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"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Charo rocks. She won Guitar Player Magazine's best flamenco artist a couple years in a row. Sure beats doing the Love Boat or Hollywood Squares. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Was Paco de Lucia alive when she won the award? I don't know much about Flamenco but he is in a completely different class than Charo. Charo is much more talented than I will ever be but that didn't really wow me compared to other flamenco I've seen.

Charo rocks. She won Guitar Player Magazine's best flamenco artist a couple years in a row. Sure beats doing the Love Boat or Hollywood Squares. Smile

Yeah, and I didn't know about any of this. I have a friend who is a musician and grew up watching her play. Interesting!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I never new Charo used to be good looking. Laughing

According to wikipedia Andres Segovia taught her guitar.

She's still got it too. When she was on that horrible reality show she pulled out a guitar and shredded.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

My god that's amazing! I had no idea she could play like that.

I am super sweet

She's still got it too. When she was on that horrible reality show she pulled out a guitar and shredded.

Are you talking about the real life? Or whatever it's called... I know what you're talking about.

I am super sweet

ei ei ei, muy romantico, ha ha. I really like flamenco and mariachi music.
I found out about her playing ability a few years ago, and was blown away.
to bad she has to resort to the goochi gooochi thing all the time to be known here in the states.

This is another good 2 songs clip

and Kristena is this the same Bolero that we heard at the OC fair lthe other night?

too bad the people are talking in the back ground.


and Kristena is this the same Bolero that we heard at the OC fair lthe other night?

Yeah, I thought about posting that for you since we just talked about that last night!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Well I couldn't get the You Tube link to work so I can't comment on the video, however if it is a fact that she was taught guitar by Andre Segovia it is little wonder that she shreds.

Segovia is often considered an awful teacher with an unusual style.

Esteban and Charo are Segovia students. Not much musical credibility there. They are essentially jokes despite any real talent they may have.

Segovia is pretty amazing though as a guitarist.

Segovia is often considered an awful teacher with an unusual style.

Esteban and Charo are Segovia students. Not much musical credibility there. They are essentially jokes despite any real talent they may have.

Segovia is pretty amazing though as a guitarist.

No way. Esteban rules!

I had the (dis)pleasure of seeing Esteban live a few years ago - free tix, don't ask. In any case he does have chops. Unfortunately he can't or won't just do flamenco. He has to "new age" it up with drums, percussion, a John Tesh style pianist and a god awful frumpy fiddle player. However the few, fleeting minutes that he played solo were rather impressive. I guess that he was in a bad car accident and couldn't play for years. Dude is blind too so he probably has no idea how bad his band looked. In any case when I worked at GC a kid came in with the Esteban QVC guitar for a trade in. It was a real piece of crap.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

Was Paco de Lucia alive when she won the award? I don't know much about Flamenco but he is in a completely different class than Charo. Charo is much more talented than I will ever be but that didn't really wow me compared to other flamenco I've seen.

As memory serves, Paco de Lucia was already in the Guitar Player Magazine "Gallery of Greats" (if a player won the poll 5 times in a particular category they were named to the Gallery of Greats and were ineligible to win again in that category) when Charo won her award(s).

In television appearances where she plays her guitar, she always seems to have a sweet and sincere appreciation for flamenco. Personally, I appreciate her dedication to her art. If my recollection of the mid-70s is accurate, she was playing guitar at a time when female guitarists were treated as a curiosity rather than as legitimate musicians. Certainly she could (and perhaps did) have a successful career based solely on her looks. However, she chose to channel her passion for her music into the hours of dedicated practice required to perform at a high level. I think she's an inspiration.

returns soapbox to its place in the corner



Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I don't know too much about Segovia apart from this, he took guitar playing single handedly from being a 'nice' instrument into the front spotlight position that it now and we enjoy.

That's probably a rough way to put it, but you get the idea, anyway the point is this, anyone who can do that has to be bloody good, so it follows that anyone who learns or is a student of such a person would be better than mr & mrs joe average student.

I wonder how Segovia would have approached 'Surf' music if jazzmaster's, jag's and strats plus amps had have been around when he was a younger bloke, or if somebody could have persauded him to have a go at it.

Think misirlou with style and flair.

Think misirlou with style and flair.

Surf Coasters? Slacktone?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Think misirlou with style and flair.

That isn't Segovia at all. He was a classical guitarist, he didn't reinvent any of his recordings. He played them as they were intended. Segovia's brilliance lies both withing and outside of his playing. Listening to the man play you know he play with a purely delicate touch which made each note increasingly more important and beautiful than the last one.

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