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Ran and I need to figure out, how we are going to sneak in for your DJ set

or maybe well just bring a chase lounge and hang out on the grass outside the pool area Smile



Just have Tena and Clint say that you and Ran are their assistants. Carry in a case a records/CD's and shaabang, you're in.

Otto is pretty cool. Maybe just ask.

See you guys Saturday.

Talk soon

The whole area is not so big that we have to be right next to the pool to listen to the music. We don't need to see the vendors, we see them all the time.

The Scimitars

Last edited: Jul 27, 2007 15:13:57

I just got some bad news and I might not be able to make it... My ex husband is being sent out of town for "training" the 19th.... Sad I might still be able to pull it off... Cross your fingers for me..

I just got some bad news and I might not be able to make it... My ex husband is being sent out of town for "training" the 19th.... Sad I might still be able to pull it off... Cross your fingers for me..

I'm bringing my kids.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

they need a tiki rug rats day care center area, by the pool, grass area.

They could rake in money.



they need a tiki rug rats day care center area, by the pool, grass area.

They could rake in money.


That lady is doing some sort of day care thing like she did at Tiki Farm for the parking lot sale.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

for free, or for a charge?

I bet she drinks like a fish later that night.
Wink Wink Wink Wink



for free, or for a charge?

I bet she drinks like a fish later that night.
Wink Wink Wink Wink


I don't know! I didn't ask. It's a good question, though. Is that lady on Tiki Central? Ask her there, Jeff.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

here is the info on TC about the day care lady situation for Oasis7



Hey folks...

Less than two weeks away now!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Hey folks! Today marks the beginning of Tiki Oasis 7!

Today, I'll be heading down to San Diego to join Clint Beachwood for "A Day at the Beach" at KCR. In addition, Rick Wilkinson will be in studio to debut the new CHUM CD! Please tune in from 4 - 6 pm, west coast time.

The offical Tiki Oasis 7 festivities begin this evening at the Bali Hai on Shelter Island in San Diego with the Martini Kings, live!

See you all there!

-Kristena Very Happy

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

WOW, what a weekend.

Well, Clint and I did get to DJ on Saturday, but it got off to a rocky start. The equipment wasn't set up at 10 am. After a lot of deliberation, it was decided that the DJ booth will be set up in the pool area. Things started closer to 11 am.

Sunday, more crazines was in store (long story). Clint was unable to join me, so Jeff (bigtikidude) was with me from 12 pm - 4 pm. Jeff and I thought it would be a good idea not to burn out the tiki crowd with too much surf. So, we started playing some exotica. About 15 minutes later, someone asked us to go back to playing surf. I was really shocked. Not only that, but numerous people came to the booth, asking if Jeff and I DJ regularly, where they could purchase the music, if we had a DJ comp, etc. It was amazing how much positive feedback we received! It was a great opportunity to plug SG101.
Originally, I was told to play "mellow" music, but I decided to press my luck and starting playing tunes like "Scattershield" (the Pilgrim's version). The compliments kept coming and not one person complained!

I would like to personally thank Clint and Jeff for helping out. I had a lot of fun.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

So how were the bands at Tiki Oasis 7? I dig the Blue Hawaiians but the live at the lava louge 2 CD is very jam band like. How were they?

Blue Hawaiians were more loungy on Fri, and more Pysche on Sat.

The Tiki Tones were ok playing wise, but the keyboard player plays a new keyboard and synth instead of the old Farfisa and Leslie he used to use.
some songs were great, and some were horrible.
they also did a set of Calypso as the Calypso Cats, minus the keyboards.
that was good, but all old standards reved up a tad.

as for the djing Kristena and I had a blast, going back and forth.
she'd play a song, and then I'd play a song.
shed play somethign rippin' like Intruder by the Maderia,
then I would play Forbidden shores by the Huntington Cads, total change of pace and it worked. She'd play a song by the Volcanos, then I'd brake out the Sleezy Surf comps by Deke and play a old 60's obscure song, and she was like wow whats that!!
: Smile :

I think we need to start djing more. Wink

good Rum, good friends, good tunes = Good times.
Shocked Cool Laughing



Nice to hear that the tikiphiles dug the surf music. By looking at the music sub-forum at Tiki Central, one gets the impression most aren't into it today. Maybe they were just drunk and wanted something less mellow? Laughing

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

at first glance you'd think it was the drunk, and they wanted something less
But when I go to people's home tiki bars, they always have a little bit of surf. Sure there are a few hard core tiki snobs that don't think that surf should mix with exotica/lounge music in tiki bar. But most seem to dig it.
The problem is, alot of TC people don't go to the music section on TC.
or they don't know where or how to get ahold of good surf music. When I tell people about record stores or sg101 they get all excited, but forget and never follow thru. So force feeding them almost 4 hours of it last Sun. was a very cool thing indeed. I didn't hear one complaint about volume or what we were playing.
Somebody did tell Judd from the Mai kai Gents that they thought there was too much live surf on the main stage.
But F that guy, Smile



Last edited: Sep 04, 2007 00:01:13

I think becuase of you guys playing more upbeat surf music may have kept most people from taking a afternoon siesta considering the days heat.

THink of yourselves as energy drinks for the ears Very Happy


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