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Permalink Jim Thomas Mermen Guitar chords

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I'm curious as to what kind of chords he uses in songs like " Krill Slippin " & " The Goodbye "... are these triads? I want to incorporate this in my pmaying and just curious as to where to start... thanx guys

Those two are nice tunes. Would you post a link to them and indicate some time intervals within them. I could then try to figure out what notes and chords JT is playing.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

The Goodbye

The whole first minute

Krill Slippin

In particular from :38-:50 seconds

That's what I'm looking to learn... Thanx guys

Jim plays a lot of open strings in his chords. From memory, Krill Slippin's main theme is Am - Fmaj7 - G - Am.

Jim touches the naked face of god and requires no mere mortal chords. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


I made a video of my take on how to play seconds 38-50 of Krill Slippin.

It’s a 7-minute video of how to play 12 seconds of music. Pretty challenging to play, I think. Thanks to my son for teaching me some video editing techniques.

I don't know when I'll have the energy to work on the first 60 seconds of The Goodbye.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

Last edited: Jul 22, 2019 10:57:45

Thanx for the time & effort, Idk.. this definitely helped me out... a question ... these types of chords called? Are they a particular position or TYPE of chord, these ones higher on the neck?

I’m glad I could help. After this bit of work, I’ve decided to learn the whole song, and I’ve got the first minute learned so far.

For the 38-50 second portion, the melody is built around C major and G major chords. I don’t know if there’s any special name for the G major chord you get, for example, by barring across strings 2, 3, and 4 at the 12th fret, other than it being a second inversion.

Near the beginning of the song, there are A minor, F major 7th (as pointed out by ELZEB), and G 6th chords. Other than that, I don’t know.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

Last edited: Jul 29, 2019 13:39:39

Hey what about the main riff? I've tinkered around with it bit don't feel like I've got it juat right... any ideas?

Jim probably plays it a little different each time. But here's a nice view from a few years ago:

Last edited: Nov 23, 2019 13:27:56

OaklandA wrote:

Jim probably plays it a little different each time. But here's a nice view from a few years ago:

Great video. Thanks for posting it. Makes working out this song a lot easier. Nice that the camera basically never leaves Jim!

Guitarist for Northern Tides from Hudson Valley, NY.
Northern Tides on FB

Cool thread. Krill Slippin’ is such a great tune.

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