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Permalink Ventures in Space sound effects

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I have been trying to figure this out and I'm hoping someone here can help. On the Ventures in Space there is a specific sound, you can hear it on Twighlight Zone at around 22 seconds, is sound like some kind of bell thing combined with a theremin-esque sound. I feel like I have heard whatever it is in other spooky applications but have idea idea what it is. It is driving me nuts. Any thoughts?

Yeah that's the late studio musician Red Roads on a steel pedal guitar played through a tape delay machine (Reel to reel tape) - infact you can see them on the floor of the studio pictures from that time. (A digital delay pedal would work as well now). ,,,,he did all the space sounds on that LP.

Last edited: Feb 18, 2019 21:30:49
the first video below on how the Steel Pedal Guitar works and the one below that is the tape machine used for delay. The steel guitar was plug into the input of the tape machine - they may have used two tape machines in series or chained up to get that really spacey sounds with different delay settings on the heads etc

Last edited: Feb 19, 2019 10:06:04

Rhodes was an exceptional player. His work with Michael Nesmith was for the record books. He was probably the Ventures’ first choice.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

The Ventures used Red's fuzz as well . They said his design ws built into the amps they got from Mosrite . is the Fuzzrite a Red Rhodes design? maybe

Not sure really, he built custom amps and pickups for steel pedal guitars and worked for various artists in the 60's and 70's - Mainly The Carpenters at A&M records studio - Linda Rondstadt and James Taylor in the 1970's and many Country artists as well. Many famous amp builders started out working for him in the 1960's and went on to start their own lines etc.

In order to play like a steel pedal on a regular 6 string electric you could just get a bass octave pedal and maybe a Prog type too to emulated the higher and lower tones and notes - most of that space type stuff is just real low notes below open E six string and high notes above open E first string on the last fret etc - So I guess you would need at least 3 effects pedals mentioned to get that sound- two for octave shifts - and a delay pedal plus a whammy bar on guitar or a whammy pedal of some sort to get those space sounds. Sounds like a lot of research and trial and error or just geta steel Pedal guitar and a digital delay pedal

I hear the steel guitar sounds in that song, but the sound I am specifically is something else, at least I think so. It happens again at about 56 seconds and 1:30. Maybe something like a liquid triangle?


I thought the sound at 22 seconds sounded like a saw.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

I think the 22 second sound is a detuned low string on the steel pedal etc with some fancy slides and muting etc. .. I do hear a attack on the bell of ride cymbal that's definitely the drummer - I don't think is a triangle but could be maybe - but is sounds like a ride cymbal being played on the bell in the center etc....

Yeah this whole album was inspired by Bob Bogle when he was talking to their producer one day and felt The Ventures were running out of ideas or topping out. But the producer told him they could experiment more with different type of effects and recording tricks and come out with something different.

So awesome!! I did not know the name of that.

I listen to lots of OTRT (Old Time Radio Theater like Suspense, Escape, X Minus One, Lights Out, and of course CBSRMT [I know that’s 70s]) and they use as well as tons of other SFC (super f*ckin cool) sound machines, whatever they’re called. My favorites are the wind and thunder machines. I’ve seen that huge wind wheel-of-fortune thing for howling wind. And the thunder was just a plate of metal I think?!

Daniel Deathtide

Foley Cool They call the movie sounds effects Foley

Its named after Jack Foley a old time sound effects man - yeah he used sheet metal and wheels all finds of stuff - now all that stuff is on sound files in computers and just mixed in the sound tracks in the cutting room and even then they don't cut anymore either probably.

My understanding is that foley is specifically sound effects like footsteps, gunshots, doors, cars. I’m talking about sound design, soundtrack, and ambience.

Daniel Deathtide

I thought you were talking about wind machines etc usually that's considered Foley as well - most of the effects on Space-sounds on Ventures in Space to me fall into Foley as well - technically not music but just a backdrop of sound etc - a lot of this kind of stuff comes from horror picture soundtracks as technique in the 50's and went the space race started similar skills were used on records.

I’m not a post production sound tech, but I have hung out with them. My understanding is that “Sound Effects” is a blanket term that includes foley and ambience.

Regardless of what it’s called - all those machines are COOL.

Daniel Deathtide

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