is looking to throw in some of the stuff from " Krill Slippin", as around here at least, it gets people dancing, and the musicians in the audience REALLY enjoy watching and listening to it... so I've been asking around here to see if anyone is familiar with it... I'm in upstate N.Y. & haven't been able to find a teacher as of yet who can teach this kind of thing... still looking

I used to play with SandBlast and we did about a half dozen Mermen tunes. Lot's of fun!

bent playing for benter results
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I've always wanted to learn Scalp Salad.

One of the first songs Pollo Del Mar covered was "Ocean Beach". It got a lot of airplay on KUSF in San Francisco.

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San Diego's mighty 'The Surf Kings' usedta do a pretty great version of 'Pull Of The Moon'.... !

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