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Permalink Southern Surf StompFest! 2018 (flyer added 6/26)

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Yeah, and I think it's potentially alienating to people that aren't a part of the forums. The BBQ before SG101 was great, maybe one of us (Chad's got enough on his plate) should organize a simple beforehand meet & greet for Stompfest.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

This was our 4th time playing in Atlanta and guess what? Those Georgia boys know how to have a great time.

Unless there were complications behind the scenes this Stomp was firing on all 8 food...lots of great people..great music...serious backline... and did I say great people?

Our 8 hour drive was well worth it especially when we got to our hotel and made our way to Trader Vic's in the lower level..we wuz SWANK-I-FIED!!

Always good to see our Atlanta brethren of the surf who keep this show running smoothly.

Lets raise our glasses to Chad and his posse....!

Thanks for the video SilverFlash, I always wondered what our moves look like on stage...WoW!

I guess I'm going to have to give a brief dance lesson next time we play Strip Surf...I have visions of the whole crowd sliding left and right.

I say the meet and greet can happen in Trader Vic's the night before.

ViVa Surf!!

By the time I got to my wife, she had gotten several offers for the Surfy Trem. Thankfully she did not allow it to be poached! It sounds fantastic.

Playing with the Mystery Men? to a killer crowd was the best!

It was a really great lineup of bands that represented a whole range of styles and geographic locations.

At the pre party, Trader Vic's barely knew what hit them. Wild dancing women.

TONS of financial support for the bands at the merch table and in the tip jar.

Just some really great folks all around.


ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

Yeah, and I think it's potentially alienating to people that aren't a part of the forums. The BBQ before SG101 was great, maybe one of us (Chad's got enough on his plate) should organize a simple beforehand meet & greet for Stompfest.

Yeah, I think that's exactly what the Trader Vic's event is for! It's a great environment for it, and there's plenty of time both before and after the music... which is still at a conversation level (depending on where you are, of course.). Either way, so glad you made it and I hope it becomes a regular stop for you every year!

This event has just grown and improved so much every year. What a great time! The Mystery Men? had a TON of fun. We had some friends join us on stage to at least help us try to give the truest live representation of Firewalkers... and I think we did! Went off better than we could have expected. The response was tremendous, and we are so grateful! All of the thanks to Chad, who really does work TIRELESSLY on this event in particular, but all of the Southern Surf Stomp. Kudos and kudos again! As is said often... already looking forward to next year!

MadScientist wrote:

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

Yeah, and I think it's potentially alienating to people that aren't a part of the forums. The BBQ before SG101 was great, maybe one of us (Chad's got enough on his plate) should organize a simple beforehand meet & greet for Stompfest.

Yeah, I think that's exactly what the Trader Vic's event is for! It's a great environment for it, and there's plenty of time both before and after the music... which is still at a conversation level (depending on where you are, of course.). Either way, so glad you made it and I hope it becomes a regular stop for you every year!

Ha well it worked pretty well as a meet & greet actually, I just wasn't aware I was doing it

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I MUST make the pre-party next year!! It sounds like I'm missing way too much fun.

Here are two more bands, Go!Tsunami with two songs, "Nude Beach Fiasco" and "Zombie Village". I loved their look and sound.

And closing out the night, The KBK. They were one of the first bands I saw after I discovered the Southern Surf Stomp monthly shows at Kavarna in Decatur, Georgia. I really enjoyed their show then, and they sounded great at the StompFest! (They had a new bass player. He was pretty good. Big Grin )

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

FINALLY finished my thoughts, posted them here:

and I've got a whole lot more pictures over here:

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

SilverFlash wrote:

I MUST make the pre-party next year!! It sounds like I'm missing way too much fun.

Here are two more bands, Go!Tsunami with two songs, "Nude Beach Fiasco" and "Zombie Village". I loved their look and sound.

And closing out the night, The KBK. They were one of the first bands I saw after I discovered the Southern Surf Stomp monthly shows at Kavarna in Decatur, Georgia. I really enjoyed their show then, and they sounded great at the StompFest! (They had a new bass player. He was pretty good. Big Grin )

Wish I coulda gone. Dumb job. Great review Hunter! How I wish we had something like that in our town!

Daniel Deathtide

DeathTide wrote:

Wish I coulda gone. Dumb job. Great review Hunter! How I wish we had something like that in our town!

I kept thinking the same thing and then thinking "oh jeez, I'm the most obvious person to organize it"

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Good luck sir, Wink


ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

DeathTide wrote:

Wish I coulda gone. Dumb job. Great review Hunter! How I wish we had something like that in our town!

I kept thinking the same thing and then thinking "oh jeez, I'm the most obvious person to organize it"

I have been wanting to do this too man, and I’ll help in any way I can! I think Santos or Portside Lounge would be perfect...

Daniel Deathtide

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

FINALLY finished my thoughts, posted them here:

and I've got a whole lot more pictures over here:

i couldn't be there this year. thanks for the great review.

Thanks to Tim and everyone else who have posted reviews and video!
Looks and sounds like an awesome event and a tough one to miss.

Congratulations to Mark Burger on winning the Senn/Eastwood Model One guitar. Enjoy!


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