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Permalink Health Update about Paul Johnson, please keep him in your thoughts.

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From an Email from Matt Quilter:



Last edited: Jul 04, 2018 14:16:07

Get well, Paul! You can beat this! Sending positive thoughts and love from NorCal...


Best wishes to Paul from the UK.

Los Fantasticos

This is sad news. For all of the celebrating of the fun aspects of life we do around here, the reminder that our lives are fragile things comes crashing in ungraciously and most unwelcome. I don't know him but PJ seems like a robust man and I hope he rises to this challenge and overcomes it.

Prayers and positive vibes for Paul, one of the nicest most surf-stoked people I've ever met.

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

Get well soon Paul - positive vibes to you and your fam!

From past me to future you

Sorry to hear this. Saw him playing just a month ago at the Balboa Island parade after party. One more candle on Sunday.

Happy Sunsets!

Beth told me of this last night. For Paul Johnson we offer our prayers and positive thoughts and wishes for successful cures treatment. Dandelion root tea and probiotics to you.

Maintain the body alkaline and stay away from asidic foods. (God it ain't easy and I do like a glass of beer every once in awhile) Cancers cannot exist in an alkaline... Too much oxygen which is an enemy of cancer. All homeopathic advise can support AMA procedures. Look up BEXION of northern Ky. They have devised a cure but it is in first or second stage FDA trials and most of their patients are glastiobaloma but the avenues may be opening up by now.

Some other research to take or leave.

Cancer vids



Six days

Grape seed

Apricot seeds

With love brother.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
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Last edited: Jul 06, 2018 12:49:59


Prayers and best wishes to you.


Canadian Surf

All the best to Paul!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Best wishes to Paul and family.

Thoughts and prayers for Paul today.

All the very best to PJ during his treatment. Keep going strong, PJ!

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Just spoke briefly with PJ. He sounds great, and I know he will be very touched by the outpouring of good vibes. Some of us live close by, so we've been able to take him to his various appointments, and keep him company along with his immediate family and his Christian brethren. We should know soon where he'll get his treatments, and what they will be. He had a chemo port installed yesterday, and is up and around today, and temporarily out of the hospital. Keep the positive energy coming!

Last edited: Jul 04, 2018 14:16:45

Thanks for the update Matt! Please let Paul know we love him and are pulling for him.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

My thoughts and wishes are with you Paul!

Much respect,

Matt, there's nothing better than having good friends at a time like this. I'm sure Paul is wondering how he would do with out you guys. We all have events that cause one to take measure of our lives. He surely looks at you fellows and smiles.

Wishing the very best for a really nice guy, Paul Johnson.

Best wishes Paul.

The Kahuna Kings

I am not a religious man but I will speak silently a prayer for Paul!
Last Sunday my son visited telling me that he had just received
a mail from his cousin that her dad has leukaemia was confirmed.
I am confronted with my own death for 35 years (Multiple Sklerose)now but I have learned to look from day to day and enjoy every single hour I am still alive.
Keep fighting dear Paul!

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