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Hi everyone! After some intense moments I finally got to login at SG101. Thanx B!

Anyway, I'm CousinBarney(Rob)! I play guitar for the band "The Barneys" We are based in Tucson, AZ. I am one of 4 Barneys. We play a mix of old & new & originals. Don't have a CD out yet or even recorded for that matter! LOL! But with some luck we should have something together by early fall. Just in time for that Thanksgiving rush!

Well, feel free to drop me a line, say hi, etc. BTW I just been blessed with a new Jazzmaster!

Bye for now, cheers, CousinBarney.


Hi, welcome -

I moved your post to the shallow end, which is where we usually do introductions.

maybe you can post some pics of your new JM in the gear forum!?

welcome aboard again...


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Welcome Rob Cool

*wonders if Rob will let me play that new Jazzmaster now Guitar

Welcome aboard Rob! Danged if this ain't the greatest forum to learn about and share stuff about surf music. There's some purdy sharp fellers in SurfGuitar101 that are willin' to lend a hand an an ear. Again, welcome!!

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

Howdy Barney!


Have you seen Thelma Lou lately?

I know some purty nice ladies from over in Mount Pilot that are dying to meet ya!

you pal,

Welcome to SG101 CousinBarney(Rob)!
I love Jazzmasters!


Welcome Rob. This is a fun place, but it seems everyone here is obessed with SURF ROCK. You will get used to it in time.

Is that too much reverb?

I'm pretty new too, but I'm sure that you will find like I have that the people around here are a friendly and helpful bunch. Look forward to hearing the Barneys. Thanks for the heads up. Yes, the Thanksgiving rush can be brutal. (Hey, you guys dont wear purple dinosaur costumes on stage, do you?)

(Hey, you guys dont wear purple dinosaur costumes on stage, do you?)

but if you do you should play together with the tiki tiki bamboos!

welcome to SG101! !

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

No we don't wear purple dinosaur costumes on stage. But, if you hum a few bars......... LOL


Nice to see another desert surfer on SG101....Welcome Cuzzz!!!

The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

Thanks Might Surf Lords!


dudes, we should form a desert surf know, take over the surf scene with our ultra-dry-climate reverb riffs...


Instead of reverb drip you'd get a shrivel

Yeah I agree!


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