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Permalink RIP Dick Dale

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So bummed about this news. I met him a few times when he played NYC in the 1990s. A real character and true original.

Hal Blaine last week and Dick Dale this week. Hal did for surf drums what Dick did for surf guitar. Huge back-to-back losses for the surf music community.

Totally bummed about this. I'm glad I got to see him perform in person a few times. That cat could really shred.

Funny thing--first time I saw him, I was standing right in front of the stage, and he whips out his harmonica and shakes it, and water (spit?) flew right in my face!

Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

RIP Dick. Thanks for your vision, energy, and fortitude.

Last edited: Mar 18, 2019 12:06:16

ive been crying pretty much all day. its hit me hard.

Wow, I totally didn't see this thread. But yeah, Dick Dale was truly a legend.

I've been pretty tore up since I heard the news yesterday. Somewhere on this forum is a detailed trip report describing the day I hung out with Dick Dale. I still have his voicemail saved on my phone, he called me asking for directions to Sun Studio! - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Mar 18, 2019 16:03:54

i somehow felt i had to make a tribute video. I dunno if it would be considered tacky but i just felt it helped the grieving process.

Rip to a true badass.
His music and spirit will live on.

Deal with reality, or reality will deal with you.

Here is a nice obit/tribute NPR did for Dick...

Dick Dale tribute

This is how I will remember him.

He invited my family and I out to his "Sky Ranch" in Twentynine Palms in about 1997 to jam for a Sunday afternoon, and have our daughters hang out with his son, Jimmy. Quite the humbling experience, to play a few tunes on my drums with Dick Dale, the "King Of The Surf Guitar".

He was gracious and gave me a golf cart tour of his ranch, pausing to enjoy the sheer silence of the desert, in the middle of his private airstrip.

Thank you for all of the great music.

Rest In Peace

  • Surfbeatnik

Qweaterman, that's a very nice tribute. You really captured the Dick Dale spirit.

Premier Guitar did a nice writeup.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Mar 18, 2019 23:49:36

^ Awesome - thanks for sharing that. Cool

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Excellent story Chris

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders


Early DD signing pics at a burger joint in Huntington Beach. Pre tribal thunder. People in line were groaning because I had so many questions about surf guitar and surf music. RIP DD.

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

Redfeather wrote:

Qweaterman, that's a very nice tribute. You really captured the Dick Dale spirit.

Thank you very much. This is my other account I guess lol
Guess I signed up one for my computer and another for my phone lol.

Hey Dick Dale music lovers. Lana and I have had less than a handful of hours of sleep since we watched Dick close his eyes for the last time late Saturday night. We've been stumbling trying to get a funding campaign up and going, plus attending to funeral arrangements, so because of the cost we are reaching out for help.

I apologize if you have already seen this GoFundMe blog, but, because a few people opined the fund may be fraudulent, it took us too much time clearing up that question, plus shutting down a fund that was started with good intentions.

As of a few hours ago, if anyone who has any questions about the validity of our GoFundMe campaign, they now can find answer in a second by simply logging onto Lana Dale's FB page. Everything is crystal clear now.

This is like advertising for a darn gig, go, go go with more ads. But, we only have a few days to get the funds to purchase Dick's resting place. I can assure you that if you ever find yourself in a similar predicament dealing with the blood sucking funeral home saleswomen, you will know what hell may be like.

Two ways to contribute:

  1. If you have a Paypal account, send money to: redacted
  2. Log onto GoFundMe ----Dick Dale Funeral-Medical Expenses Fund

Again, I apologize if this was a redundant post.

Last edited: Mar 31, 2019 15:21:09

I will never fully recover from the excitement of all the times I went to see him, working my way up to the foot of the stage so I can be square in front of those showman amps, the way the air and sound of those thick strings, through a reverb and out the amplifier cones reached out and smacked you was incredible.

The fact that he took the time to meet and take pictures, sign autographs etc, after every show I think speaks to his true character and passion for the people that came to see him over the decades.

The point of music to me is to do what Dick Dale did for me, to make a nerd about it, to make me hungry for it, to make me put everything away and just for a little while, let an electric guitar take me away.

I'm pretty sure your to blame for the constant ringing in my ears, but that's was worth it Dick. Thank you.

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