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LOvely!!!! Cheers

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montereyjack66 wrote:

LOvely!!!! Cheers

I had a Custom Shop VI, but like this one better. I have a combination of reissue 65 and 62 pickups on it and they sound great. The OEM pickups sounded like a razor blade imitating an ice pick. Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I don't why it took so long, but I finally got this.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Double Crown Record Club come through again!


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

The Parthenophonic Sound of Bradipos Four, only complaint; I wish there were more tracks. Straight, great SURF! Tight sound, a band with a sound that could easily be mistaken for an older band, no? If you don't have it, then buy it!
The Incredible Crocotiger by The Messer Chups- one of their best albums. I'd put it right behind Church.. Surf Riders... and Spooky Hook, which are kick ass albums.
Futourism from The Tomorrowmen, I like it a little more than It's About Time. Both are solid, I just like this more. Great musicianship, amazing tones and dynamic playing. Drums seem to stand out more that most surf bands I listen to. My ears fefinitely went places I didn't expect. A very fun album!
Cosmopolis from Laika & The Cosmonauts; like Futourism, my ears went places I might not have expected from a typical surf album. Also like The Tomorrowmen, the unique musicianship was on display. I don't knkow how this is my first album from them, they're amazing! Very creative take on instrumental surf, yet there were plenty of familiar sounds and sonic activity one expects from surf. Floating, Fadeaway and Come on Do the Laika, were all instant favorites for me.
The Nematoads Spy Car Mechanic, Johnny Turbo evokes thoughts of Steve McQueen in a chase or fight scene. Great driving song. These guys may be my favorite fuzzy band. They get great fuzz tones. Fun 60s surfy, garage-y, spy vibes, throughout! Love both albums from this outfit.
Lost legends of Surf Guitar, the one that starts off with Loophole. I think More Lost Legends is the only one I don't have, and The Tormentos Big Sounds... lots of fun, great surf!
Thanks to all the amazing bands out there!

Thanks for the kind words Gatorfiend, much appreciated Cheers

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

No worries

Wow, this thread has sat idle for over seven months!! Shock That's not right! Time to revive it!

Really enjoying these new surf music CDs - love all three and HIGHLY recommend them! Ferenc now has a limited supply of Shigeo's CD for sale in the US for only $18 total (a hell of a deal for a Japanese CD!), and Dan Forte AKA Teisco Del Rey is selling the Paul Johnson tribute CD directly, with all the proceeds going to Paul as he battles leukemia! It features all new, exclusive recordings by Dan AKA Teisco, Slacktone, the Surfrajettes, John Blair & Marty Tippens, the Volcanics, the Madeira, and many more! My question to anybody on this list: why WOULDN'T you want to buy these CDs???


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

To order a copy of the Paul Johnson Tribute CD:

Send check for $20 (shipping included) to Dan Forte, 211 W. Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086. Make it out to "Dan Forte F.B.O. Paul Johnson."
Or PayPal $20 to

ALL proceeds go to Paul "Mr. Moto" Johnson.

Thanks John, had been meaning to order that.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Thank you, John!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I got Messer Chups' 'Taste the Blood of Guitaracula', and feel like it could be in my top 3 from them! Really good stuff as you'd expect, but perhaps more straightforward than other offerings.
I got a CD of The Sandblasters' 'Cactus Stingray', hadn't heard them before, plenty of twangy fun abounds.
Urban Surf Kings' 'Astro Surf A Go Go' delivered as I knew it would.
Enjoyed 'Adventures of Cap'n Coconuts' from Frankie and the Poolboys was added to the sonic stable as well.
Currently my favorite looks like the one I saved for last which is 'Overboard' by the Fathoms! Don't know how I only just got this album, cause they're the best!
Nice injection of surf to add to the collection though.

I've had the vinyl for a few months, but Double Crown just released this on Cd. And I do most of my music listening while driving.
So I'm very stoked to have both.
I had thought Their last Album was unbeatable. But after just a few listens. I think this may pass it. Of at least Tie.
Highly Recomended. Great music, and Good guys.
Get this now.



This one arrived last weeek. It comes in creme white vinyl and is one of the most beautiful records I have. Great music by Los Venturas, imho one of their best.


I tracked down this Detroit area nugget from the early '90s. Probably would have appeared in my mail box sooner, but you know, polar vortex.

The Vicissitones
Diesel Marine
The Rasputones

ElectricLimnology wrote:

I tracked down this Detroit area nugget from the early '90s. Probably would have appeared in my mail box sooner, but you know, polar vortex.

Most excellent score!

Being from MI and hunting that down, you’ve likely seen this thread already, but in the off chance you hadn’t...


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

on Jan 28 2019 22:23
This one arrived last weeek. It comes in creme white vinyl and is one of the most beautiful records I have. Great music by Los Venturas, imho one of their best.

Thanks for the heads up!!
This is our first since years made outside of the US.
Hope you like it!?

Fady, I did see your original Goldentones post. It may have been what piqued my curiosity about the band as I don't remember them. At the time of the 7" I was in highschool in northern Michigan. I wish I could find the two albums they put out. There's a few copies of Atlantis on Amazon but they are ridiculously expensive

The Vicissitones
Diesel Marine
The Rasputones

Got The Tarantulas' 'Dont Murder Anyone...
I think it was a warning. They were one of the first surf bands I listened to and I love their first album. But this one suffered the sophomore curse. Half the songs are vocal ones, and not cool ones at that.
Also got The Eliminators' 'Ultra Sonic'. Don't know if The Shifter is a cover, but damn that's a fun song, those guys have such a classic sound to them. Dreamlike cover of 'The Breaze and I', I'm sure one of all of our favorites.
Sadly, I think I have all their albums now, 3 right? They're a top 5 or 10 band for me.

I got "Age of Lotharius" from the Leonites. This album is in the line with the music they did in the past. I like the melodies very much.

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