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Permalink My First Surf Tune

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Hi guys and a big hello to you all. This is my first post here so just a quick introduction - I have been a long time lover of surf music (mostly the instrumental kind) for a number of years and have also played guitar (badly!) for a fair few years too. It's kinda strange but I've never really thought to combine the two and actually play any surf music. My usual music I enjoy playing is Alternative / Indie / Punk type.

Anyway after a fairly recent binge listening to lots of surf music I thought I'd have a go at trying to play some and it was a really fun experience.

After a while I thought I'd have a go at recording something surfy of my own, the result of which is below. It's something I'd like to do more of and to hopefully improve. Which is where you guys come in! I'd really appreciate any comments, criticism and advice that you have to offer.

The recording is fairly basic as I have a rather limited recording capability but if anyone has the time to listen and comment then I'd be really pleased to hear it. And don't worry I have a thick skin!

Many thanks.

Welcome. You did well!

The Kahuna Kings

Hey, welcome to the site! Did you know we just started our annual member's mp3 compilation? Check the front page for info.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sounds pretty damn surfy to me! Do more and more often!

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


I like it. It’s different, and I mean that in a good way. The ambiance is very open and clear. I love a song where the lead guitar is right out front and carries the load. This is a perfect example.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Dec 23, 2018 22:12:47

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to listen to the tune and thank you very much for your kind comments - it's encouraging to know that I'm on the right tracks and I will definitely try to do more! You really are a kind, supportive and welcoming group.
Stratdancer - had a listen to your stuff on SoundCloud and wow! Very, very good

I like the song! Thumbs Up - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

After getting the notification of Six String Surfer’s comment, I decided to give it another listen.

I really love the ambience of this song. It’s clear and up front, but never overwhelming. The reverb is deep and prominent, but once again, not over the top. It comes across as confident, but not unrestrained. It sounds like Surf, not like a characature of Surf, which is a trap I’ve heard some bands fall into. Truly, I think this is a really great example of the overall sound which delivers Surf in the most advantageous manner and shows its best face.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Great tune. well done!!

the Undead Bureaucrats

The Rum Sweats

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