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Was surf music part of the surfing childhood?

Daniel Deathtide

Here I am at a not so secret spot with a few of my equine friends taking turns with my surfboard...

DeathTide wrote:

Was surf music part of the surfing childhood?

not for me, but 'pipeline' is one of my earliest music memories from my childhood.

I must have heard that music on AM radio as a little kid running around on the beach.

mom_s, I am originally from Merritt Island. I learned to surf at 16th St. S.

DeathTide wrote:

Was surf music part of the surfing childhood?

I was born a little too late for the 1st wave, at the beach we had our transistor radios glued to 93KHJ - Boss Radio baby!

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

For those of us that were fortunate enough to live in SoCal way back, radio stations KRLA, KHJ and KFWB could be counted on to play instrumental surf music throughout the day. They almost always played an instrumental just before the top of the hour.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: May 11, 2018 09:02:06

tahitijack wrote:

For those of us that were fortunate enough to live in SoCal way back, radio stations KRLA, KHJ and KFWB could be counted on to play instrumental surf music throughout the day. They almost always played an instrumental just before the top of the hour.

our local station plays a surf instro right before the top of the hour on the two days of the week i schedule the music

Tailrocker wrote:

I must have heard that music on AM radio as a little kid running around on the beach.

mom_s, I am originally from Merritt Island. I learned to surf at 16th St. S.

i learned to surf at 4th street north. we mostly surfed at second light or went down south to spanish house.

Hey, mom_s, are there any longboard friendly breaks in OBX? I've been to Kure and Carolina a lot and that's okay but nothing matches the glidey waves of Brevard, FL. I'm too old and slow for sucking dry shorepound.


That's cool about KHJ! You'd think growing up in Hawaii I would have heard surf but I didn't. I guess I was too late, I was there from 1975 (age 2) until 1995 and no radio station (even college radio) played any surf that I know of. Storm Surge of Reverb here in NO is the most I've ever heard on the actual radio! But there were a ton of Ventures records at Jelly's so once I got into it (1992) I was able to find something.

Daniel Deathtide

Tailrocker wrote:

Hey, mom_s, are there any longboard friendly breaks in OBX? I've been to Kure and Carolina a lot and that's okay but nothing matches the glidey waves of Brevard, FL. I'm too old and slow for sucking dry shorepound.


nags head is a much friendlier wave than down on hatteras island where i live. it can be quick and shallow here.

Last edited: May 11, 2018 16:40:53


Well, I did learn how to stand up on a surfboard for a couple of seconds while riding a wave, but surfing is much more than that.

Got no pics of me actually doing the thing, but here's one of me paddling...

I had short hair back then... For a short period of time.

Peace and love!

Last edited: Jun 07, 2018 19:16:16

The closest to Berlin consistent break used to be Warnemünde, when the old ferries were still entering the harbor until a year ago. This produced a couple of surfable peelers every two hours. Enough to establish a surf school and rental on the beach. So now when there is a swell on the western Baltic Sea one wouldn’t even have to bring a board!

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

Last edited: Jun 08, 2018 01:24:35

I surf every other day. Im luck y to live on the Tutukaka coast in NZ. We have great uncrowded waves. Within a short drive there are two left hand bars and two right hand bars and numerous little beach breaks. A longer drive up north west gets you to ahipara, a long reeling left hander on NZs west coast. Funnily enough it was incorrectly labeled as being on the east coast in "endless summer' !
I just got myself a new board. 6'6 naish hybrid short long board. Im mainly a mal rider but im inching down to short boards.
Only 2 out of 5 of "the Bull Kelp Surfers' actually surf and thats my brother and I.
See you in the waves!


Pacific coast of Mexico. Riding Corky Carrol's last personal longboard - I traded a Mexican Strat and small Vox amp to him for it.

Last edited: Jun 10, 2018 08:59:12

image Caught this one at the airport.

Grew up in SoCal and swam in the Pacific from a little grunion up until finally getting around to surfing in College during the early 80's, plus scuba (NAUI cert) and all the other usual activities of a well-rounded watermin, snorkel bodysurf boogieboard and swam about a mile a day turning laps in the pool. Stayed active as possible until moving to the east coast. Took one glance at the Atlantic and can't bring myself to step foot in it tho (no offense to youse easterners). It's just all flat and the wrong color, smells weird too. Wink

I don't think it's critical to understand, enjoy or play Surf music but it sure as heck puts a lot of it into very personal context. Particularly the nad-shriveling feeling of being out in conditions beyond your ability and seeing a big-ass set start coming in while you are completely in the wrong position inside, and you start paddling for the horizon like crazy with that ice cold grip of fear grabbing your throat. And this used to happen to me more times than I like to admit due to being a far worse surfer than my ego would allow me to admit - stoopidly, I never hesitated to go out in surf that was over my head. So later when I heard songs like "Moment of Truth" or "Bombora" from Surf Beat '80 (which was my re-discovery of hearing Surf music since being lil' kid) with the heavy staccato pounding, minor-key feeling of impending doom and screaming, yeah it really connected. Later when I decided to learn to play those songs, I turned that internal connection around and fed that same energy back into the music, so playing it has very personal context as well. Which is kinda cool.

Member in good standing, Mentone Beach Syncopation Reverberation Association

Last edited: Jun 18, 2018 18:59:33

Stoopy wrote:

Stayed active as possible until moving to the east coast. Took one glance at the Atlantic and can't bring myself to step foot in it tho (no offense to youse easterners). It's just all flat and the wrong color, smells weird too. Wink

you need to come to hatteras island (outer banks) during hurricane season

Exclamation Exclamation

Last edited: Jun 18, 2018 20:36:13

I was playing primitive surf guitar before I learned to surf (moved back to FL when I was 34).

Ft. Pierce and south the water starts getting pretty clear, but yeah, the waves are mushy or the wind is wrong except OBX as mom_s says.

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