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Not even close to unexpected, but I heard a bunch 'o surf last night. We're up in the TC for the holidays, and met some frieds at Psycho Suzie's. Music was low, but I'm pretty sure I caughf Sandstorm! And a bunch of other stuff.

The song Wipe Out in a T-Mobile TV ad, on air in November and December 2017 in The Netherlands. Here's the video.

Instromania on Bandcamp

The TV trailer to the new movie Game Night we go again....Dick Dale playing Miserlou as the backing track during the preview.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: Feb 10, 2018 19:29:34

Not exactly an unusual place, but it's always great to hear the music played by the original artists. So as usual the after party following the Balboa Island parade featured the Deltones, Challengers, Lively Ones, Surfaris, Chancellors and other mix and match players. Always a treat following the parade. This was the 25th, so it looks like it has become permanent. Thanks to all that showed up.

Happy Sunsets!

I was in a local grocery store 2 weeks ago and heard Miserlou, Walk Don't Run followed by Bo Diddley, back to back. Remember, I'm in south Louisiana!

I was walking around a shopping center. Every store had a different style of music playing inside. After hearing some real blah stuff, I stepped the door to find that outside they were playing "Blue Christmas" by the Ventures. Okay, not super surfy, but it was a nice mental palate cleanser.

The Storm Surfers

Be at one with the universe. If you can't do that, at least be at one with your guitar.

Just got back from a week Italy. Not a day went by that I did not hear surf, or surf influenced music in the various shops and eateries.Nothing I recognized off the top of my head but surfy goodness nonetheless! It made the Sangria taste even better!

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


Samsung microwave surf - Pollo con Papas.

I was on a subway station in London and there was a guy playing guitar and I remember he playing Penetration and Pipeline, among others.

There's a marvelous US TV series on Amazon called "Lodge 49".

Episode 2 opens with "The Lonely Surfer" and in episode 9 a band called "Don Fab and The Longshoremen" play about 5 tunes in the background to a busy Lodge.

Not entirely unexpected because the show is about a slacker surfer who falls in with a bunch of characters who are members and drink at a Masonic type Lodge. It's a very laid back and gentle show, with a great soundtrack overall often trippy/psychedelic. I love it.

Maybe some people on here may recognize the band members. Someone on IMDB reckons one is Dick Dale, but no way it is. Both guitarists are right-handed and they play a Danalectro and a Telecaster.

I've been hearing it in commercials lately, mostly for cars. I don't remember the model but a few months ago there was a definite surf thing happening. Original music only, no covers or actual songs that I recognize.

Also, don't know if it counts, but there is a commercial for the state of Arizona that has been doing a spaghetti western type of thing that caught my ear these past couple of weeks.

Last edited: Feb 14, 2019 17:55:59

This morning, I heard a cover versions of "Pipeline", "Wipeout", and the Beach Boys "GTO" in the video game Far Cry: New Dawn that was just released yesterday.

Proves that Surf can endure a nuclear apocalypse! Big Grin

Last edited: Feb 16, 2019 15:48:34

It's usually Toyota commercials that I notice Surf music in, for some reason!

1138 wrote:

I've been hearing it in commercials lately, mostly for cars. I don't remember the model but a few months ago there was a definite surf thing happening. Original music only, no covers or actual songs that I recognize.

Member in good standing, Mentone Beach Syncopation Reverberation Association

Last edited: Feb 17, 2019 12:24:41

I spent a good deal of time playing the 3do (who remembers that?) video game "Zhadnost, the People's Party" in the mid-90s at a buddy's house. The game itself is pretty bonkers conceptually, but it was the awesome soundtrack I couldn't get enough of and I have thought of it often over the years.

On a recent random googling of the topic I ran across this really great overview of the soundtrack that not only gives some detailed background, but also includes all the tracks for the game at the bottom of the article.

Dystopian soviet-capitalist game show surf rock! How can you go wrong?

From past me to future you

Last edited: May 23, 2019 16:33:29

The Ford summer sale TV add campaign currently, July 2019, features the backing track Miserlou. While it sounds very much like the original Dick Dale version something about it tells me is a very good cover.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: Jul 16, 2019 18:02:47

I walked into our local chain supermarket and heard The Space Cossacks. I thought, ‘very cool,’ until I realized that the music player was going on my phone.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Local TV station KABC 7 ran a great story Sunday and again last night about the Tuesday afternoon guitar circle at the Newport Beach American Legion Post. It features Bob Spickerd and a few seconds of his song Pipeline along with a brief interview. If you're a veteran this is an excellent way to spend a day.

Happy Sunsets!

I took a flight from Dubai to Nice today and on the inflight entertainment there were two “surf” playlists which really caught me by surprise. Not exclusively surf instrumentals (one playlist had the chilli peppers and John Mayer???) but they were sitting proudly alongside the more generic 70s, 80s, new releases, classic albums etc playlists:


The Dead Planet Surfers

Around 1992 there was this ad on Dutch TV. Not really sure whether it was about chewing gum or sneakers. In the clip a very early 90's trendy guy on a small surfboard jumps out of a plane and does all sorts of things early 90's trendy and tough guys do on small surf boards on their way to sure death on the ground, were it not for that good ole parachute. The clip was backed by a tremendously intense surfy tune complete with farfisa and introducing tremolo glissando. It was the only time I've ever heard this kind of intense surf guitar in a Dutch TV ad. I've tried to figure out which band it was; I presume the Insect Surfers or some other pre-Pulp Fiction generation surf band. Because I can't remember what the product was they're trying to sell, so I'm not able to find the clip nor the track accompanying it.

A few years later I saw the Treble Spankers on "Hanneke Groenteman", which was a Sunday afternoon sort of semi-intellectual talk show, perform their cover of Enola Gay, which was quite surprising to me as well. All the more because I was in the public. I was living in Amsterdam at the time, where the show was recorded and my ex got tickets because she knew a book that I loved would be discussed in that show. The program leaflet just said that as per usual a "musical guest" would be making his/her/their appearance. It didn't say who it would be. I can still remember the presenter's announcement: "here is a band which pours a sort of "surf-sauce" over all of their music" Smile

_Introducing; Impala '59; An Evening with; Herr Magnatech Bittet Zum Tanz; Europa

Changing label.

Last edited: May 31, 2023 15:17:09

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