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Hey folks!

I just got my SurfyTrem and it sounds GREAT. Mostly. Smile

Would someone be so kind as to watch the attached brief video and tell me if the voom voom voom I'm experiencing at higher intensity is normal?


Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

Last edited: Feb 09, 2018 15:56:53

I seem to remember mine doing that, but I almost never have the intensity up all the way either.

Thanks, Fritz!

Anyone else?


Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

I think it modulates everything you feed it, including white noise. Is the input open on your trem or is there another source of noise?

Hello Jonathan

It depends on the actual volume of your amp.
It is normal to hear the 'voom' if you play with max settings at very high volume. This is the way this type of analog circuit works.

If the 'voom' is disturbing when you play, there is something wrong.
Please get back to me if thats the case!

What Gilette and Bjorn say...
It's normal. If your amp does voooooooooooooooooooooooooooom, then (any) tremolo will turn it into vooOOOoooOOOoooOOOm on lower depth/intensity settings or voom voom voom voom on higher settings.

The voom (hiss, white noise) of your amp was always there, the tremolo effect only made you more aware of it by cyclically turning up and down the volume of the voom.

Try not to focus on it or it will be all you hear.
Or use an ultra silent amp that has no voom/white noise to begin with.

Last edited: Feb 09, 2018 18:11:24

Hey Björn! I PM'ed you.

Just to be clear, folks, I am not convinced there is anything wrong. It may simply be my own inexperience with tremolo effects.


Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

h3dg3h0g wrote:

Hey Björn! I PM'ed you.

Just to be clear, folks, I am not convinced there is anything wrong. It may simply be my own inexperience with tremolo effects.


Hi Jonathan,

like Bjorn said already it might depend on the volume but I would like to test this pedal. I do not honestly recall that we had this issue anywhere, so it could even be a defect.

Anyway, the tremolo in my Brownface Showman does almost the same unless it is switched off with the pedal switch.

I will consult with Bjorn and eventually decide if it's the case to send you a replacement.


Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Thanks, Lorenzo!

Please let me know if I can do anything by way of testing!

Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

Jonathan we would be pleased to replace your pedal because we realized that it’s strange that noise you get. we need to do some testing but it could simply be a defective unit. shit happens!

can you write me in private at


Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Gonna start recording our EP today with my awesome SurfyTrem!

Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

This makes me really happy!! Smile Cool

Watch dog! Smile

I'm about to order a DYI Surfy Trem kit.

Any discounts for 'displace genetic Swedes forced to live in the US'? Big Grin


Last edited: May 13, 2018 14:18:24

Nice picture!! Big Grin
But I am afraid not.

I was just joking (and letting you know Sweden is represented). By selling the board and components as a kit you are offering the best service I could ask for.

It gives those who are in this just for kicks to get quality products in an affordable way as well as get creative with the housing. The 3D printer will be humming away.

You'll get an order from Jeff in NY in the next day or two, I greatly appreciate it.

Thanks Aufs!
I am glad you like the kits Smile

Just ordered both the Bear and Trem DYIs earlier today.

I wish I found your website earlier, I wanted to grab a reverb tank and mess around but opted for the easy way out with a Holy Grail.

j_flanders wrote:

So, I did some experiments. Smile

Lowest speed is 210 bpm (3,5 Hz)
Highest speed is 540 bpm (9 Hz)

The lowest speed I was aiming for is around 180 bpm.
I tried soldering additional resistors in series with the 100k speed pot:

0k extra : 210 bpm
55k extra : 196 bpm
155k extra : 182 bpm

Your guess/suggestion for a 250k pot was spot on. But I'm afraid that too much of the dial will give me slow speeds and only a fraction will be the more usual speeds.
For now I simply soldered an additional linear pot in series with the speed pot. With the speed pot at zero I use the extra pot to dial in lower speeds. (Turned to zero it's as if it's out of the circuit.) It works fine.

So I've been experimenting as well with trying a low speed mod, and I've got a couple of questions. I've got a 500k push-pull pot that I'd like to use, and the push-pull wiring is easy enough to wire up so I can switch the signal into the second pot or leave it out of the circuit. And I've managed to splice into one of the leads from an outer lug of the original speed pot and put the 500k pot in series with that, giving me slower speeds (I measured resistance on the pot with my multimeter first to see which outer lug to wire into).

The questions are: 1) on the added pot, do I need to wire the other outer lug to ground, and if so, where should I connect it to ground? and 2) which is the correct wire going to the original pot is the correct one to splice into? The one I chose worked (the outer lug that gave the max resistance to the center lug when the pot was turned all the way down). But would the center wire be fine as well? Does the other outer lug go to ground?

I know enough about electronics to be dangerous, but am happy to learn from actual experts in such stuff.

Have anyone build a Surfytrem with two speed controls slow/fast? Is it possible? Toffe Hunnebostrand

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