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SabedLeepski: Surfin‘ Europe, for surf (related) gigs and events in Europe Big Razz https://sunb...
296 days ago

SHADOWNIGHT5150: I like big reverb and i cannot lie
230 days ago

SHADOWNIGHT5150: Bank accounts are a scam created by a shadow government
230 days ago

sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
216 days ago

dp: dude
197 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
152 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
136 days ago

GDW: showman
87 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
9 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
3 days ago

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Permalink Messer Chups spring tour, 2019, Mexico City and Southern USA states.

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I have a shit-ton of SG101 buttons in storage.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I actually have several SG101 t-shirts, one of which I could have worn had I made it. Sorry, guys. The more I think about it, the more I wish I'd just made it an all-night road trip rather than let myself miss it. I can't know, of course, but I'm guessing it's a long shot for them to come back.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

We need t shirts! I’da worn a button for that show - how to acquire such buttons? Other than a SG101 convention

Daniel Deathtide

DesignSpy wrote:

Allen- Great getting to meet you and your crew! Looks like you were able to get the cover off of your pickguard okay?

You too! I'm terrible with names so forgive me. That was my / our first surf gig and it was awesome! Aqualads were rad too. Great meeting some people and talking! I actually peeled the film off and had them all re-sign it. Felt like a goober and was thankful they hooked me up. Hate I didn't stay and have them sign posters. Will have to keep in touch and get together again.

dripdripFL wrote:

I saw you walk past with the autograph PG and I said to my wife, “How cool, why didn’t I think of that?” LOL. Didn’t even think to ask if you were on the forum. I was on such a high from being at the show that I wasn’t thinking clearly. SilverFlash is right. We DO need a way to identify ourselves at surf shows. A button or something would be great and low key.

Awesome! Yeah I was all over the place emotionally excited being 3 years since we last tried and it was actually happening / taking place! Gotta get together and say hello next time!

Coming up this Wednesday,
The only nor cal show for this tour.



Last Show on this tour.
Sat. April 20th in Santa Ana



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