I'm having trouble trying to come up with an instro surf song. How do you guys and gals go about writing them? Thanks!
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Joined: Mar 28, 2017 Posts: 11 |
I'm having trouble trying to come up with an instro surf song. How do you guys and gals go about writing them? Thanks! |
Joined: Apr 30, 2009 Posts: 344 Austin, TX |
Lately I've been coming up with melodies in my head. So I sing them into my phone to get a recording and then pick the notes out on guitar, often with little changes along the way. —The Spoils - FB - RN Last edited: Sep 19, 2017 22:43:35 |
Joined: Mar 02, 2006 Posts: 11053 Berkeley, CA |
I like to come up with a chord progression first, then I try to weave my way through it with an interesting melody. Multitrack recording is a huge help in this regard. —Danny Snyder Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF |
Joined: Jul 23, 2014 Posts: 637 LA -ish |
It begins with two notes, that go together in a special way. And if you leave yourself open to help from above, and maybe sometimes help from below, it will come. Most of my best stuff starts out from something that I originally thought was a mistake. There is a point where you have to take over and use your skills and intuition to bring it in to the best light, but that's the last part.Until that part, the less thinking,the better. —mj
Joined: Dec 11, 2013 Posts: 2533 Akron, Ohio |
Start with the biggest and best surf sound you can produce and just start noodling. Let the sonic pleasure be your guide and the riffs will come. Find a good riff and develop the story with the verse, chorus and bridge. —The Kahuna Kings https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Kahuna-Kings/459752090818447 |
Joined: Oct 08, 2014 Posts: 1073 Northern Ohio |
And always steal from the best. —Da Vinci Flinglestein, The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube |
Joined: Jul 04, 2010 Posts: 369 Ottawa |
I had asked the same question to a guitarist I admired a lot. He told me "learn a lot of songs that kinda sound like you want to sound". I now regularly learn new music to play and regularly feel inspired to write. A good knowledge of chords and chordtones was also incredibly useful. — |
Joined: Mar 26, 2012 Posts: 206 Bogor, West Java |
humming in the toilet is a key — |
Joined: Sep 03, 2006 Posts: 332 Herten - Germany |
I put the question to Paul Johnson when I met him at the Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2014 in Livorno, Italy. |
Joined: Jan 09, 2014 Posts: 615 Vancouver BC |
Ever since I started using Guitar Pro 6, my writing output has accelerated. I have just enough theory to help me along but sometimes unintended errors sound so cool that I keep them or expand on them to take me in slight changes of directions. Lorne Last edited: Sep 22, 2017 01:20:40 |
Joined: Jul 04, 2010 Posts: 369 Ottawa |
I also use GuitarPro extensively. It's absolutely essential for my songwriting but I do understand it is not everybody. — |
Joined: Jul 04, 2010 Posts: 369 Ottawa |
Also, Band in a Box is amazing for exploring different rhythms and jamming out ideas. When you have something good you just ditch the backing track and work on making it sound like surf. —-Pierre Last edited: Sep 22, 2017 09:34:39 |
Joined: Nov 08, 2017 Posts: 368 San Francisco Bay Area |
When I joined SG101 in 2017, there was this thread about writing surf songs, and what peoples’ experience and recommendations were. I started playing guitar 6 years ago, and have since learned many songs that I can play recognizably. For the past few years I’ve wanted to write a song, but nothing ever materialized. I made it a goal to write an original for the 2018 compilation. I’m happy with the result, so I thought I’d write out what worked for me in the hopes it might help someone out there also trying to write a first song. This is an expansion of what DannySnyder recommended above. I’ll say that I’m melodically challenged. Tunes just don’t pop into my head, so I had to approach this more algorithmically. It was essential for me to start with a rhythm track, otherwise, I’d pick up my guitar, and no melody would come out. I took the chord progression from a song I liked and massaged it just a little. I then looked for inspiration in some other song I liked in order to have a target sound in mind. I considered a James Wilsey sound, or something like Catalina by John and the Nightriders. I went with the former. I would loop a few measures of rhythm and play notes until something seemed right and consistent with my target sound. I’d then loop a few more measures and add notes until it all sounded right. Once there was a feel developing, further measures were easier to come by. The verse came together fairly quickly, and with the repeats of verses in songs, most of it was done after a few hours. I tried to change things up for the bridge, treating that as something of a new song. Since in my case the lead was relatively spare, I went with a walking bass, again looping through a few measures at a time, and building up. I’m now doing the same approach with a target of the feel of Catalina, with its faster tempo and tremolo picking. We’ll see how that turns out. —If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play. |
Joined: Jan 15, 2019 Posts: 1515 |
ShaneHarkins wrote:
Most of Surf Instrumental Music originated from Big Band (Swing) from the 30's and 40's along with some 50's Rock n Roll hits. Big Band robbed a lot from Classical music - but just lifted small sections of the works for hook line or leads etc...1920's Hawaiian music was inspiration for early Surf. I don't write music but I know that's how it's done, lifting sections of musical phrases and hooking them together in new forms and combinations. Its much like writing novels - you have riffs that are like words hooked together to make musical sentences as musical phrases. There is a structure to songs much like all sellable novels have as well. Even Classical composers used earlier works to make masterworks. Surf instrumentals usually only have two basic changes Verse and Chorus that each can have the same type phrase and octave apart. Sometimes a Bridge like in Pipeline the B/C part. They can vary a bit but not much to be traditional Surf otherwise its Jazz to me. Last edited: Jan 22, 2019 16:35:22 |
Joined: Feb 25, 2006 Posts: 19292 Des Moines, Iowa, USA |
Thanks for sharing your approach Idk! —Site dude - S3 Agent #202 "It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea |
Joined: Mar 02, 2006 Posts: 11053 Berkeley, CA |
One element that I've come to pay close attention to when songwriting, is the rhythm patterns of each instrument and how they interact. That includes both guitars, bass, drums of course and keys. When arranged well, it grabs the listener and hits them on a gut level. If ignored, often it puts off the listener instead. —Danny Snyder Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF |
Joined: Jan 15, 2019 Posts: 1515 |
Yeah and you have to have the Surfer Beat on the drums as well that In believe the drums are the most important part of Surf Instrumentals - Like you can have a Lead Guitarist and a Drummer and you can play Surf, any other combination will not work without either one - so drums are as important as the instrumental melody - without those two your out of business. The drum track is very important and it should have the surfer beat somewhere in the drum trck as well. Last edited: Jan 22, 2019 17:03:29 |
Joined: Jul 14, 2015 Posts: 478 Near Atlanta, GA |
Surfing_Sam_61 wrote:
Hi Surfing_Sam_61, I'll give you the "some 50's Rock n Roll hits" (I'd say more than some), but I'm going to need to see a citation for "MOST of surf music coming from Big Band (Swing) from the 30's and 40's." John Blair's "Southern California Surf Music, 1960-1966" only makes only one reference to Big Band music as an influence,
I think of SurfGuitar101 as being THE source for ACCURATE information for Instrumental Surf Music, and I would hate to see some teenager writing an essay starting with "Most of Surf Instrumental Music originated from Big Band (Swing).." and giving SG101 as the source of this definitive information. I don't mind informed opinions, but I would list Middle Eastern and Mexican influences before going to Big Band as the point of origin. Anyway, I appreciate your enthusiasm for surf music and you've certainly pumped out a lot of information in the one week you've been a member of this forum, but I need to see from whence you are pulling your facts. Teenagers in early 60's California were probably exposed to all forms of music, but I would bet they looked at their parent's Big Band music the same way my kid's look at my beloved surf music. —-Tim Last edited: Jan 26, 2019 01:18:44 |
Joined: Apr 13, 2018 Posts: 1378 New Orleans |
Hey SJ1961 - you really need to learn the difference between stating your opinion, and stating your opinion as fact. With all the opinions you have, you really should learn this subtle but critical difference. Also - as a MASSIVE music snob - I can say that as much as I wish there were, I have had to revise my opinion to “there really is no One Surf Beat.” If there was, in my world it would be the opposite of yours - the double snare comes first! —Daniel Deathtide |
Joined: Feb 25, 2006 Posts: 19292 Des Moines, Iowa, USA |
I've heard the classic surf beat as being described as "two on the two". —Site dude - S3 Agent #202 "It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea |