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Permalink Sweet 1959 surg green Fender Strat- 1986 Re-Issue

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I have a 1986 Fender Re-Issue of the exact 1957 Strat in a very rare surf green color- this Strat is THE best sounding and playing Strat I have ever dealt with and it stays in tune and has perfect intonation. Comes with tweed case- I bought it from Joe the Guitar Man in Dallas , TX and this is one special guitar. $2,800.00 e mail me and I will gladly send photos- I live in Reno, NV

I'm confused as to why it is $2,800? What is special about it?

Jesus, that is how much they are going for from most gbase dealers. What is this guitar world coming to.

Somebody should snatch this on up.

Yeah, $2,800 can buy you a strat with plenty of mojo, a brand new AVRI Jaguar and Showman, or a brand new custom fender strat.

I am super sweet

That '57 in that color is in current production in Mexico's Fender factory right now! and they go for $699.99 bones new.


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What is special about it?

Its a 1959 1957 1986 SurG green, thats whats special.

What is this guitar world coming to.

Here's where I think we may be headed . . .

The early 80's AVRI's, as most of you know, are coveted by many collectors and players as superior to the more recent ones. They also have the added mysitiqe of having been some of the last guitars made at the old Fender Fullerton location. Known as Fullerton reissues, they are quickly escalting in value and scarcity.

Fender will certainly sieze the opportunity to fill the demand. Thus, we may in our lifetime see a Fender "Reissue '82 Fullerton Reissue Stratocaster".

Heck- I didn't mean to upset anyone with the price of the Strat- it is a 1986 Corona Fender plant re-issue of a 1957 . It is surf green in color with a maple neck. Bought from Joe the Guitar Man in Dallas, TX- just incredible tone and intonation - the best Strat I have ever played and I have played alot over 25 years- check out his web site and you will see it is NOT overpriced- a very unique guitar and difficult to replace.

Heck- I didn't mean to upset anyone with the price of the Strat- it is a 1986 Corona Fender plant re-issue of a 1957 . It is surf green in color with a maple neck. Bought from Joe the Guitar Man in Dallas, TX- just incredible tone and intonation - the best Strat I have ever played and I have played alot over 25 years- check out his web site and you will see it is NOT overpriced- a very unique guitar and difficult to replace.

Naah your price is legit. Its just a bit of sticker shock I think. Gees that guy is selling some of these things for almost 4,000$! You can still get decent pre-cbs Jags for less than that, or minty Jazzmasters for maybe a little more.

Id like to see some pics of you strat just for fun, Im sure its beautifull.

Oh, and welcome to SG101!...Hopefully you'll stick around after you sell the Geetar.

Thanks for the message, Iron Maiden- I really am not trying to rip anyone off In fact, I really despise anyone who takes advantage of anyone in the musical community- Yeah, I will stick around- I really like this site and I am thrilled to see a dedication to surf music- it is what got me started playing over 25 years ago- the first time I heard pipeline I was hooked!! I am a newbie to forums- how can I post or send photos of the guitar for you or others to view?

Re photos: Read this

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Heck- I didn't mean to upset anyone with the price of the Strat- it is a 1986 Corona Fender plant re-issue of a 1957 . It is surf green in color with a maple neck. Bought from Joe the Guitar Man in Dallas, TX- just incredible tone and intonation - the best Strat I have ever played and I have played alot over 25 years- check out his web site and you will see it is NOT overpriced- a very unique guitar and difficult to replace.

Sorry about that man. I'm just not used to seeing that kinda price on anything but vintage insturments and completely custom made one of a kind guitars. But, if it is as good as you say it is, then I guess it's worth it. Good luck on finding a buyer.

I am super sweet

I have a 1986 Fender Re-Issue of the exact 1957 Strat in a very rare surf green color- this Strat is THE best sounding and playing Strat I have ever dealt with and it stays in tune and has perfect intonation. Comes with tweed case- I bought it from Joe the Guitar Man in Dallas , TX and this is one special guitar. $2,800.00 e mail me and I will gladly send photos- I live in Reno, NV

Welcome to the group, Windude! That must be a killer guitar.
Good luck in selling it.




I'm somewhat a fan of these particular models. I have an 88 and an 83 in my collection. Collectors consider these to be some of the best Strats that ever left the Fender factories. At the time that this particular guitar was made in 1986 there were 5 or 6 people working at Fender building guitars. It was like the Custom Shop before there was a Custom Shop. Through 1985 there were no Fender guitars made in the USA. At the time they had just started the new factory in Corona and these were among the first product they put out so they needed to pay care to make sure the guitars were great. The reputation of the new Fender company and owners hung on these instruments. They went back and studied how the old guitars that everybody was paying big bucks for were made. They looked at a lot of guitars and took measurements because they wanted to capture that vintage vibe and then tried to recreate that in a modern instrument. In 1985 Fender actually spent $5600 to buy back original models from an Illinois vintage dealer so they would have accurate measurements. So these instruments do have a special place in Fender's history and as the market has risen dramatically in the past 2 years so have the prices for these models.

There is Surf east of Sepulveda.

Not to mention it being a custom color. People pay a premium for those, and if what I've read on the Fender Forum is true these were also built on the equipment from the original plant in Fullerton.

There is some debate over the years though. In '86 would've it've been assembled from leftover parts from '82 to '84? Or did production on the guitars run longer than that? I don't know if the serial number tells you for sure or not, but I know that the basses, particularly custom colors, have been steadily climbing for the last several years and break the $2k mark on a regular basis. I'm throwing my leg out of the socket kicking my own butt for not buying the '84 Precision in Lake Placid Blue several years ago for $1100.

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SSS Agent #31

I'm somewhat a fan of these particular models. I have an 88 and an 83 in my collection. Collectors consider these to be some of the best Strats that ever left the Fender factories. At the time that this particular guitar was made in 1986 there were 5 or 6 people working at Fender building guitars. It was like the Custom Shop before there was a Custom Shop. Through 1985 there were no Fender guitars made in the USA. At the time they had just started the new factory in Corona and these were among the first product they put out so they needed to pay care to make sure the guitars were great. The reputation of the new Fender company and owners hung on these instruments. They went back and studied how the old guitars that everybody was paying big bucks for were made. They looked at a lot of guitars and took measurements because they wanted to capture that vintage vibe and then tried to recreate that in a modern instrument. In 1985 Fender actually spent $5600 to buy back original models from an Illinois vintage dealer so they would have accurate measurements. So these instruments do have a special place in Fender's history and as the market has risen dramatically in the past 2 years so have the prices for these models.

The Fender guys bought the old instruments from the Illinois vintage dealer in '81, the CBS-era, as they were working on the '57/'62 reissues, not in '85 (by which point the reissue designs were pretty set, despite the transfer of ownership).

I've heard the above theories in other places, and have watched the prices of '82-'84 and '86-'87 reissue Strats rising over the last couple of years. That's cool by me as I have a '87 '62 reissue, but I also own a '97 '62 reissue, and I must say that I don't think the '87 is a better instrument. They are pretty much the same - and they're both great. But older instruments have a certain mystique, so it's no surprise that they're going for more money.

Anyway, good luck with selling your Strat. I'm sure it's a great guitar.


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I have seen this guitar, and to tell you the truth, it is the most beautiful Strat I have ever seen. I wanted to buy we know how that goes.
They say food is more important that Strats, but after seeing this one, I dont believe that anymore.

Welcome to SG101 Windude!!! Did you see our new youtube video? Didnt see you at the show, so we brought some of the show to you.

Good luck on selling that beauty!!!

The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

Are the Fullterton and Corona models finished differently? I would venture to guess that the Fullteron models have a completely Nitro finish whereas the Corona models have the poly coat. I would have no idea, this is just a wild guess.

Are the Fullterton and Corona models finished differently? I would venture to guess that the Fullteron models have a completely Nitro finish whereas the Corona models have the poly coat. I would have no idea, this is just a wild guess.

Jake, all US-made reissues have nitro finishes, no matter the era or the factory.


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DaveW mentioned that they have a poly undercoat. Not the necks, just the bodies.

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