I got me Surfy Bear a few weeks ago, and I love it!! Here's me playing around with it yesterday, Not the most orthodox surf set up: a stock '86 MIJ Contemporary Strat into a Catalinbread Echorec pedal and Surfy Bear, all going into a '92 Vox AC30. Here's what a Surfy Bear does to a heavy metal Strat strung with 10s into an AC-30. Now imagine what it would do to your real surf rig! Enjoy!
(BTW, this was my main amp for the first six months of the Space Cossacks. I used it for all our early shows, including our debut, opening for the Mermen in June of '96. I also used it in combination with a Fender Vibrasonic to record our two albums. It's been my dad's amp in the Troubadours since about 2004, but I've been keeping it at my house for the past few weeks. It's really nice to revisit it for surf music!)
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