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Permalink Extra Fun to be had on Sunday - 2018 SG101 Con #11 MEMBERS JAM

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OK Carol.... Here it is:
2018 - convention eleven - MEMBERS JAM report and schedule

This year it looks like playing slots are filling up quickly. I think we have room for 60 one minute tunes.
ANYONE interested in performing with or heading an ensemble should jump on this ASAP

Oh yeah, those players into this should "tick" their Personal messages preference so that they receive notice of all communications in their email as well as routinely checking their PERSONAL MESSAGES at the page headliner whenever they bring up the SG101 page.

bigtikidude wrote:

No pier show,
It's at surf dogs,
Bands will play alternate sets again like last year.

bigtikidude wrote:

Paging Carol or Gellert.
Yes it will be at Surfdogs on Sunday at noon.

TheFintastics wrote:

Sounds great! I love the line-up!

Anyone interested in putting together a Madeira Tribute Band for the annual member's jam?

You are Gellert! And I'm playing bass and Scotty Bravo of the Surfside IV on drumbs, and who is on rhythm?
TheFintastics wrote:

Hi Reff, it's Gellert.

I will be performing only three songs (with three other SG101 members). Other than that, the stage is wide open for others to use.

Oh, now I know who Reff is.

kick_the_reverb wrote:

Jonpaul, Josh and I are planning to play 3 songs.

And the fourth player is ?

This is what we know so far.

Hey BTD. how many slots? Are you playing?

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jun 28, 2018 10:13:33

As of right now, none,
Maybe Emilio and I will do one,
But not sure yet.


i'd like to play rhythm with someone

Carol, write to Emilio see if you can agree on a song, I'll play bass


Carol and Jeff how would you feel about playing "Wet Girls" by the Kilaueas, with me on lead? Slow, not too long, nice little drum break in the middle, and not the usual fare for the SG101 jam.


I'll have to check it out and see if I can learn it


I'm sure you can handle it, Jeff. I have great faith in you. The Kilaueas play it in Dm. I'm sure I could transpose it, if necessary.

bigtikidude wrote:

I'll have to check it out and see if I can learn it


The saddest of all keys Wink


Last edited: Jun 15, 2018 02:13:51

As is becoming tradition, I'll be there, happy to provide any needed support on the drums!


Cool Scotty


Don, MontereyJack66 ("Pat") is our fourth member (performing on rhythm guitar).


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

RobbieReverb wrote:

Carol and Jeff how would you feel about playing "Wet Girls" by the Kilaueas, with me on lead? Slow, not too long, nice little drum break in the middle, and not the usual fare for the SG101 jam.

i will check it out

Members Jam 2018
Update So Far....

Gellert Domany - lead guitar
Monterey Jack 66 - Pat Carraher - Hermosa Beach CA -rhythm guitar
Scotty Bravo - drums
Don Schott - Cincinnati OH - bass
The Saracen
Journey To The Center Of Surf (The Madeira songs)
Red Sunrise as done by Space Cossacks

Ran Mosessco - kick the reverb - guitar
Joshua Lute - JosheBoy - guitar
Johnpaul Balak - bass
Drums by .....
3 songs titles

Bob Steingraber - Robbie Reverb - lead guitar
Carol (tentative)- mom surfing - rhythm guitar
Jeff Hanson - (tentative) - Big Tiki Dude - bass
Drums by .....
Wet Girls as by the Kilaueas

If folks could help out by making information more complete.. that would be great. Maybe add in the place where you are from.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Here are the details for our mini set, Don. Ran is in Israel and can't reply to your query at the moment, so here are the details.

Three songs from The Astroglides!
Ran (Kick the Reverb) - Lead Guitar (Original member of The Astroglides)
Josh (Josheboy) - 2nd guitar
JonPaul (JONPAUL) - Bass
Amir (NA) - Drums
Song1: Bat Yam Stomp
Song2: Mystic Spinxter
Song3: Arab Bush

Don: Can we change the title of this thread? Seems a bit crass.

Everyone else going to the convention:
Sign up for this jam! Its a great opportunity to play through some great sounding gear at full volume, and a great chance to just get on stage and have some fun! If you don't feel like traveling with guitar or bass, just let us know. People can use my JM if they want and I'm sure we can arrange a community bass.

And don't worry about messing up. Train wrecks are fun to watch and great to learn from! I myself have participated in some ooof moments on stage in front of a room full of surf guitar heroes, and if I can do it, anyone can!

Last edited: Jun 27, 2018 12:48:52

I'll bring the P-bass, for anybody to use


Last edited: Jun 27, 2018 13:28:12

I will need to borrow a 25 1/2" scale guitar for my three songs. Any JM or Strat will be very appreciated.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

josheboy wrote:

Don: Can we change the title of this thread? Seems a bit crass.

Well , for a moment I wondered if my playfulness would either offend somebody or bring a smile to some AVENGERS latest movie fans face. It seems to have enough attention now and I will do what I can to change it (if I can figure out HOW)

josheboy wrote:

People can use my JM if they want and I'm sure we can arrange a community bass.

I'm expecting that I will bring a five string Fender JAZZBASS (sea foam green) that I would be willing to lend out. The other alternative is a KoA fretless that is my usual. But I'm expecting the JAZZBASS.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jun 27, 2018 14:07:12

josheboy wrote:

Don: Can we change the title of this thread? Seems a bit crass.

A new title has been created.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jun 29, 2018 10:26:37

DoNtFearTheReverbBass wrote:

Members Jam 2018
Update So Far....

Gellert Domany - lead guitar
Monterey Jack 66 - Pat Carraher - Hermosa Beach CA -rhythm guitar
Scotty Bravo - drums
Don Schott - Cincinnati OH - bass
The Saracen
Journey To The Center Of Surf (The Madeira songs)
Red Sunrise as done by Space Cossacks

Ran Mosessco - kick the reverb - guitar
Joshua Lute - JosheBoy - guitar
Johnpaul Balak - bass
Drums by .....
3 songs titles

Bob Steingraber - Robbie Reverb - lead guitar
Carol - mom surfing - rhythm guitar
Jeff Hanson - (tentative) - Big Tiki Dude - bass
Drums by .....
Wet Girls as by the Kilaueas

If folks could help out by making information more complete.. that would be great. Maybe add in the place where you are from.

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