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Permalink Ventris Dual Reverb/True Spring Reverb pedal

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Could this be the one? I am looking forward to hearing this pedal! Start the video at 2:10. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Oct 18, 2018 21:55:25

It's $400.
I don't really see the point? Unless you want all those other ambient reverb and other types of features it has.

You can find used '63 Reissues for @ $450 or Surfy Bear Pedal for $450 if you want the drip.

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You make a good point, skeeter. A friend of mine linked me to the video and I didn't even bother to check the price. Embarrassed I see some video reviews are already on the web, when I get a chance I will try to watch them and report back here. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Feb 04, 2018 13:23:45

Here's a short clip with the new Ultra Drip reverb. Not a bad drip sound at all.

Sure is pricey! They should release a "single reverb" version just with the outboard tank engine and sell it for a quarter of the price.

There's some pretty good spring sounds in this video, but no drip. One of the features of this pedal is the ability to stack 2 reverbs at once. The drip demo seems to be stacking room and reverse not using the spring setting at all.

Check out this YouTube clip for it

Drip for days. And super controllable

SurfTx33 wrote:

Best one yet!
The guy from Tri Pedal Reviews said he personally requested that from SA. Finally someone took it seriously, so it seems.

Last edited: Feb 04, 2018 13:57:17

Eureka!!! I think they got it! Plus all those other great reverb sounds.
Not cheap for a pedal but cheaper than a used Fender '63 Re-issue and a lot cheaper than a boutique tube unit. My only question do you know the one you are getting has the updated "Ultra Drip" ?

Surfadelphia wrote:

Eureka!!! I think they got it! Plus all those other great reverb sounds.
Not cheap for a pedal but cheaper than a used Fender '63 Re-issue and a lot cheaper than a boutique tube unit. My only question do you know the one you are getting has the updated "Ultra Drip" ?

Dang, this sounds awesome. I was hesitantly excited for that TC electronic Drip pedal earlier, but this is amazing. And you make a great point about bang-for-your-buck pricing in comparison to a tank (speaking as someone currently in the market for my first tank).

Also, I believe you may download the new UltraDrip mode since it's got software updates.

Last edited: Feb 04, 2018 18:59:49

Sounds off.

The initial strong bounce back is great, it’s the tails that typically lack in a digital emulation. Too much (many) fake wave(s) back and forth inside the “spring”.
This is as good as it probably gets in a pedal, but still lacks in the end for me.
Is the average audience going to notice? Probably not.
Is an audience full of surf musicians going to notice? Maybe.
Could one get used to playing a pedal like this and sort of make up for the short comings? Absolutely.

And it doesn't help that it was played on a Strat and potentially sans amp or with a shitty amp. The tone is pretty brutal.

Still wanna try it out against my tank. Found a factory resealed one online for a better price and it’s gonna get here Tuesday. I’ll let you know if it holds up. I was just excited about that it sounds really really close and you have control over the treble and bass. May help out with different guitars and pickups.

Figured I'd pop on and provide some more info.

The Outboard Spring engine you get via an update to the firmware. You download the Desktop App and update the pedal firmware inside it. 1.12 is the version you need to be on. So it's easy to update if it doesn't come with the latest firmware.

With SA pedals, you can just burn whatever engine you want to the selector. So for example, if you wanted to replace the Room engine with the Outboard Spring engine, you can do that. Or you can have whatever engine you want on a preset.

SA provided me a look at it before it was released to the masses, and they just happened to stick it between room/reverse. I'm not stacking it with any other verbs.

From the pedal itself you can have up to 8 presets, each with an A, B, or A+B in parallel or cascade configuration. I believe up to 128 with a midi controller.

The desktop editor allows you to select sizes of tanks. It goes from practical to ridiculous. I think it offers some cool flavors that would be good in a surf context.

Tri Pedal Reviews

Ive got one on the way, i tried it at NAMM and was blown away by it.

Tripedal reviews- Any recommendation on the settings?

Things I'd recommend if going for the original sound
- Keep the pre-delay below 9 o'clock
- Decay time should be set somewhere between noon and 2
- Stick with the normal, medium, or large tanks sizes

Aside from that, it's all taste. I typically like a higher dwell settings.

Andy's demo above was with the True Spring engine which had very little drip (Outboard engine wasn't available at the time he demo'd it). But you can also coax some drip out on that engine by messing with the tank sizes available on it.

Tri Pedal Reviews

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