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Permalink Anyone have a Revisit Reverb tank (or MOD for the matter)?

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I just received a Revisit tank while waiting on the Surfy Bear kit.

Anyone have one and if so, what is the finish like? Photos online look as if it has a rough, pebbly finish.

The tank I got looks exactly like a MOD. It has a Revisit sticker on it, but in with the rest of my order was a MOD sticker stuck to the bag of another item. I mean the exact sticker that comes on a MOD unit that has been peeled off and the unit is slicker, smooth black.

I like to know before I start accusing a company of bait and switch, but this is pretty fishy. I purposely opted for a Revisit to fall into the sweet spot between an Accutronics and MOD. Plus the Revisit was more expensive ($31 vs $19 for the MOD).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I added photos below.

Last edited: May 22, 2018 06:57:12

Hmmmmm, the pics make it look like a TAD (Hammerite style finish).
Definitely suspicious.
There were one or two people that had a Revisit, hopefully they will chime in with pics.

The Scimitars

Thanks Kick,

I took some photos, maybe guys with MOD tanks recognize it.

Plus the label...


I hate being ripped off. It's not about the price, it's the fact that theres only one place selling Revisit, which touts itself as being vintage in design. I may be very happy with the MOD or Accutronics, but I want to be the one making that decision, not the retailer. Plus I can buy those elsewhere and get tubes and other things I want at the same time.

Last edited: May 22, 2018 07:30:34

I see 0 difference between this and my own MOD tank. Something fishy here, add to that the obvious sticker blunder.
Notice on their site, the advertisement photo is of these Hammerite pans while the specific models all look like MOD, which is what you got.

Some guy on TGP claims they're all (TAD, MOD, Rev) made in the same factory, probably Korea, and the only difference is the stickers, maybe grommet type. This claim does make sense, and the difference between models can be attributed to the anyway all-over-the-place nature of these spring pans.
I don't want to jump to conclusions and would be happy to be proven wrong, seriously. Mistakes happen. But is seems to me false advertising at best, and the price difference doesn't seem fair for a paint job, some rubber and Warranty(?), if at all.

So, does it sound nice?

Last edited: May 24, 2018 00:13:56

Thanks Ariel,

I agree, I hope I'm wrong, I don't want to confront the guy or return anything, I just want what is right. If Revisits don't exist anymore or all he had was MOD, they should just say that. Or if he has other Revisits in stock, like a 3CIC, I don't care about orientation since I didn't build the box yet.

The sticker is doubly suspicious since they don't offer MOD tanks.

That's why I asked here (and on TGP), so I'm not jumping the gun or falsely claiming something.

Having held both MOD and TAD pans in my hands ( I have at least a couple of each), I can attest that MOD and TAD are not the same.
The "Revisit" pan above looks like a MOD pan.

The Scimitars

Again, mistakes happen, but you're a paying customer and deserve answers. It's probably just a stocking and distributing company so I wouldn't expect a lot, but if you'll shoot them an email with all these inquires, the way they handle it will reveal much.

Ran, care to expand on the differences you noticed (expect the finish)? It's a worthwhile place to map those out once and for all...

Last edited: May 22, 2018 08:38:39

Good idea Ariel!
While this merits a more thorough comparison video, as a quick guide I would say th at the TAD reminded me of an older 90s or 2000s Accutronics. Some drip possible but not as easy as a vintage Gibbs.
The company (TAD) was great to deal with - 2 were destroyed in shipping after the box was opened for inspection along the way, and they sent me two more free of charge. However, in the end, I decided I like the vintage pans, period.

Maybe more on the subject at a later date when my life is less hectic...


The Scimitars

Thanks again, both of you.

Ariel, I intended to email them, but after receiving the package I went to the website and they are closed until the 25th. The contact portion is removed.

They claim "Exclusive distributor for Revisitâ„¢ parts and products" so I would assume they would know of what they sell.

I'm going in with an open mind, when I do get through to them, if they say, 'whoops, we screwed up", I'd be more than happy with that and proceed from there. If they say I'm out of my gourd, I may doubt them.

I just want to be informed going in, which so far the consensus seems it is MOD and again I'm not against MOD, I'd probably over time try them all, but I wanted to start with Revisit since it seemed a good starting point.

Their fb page seems pretty active. If you have an account, expose this to the world, with a big ?.

Maybe if other Revisit users will chime in, we'll have more info.

They claim "Exclusive distributor for Revisitâ„¢ parts and products" so I would assume they would know of what they sell.

I would assume they know how to print stickers, and then stick them on things. Even that, not that well after all, apparently.

When you get the Surfy-Bear you might find that you like this pan. If not so much, go ahead and use the "warranty". Either way, extra pans is never a bad thing.

Ran, thanks for the info. Pans are important(!) but your life is more. Big Grin

Thanks for the heads up on the FB page.

I'll wait until they're open again and contact them first, give them benefit of the doubt, which I have to admit, looks slim at this point.

I have the revisit and mod pans. Sound wise they are completely different and I've had three mod pans that all sound the same. The revisit is a great pan tone wise.

The Kahuna Kings

Thanks Stratdancer,

So the above pictured pan is not what your Revisits look like?

I can't answer that. I do know it sounds completely different than my mods.

The Kahuna Kings

Hey ausf

The tank you photographed looks very similar to the MOD tank I just put in my Surfy Bear Build.

Thanks Big,

Howzit sound?

My DYI kits (Bear and Trem) should be here soon, can't wait to get it going, thought I planned well by getting all the ducks lined up.

No worries ausf. It sounds great. I have a Topanga and a SurfRider and it eats them both for breakfast in terms of drip and warmth. I went with the Mod tank because I recently replaced an Accutronics tank in my Mesa Maverick with a Mod. I thought the Accutronics was a bit to polite sounding but that's probably just me (I wanted something a bit more lo-fi and retro sounding. Went from three spring tank to two spring tank in Mav).

I approached my build in the same way - took my time. Got my local amp cab builder to build me a replica '63 tank cab and sourced a cheap 5E3 Chassis from China (25 bucks plus postage - :-).

In short lovin' the SB and looking forward to finally recording some tracks with it. Enjoy your build - you won't regret it.

Hmm,... Amprepairparts seems to use the same pictures as the Tube Amp Doctor. I think it's safe to say they're using the same tanks. Since some have already noted the TAD tanks are probably the same as MOD tanks, I think Amprepair simply ordered a batch of MOD tanks from the factory and rebranded them. And I was so close to ordering one....

The Tube Amp Doctor:



Yeah, it's pretty lear at this point.

Rebranding is one thing, I guess that falls under buyer beware, but claiming you sound different than the company that you're rebranding is crossing the line.

That must be one hell of a sticker.

Seems like the reverb pan rabbit hole keeps getting deeper Laughing
I have no experience with the Revisit or TAD pans. I have a 17" MOD pan in my DeLisle Nickel Box combo amp and it sounds great w/ the amp's tube driven reverb circuit....not particularly wet but big, fat, and smooth. My Chinese made Fender clone outboard unit came with a MIK Accutronics pan and based on how much I liked the MOD in my amp, I tried a MOD pan in the outboard tank and found it to be lacking in the surfy drip department and somewhat muddy sounding with more tail and went back to the stock Accutronics. Pans are so all over the place and inconsistent these days that it's hard to conclude anything.

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