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SurfGuitar101 Forums » The Shallow End »

Permalink Been having band practice in a surf shop lately...

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Granted, most of my surf playing still happens at home but I’ve convinced these guys to add Mr Moto to the set so far and I’m working on sneaking a few more surf songs in since I’ve joined haha. Felt this was a pretty appropriate practice space and you guys might like the pic.

Way cool. I should have dreams like this!

To paraphrase an old saying: Surf Is Where You Find It! Same for gigs.

That’s awesome!

Neat gear! Thanks for sharing the pic. Does your tool box go to 11? (just kidding, that's a good looking Surfy Bear Reverb in the ubiquitous red tool box build.)

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

I can't decide if I'd rather stare at the guitar and amp, or the boards!

Deal with reality, or reality will deal with you.

Yeah I almost buy a new board from our drummer every time we practice haha. The amp is a Fender Performer 1000, which I guess is a pretty uncommon model. Clean channel is solid state and 2 gain channels are tube. They're known for intermittent wiring issues, which I've dealt with. Got it for $250 on Craigslist...I'd love to upgrade to a Deluxe Reverb or Twin Reverb, but it works fine for now!

Here's a video of the last practice we had, outside the shop haha...not a surf song but you can hear the surfy bear, and I beef a couple riffs, but it was fun!

Sounds cool.
I hope the drummer didn't get arrested for indecent exposure Wink

Deal with reality, or reality will deal with you.

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