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Permalink The Seatopians in the studio... finally!!!

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Tracking is complete for The Seatopians’ debut album. We ended up with 11 songs (10 originals and a cover). We are super lucky to have a great studio and an incredible engineer right here in our backyard! Jason of the The Tonic Room is a pleasure to work with!!

Here are a couple shots of the process:










Our plan is to have this out by mid July. We will be doing a west coast mini tour in support of its release in late July early August! More details to come...


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

Last edited: May 28, 2019 12:08:51



Nice! Did you all track at the same time??

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

Thanks guys!

Yup, we tracked them all live onto 2” tape. I’m no session player so there were some edits. We were all pretty beat by the end of the primary tracking day (12 hrs)!


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

Man that's a nice backyard ….looks like a pro studio alright

This is going to be great guys!

Ok... we’re still rolling along on this. Our final mix session was tonight and everyone left feeling pretty good about what we have. I feel we have struck a nice balance of recording quality and energy, but time will tell.

We’re still shooting for a mid July release followed by a small west coat tour. On that note, if anyone has any suggestions or is looking for a band northern or central CA in late July (29,30, or 31st) please let me know!



The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

We started an indiegogo campaign to help us finish off the LP. Mastering and CD pressing are the last two steps. Here is a link to the campaign and a promo video Josh at Altered State of Reverb put together for us.

“Underwater Ally”, Indiegogo campaign


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

Wow great sound man, nice and heavy. Like being underwater with surf crashing above you. I'm super impressed (and jealous) of your studio adventures. You said LP above, but I didn't see any LP available on the campaign? By the way $2000 for a whole album seems like either you got an exceptional deal on the studio, or you guys are paying for most of it!

I've had a dream of putting the drums and players in one big room, and having each amp in their own separate rooms with mics 2+ feet in front of them. Everyone plays in the big drums room on headphones with their own monitor mix. That way, every instrument (especially drums) can have their own non-fake room reverbs with total isolation. (I'd put close mics on the cabs also just in case the distant mics make it too crazy and echoey.)

Daniel Deathtide

Wow! Thanks DeathTide!! I’ glad you’re digging the sound. There’s a fairly wide variety of stuff on the album, from aggressive and driving to exotic and sexy, but in my mind it all fits together. Hopefully others will agree. Haha!

I think the LP thing is semantics - I’ve always used LP and full length album interchangeably regardless of format, but I see the confusion and will change it above! The 2k is just to help us finish it up as we’ve paid for the bulk of it so far. We’ll be moving into mastering shortly and then into CD replication soon after that depending on the availability of funds.

As far as the studio and tracking went, it was very much like you described. There are a couple room mics not visible in the pics, that our engineer made really good use of. As a band we’ve been super satisfied with our studio experience and will hopefully be going back in the future!


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

Things are still on schedule for a mid July release. Mastering should be finished this coming week and then it’s off to replicators.

Here’s a peek at the album artwork - a big thanks for Josh from Altered State of Reverb for taking our idea and running with it! Needless to say we’re more than satisfied with the results!!



The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

AWESOME cover!!!! I'm excited to hear the album, but dang that art would look killer in 12x12! Sorry. I don't mean to be negative, I just love vinyl. Maybe after your CDs sell out you can make a special edition LP!

Daniel Deathtide

Thanks! I’d love to do a run of vinyl! We’ll have to see how the release goes!! Tell you friends... Wink


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

More on

\The Seatopians (Idaho USA) - page 3
World Surf Bands - Home page - Video Links thread

Thanks Sam! I meant to thank you for adding us to the list, but it somehow slipped my mind (wouldn’t be the first time!). Addressing the point of the other band with the same name - we did reach out to them when we started up and got their blessing to use the name.


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

Yeah that happens a lot where two bands have the same name. Even songs, many times writers fall into that trap of using or coming up with the same name somehow. So many ways that can happen.

DeathTide wrote:

AWESOME cover!!!! I'm excited to hear the album, but dang that art would look killer in 12x12! Sorry. I don't mean to be negative, I just love vinyl. Maybe after your CDs sell out you can make a special edition LP!

Thanks, I’m glad the album cover is getting such a good response. I had a blast collaborating with John on it

AlteredStateOfReverb wrote:

DeathTide wrote:

AWESOME cover!!!! I'm excited to hear the album, but dang that art would look killer in 12x12! Sorry. I don't mean to be negative, I just love vinyl. Maybe after your CDs sell out you can make a special edition LP!

Thanks, I’m glad the album cover is getting such a good response. I had a blast collaborating with John on it

You made it?!!! Man, I would totally hang a 4’ x 4’ poster of that. That is serious talent and skills!

Daniel Deathtide

Thanks Death Tide! Yeah, I’m pretty proud of this one. A poster may be a possibility. I’ll keep you posted

Hey Seatopians! The new record is looking good and sounding good! We're looking forward to our show together in Portland in July!

The Apollo Four, 2012 - present
The Blue Moons, 2008 - 2011

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