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Permalink Messer Chups spring tour, 2019, Mexico City and Southern USA states.

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Mr. & Mrs. Flash will be attending in Augusta. Lookin' forward to meeting other SG101'ers.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Another one for the Augusta, GA show with more details.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777





Last edited: Apr 04, 2019 12:03:28

Horrible news! I cannot go. I’m working in Bogalousa LA for Monday & Tuesday. Which means three hours of driving in addition to 14-hour days. I have to leave at 5:15a on Monday and Tuesday.

If I were in my 20s... Or the show was on a Saturday. Or in May. This sucks, I really wanted to see them.

Daniel Deathtide

Bummer dude. This will probably make them the surf group I've seen the most aside from local bands and Daikaiju. Saw them in New York over 10 years ago, then SG101, then here. East coast, west coast, gulf coast.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Did anyone see the Chattanooga show?

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's show in Augusta and I can't wait to see the Aqualads again.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

From Mexico City's show ... +300 attendees on Thursday night ... sounding really good! Big Grin


When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Last edited: Apr 06, 2019 14:05:04

SilverFlash wrote:

Did anyone see the Chattanooga show?

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's show in Augusta and I can't wait to see the Aqualads again.

Aqualads! respect! Yes
Saw them at the HB Pier last time ...

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Bit late for me to post this, but I'm not going to make the Augusta show (which ought to be kicking off with The Aqualads as I type this) due to a family thing that came up. I'm bummed and will add this to my long list of bands I wish I'd gone to see when I had the chance.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Well that was more than worth the trip!
Messer Chups were incredible.
Aqualads got a new fan.
I got to hear a Showman, that thing was a force! It the Bandmaster and the reverb units all looked to be Blondes, I think.
Hey, Oleg was even using a SurfyTrem several times, too!
Even Mrs. Fiend enjoyed the show!

Last edited: Apr 08, 2019 13:50:15

The Augusta show was great. Thank you to MISSING FINK RECORDS and MUSICK RECORDINGS for putting it together. I'm pretty sure this was the very first surf show we've ever had in Augusta. I don't think MAN or ASTROMAN has ever played here, but I could be wrong?

The Aqualads were stellar as always and have some great new songs. I'm positive they acquired some new fans Saturday night! Messer Chups ripped and rolled... and are all around nice guys. Had a few people drive in from around the Southeast which was very cool. That's the great thing about Augusta I tell people...that it's close to a lot of other places and easy to travel. Richard, I'm sorry you weren't able to make the show. I hope you get to see them one day!

It was a great show in Augusta! Loved Messer Chups and the Aqualads. Both put on an excellent performance. We need to come up with some SurfGuitar101 buttons so we can find each other at shows. It was great meeting dripdripFL, but I didn't find anyone else. (I'm too shy to ask random people if "SG101" means anything to them.) Richard, I'm sure sorry you couldn't make it.

This was my first trip to Augusta's downtown area. Broad Street is pretty cool. Kind of 1950's meets Hipster cool, with lots of trendy restaurants mixed with "hole-in-the-wall" bars, a couple of grand, golden-age of Hollywood movie theaters, side-by-side with lounges featuring "Vegas-style showgirls". And just a block away is the riverwalk along the Savannah, plus several museums and art galleries.

The setting at Mod Ink, which does screen printing as its main business, was intimate. I would guess that there were about seventy people attending. The lighting was standard overhead fixtures, so the pictures and videos I took can either be considered dramatic or crappy. Here's one just to prove it happened. I love covers of songs done in the surf style. Here's a traditional one, Greensleeves, all surfed up.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

SilverFlash, it was nice meeting you! I was blown away by their version of Greensleeves. So beautiful. I didn’t check this thread again after I first posted in it, so I didn’t think to look for any forum members. Bummer. SilverFlash and I just happened to chat and it somehow came up organically. I think maybe you heard me lusting over the Aqualads gear to my wife. LOL.

When I heard the Messer Chups were coming to Augusta, I was able to talk my wife into incorporating it into a road trip we’ve always wanted to take. We’re from Tampa,FL. We left Saturday morning and got settled into our hotel in Augusta about an hour before the show.

The Aqualads were so good! Count me as a huge fan as well now. Very tight band, sweet gear that sounded fantastic. Getting to see the Messer Chups up close was a dream come true for me. I would always find myself up late at night watching live vids on YouTube, just dying to see them. Felt like it was never going to happen.

Mod Ink printed some of the show posters up. I bought one and had it signed by the band. Also snagged Oleg’s setlist. Talked to him very briefly, but I had to leave not long after the show ended, so I didn’t get to stick around and really meet them. Maybe next time, which will hopefully be sooner than later. If they swing through near you, you gotta go see them. You’ll have a great time.

New Orleans show was great, probably a hometown bias but my favorite of the three times seeing them. Sound was sharp, crowd wasn't huge but good for a Monday Night and into it. So glad they decided to swing through my neck of the woods.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Great video, Hunter! I wish the lighting had been as good in Augusta.

Hi DripdripFL, I would love to see a photo of the set list you snagged. That's some cool souvenir swag.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

We were in Augusta, GA. We tried for Atlanta in 2016 and were bummed after they cancelled. We didn't find out until showing up at the venue that evening. Anywho... We were determined to make this happen upon announcement of US Tour and Southeast dates!

Drove down from upstate South Carolina with the wife and friends who came last time we tried. Started the night off at Rhinehart's Oyster Bar! $12 / lb of crablegs.

First surf show in person! Got to see the Aqualads. GREAT band from Charlotte. I've spent a LOT of time working in and around / going through Charlotte with the Railroad. Awesome to have that connection to a musical genre I love.

Anywho... I've been a fan of Messer Chups since stumbling upon their "Tremelo from the Crypt" video on youtube. I didn't know what I found at the time but had to have more! Since then been a HUGE fan and all the way in depth to have every album from Messer Fur Frau Muller, etc.

Rad to see them perform in person. I still can't believe it. Stoked to have experienced it! Here's to hoping for another return to the states. If so and when, we're there!

I talked to several people there. If on here it was nice to meet you and chit chat. I was wearing the baby blue button up and had a beard pretty much at the front with my wife and friends. I had them all sign my mint green Jazzmaster pickguard; we were exhausted and left after that. After returning home I'm bummed we didn't stick around and have them sign the Augusta specific and US TOUR 2019 poster. Oh well. Next time! Still RAD!



Last edited: Apr 09, 2019 23:01:39

Allen- Great getting to meet you and your crew! Looks like you were able to get the cover off of your pickguard okay?

SilverFlash wrote:

Great video, Hunter! I wish the lighting had been as good in Augusta.

Hi DripdripFL, I would love to see a photo of the set list you snagged. That's some cool souvenir swag.

Sure thing! I’ll try to post a photo later.

boohooblues wrote:

We were in Augusta, GA. We tried for Atlanta in 2016 and were bummed after they cancelled. We didn't find out until showing up at the venue that evening. Anywho... We were determined to make this happen upon announcement of US Tour and Southeast dates!

Drove down from upstate South Carolina with the wife and friends who came last time we tried. Started the night off at Rhinehart's Oyster Bar! $12 / lb of crablegs.

First surf show in person! Got to see the Aqualads. GREAT band from Charlotte. I've spent a LOT of time working in and around / going through Charlotte with the Railroad. Awesome to have that connection to a musical genre I love.

Anywho... I've been a fan of Messer Chups since stumbling upon their "Tremelo from the Crypt" video on youtube. I didn't know what I found at the time but had to have more! Since then been a HUGE fan and all the way in depth to have every album from Messer Fur Frau Muller, etc.

Rad to see them perform in person. I still can't believe it. Stoked to have experienced it! Here's to hoping for another return to the states. If so and when, we're there!

I talked to several people there. If on here it was nice to meet you and chit chat. I was wearing the baby blue button up and had a beard pretty much at the front with my wife and friends. I had them all sign my mint green Jazzmaster pickguard; we were exhausted and left after that. After returning home I'm bummed we didn't stick around and have them sign the Augusta specific and US TOUR 2019 poster. Oh well. Next time! Still RAD!



I saw you walk past with the autograph PG and I said to my wife, “How cool, why didn’t I think of that?” LOL. Didn’t even think to ask if you were on the forum. I was on such a high from being at the show that I wasn’t thinking clearly. SilverFlash is right. We DO need a way to identify ourselves at surf shows. A button or something would be great and low key.

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