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Permalink New Link Wray release

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"Son of Rumble" was apparently the follow up to "Rumble" but not released until now. What a cool tune, recording, and performance! I just preordered my copy. Great news for today.


Canadian Surf

Last edited: Nov 29, 2017 14:36:12

Tiz indeed the BOMB!

Groovy Guitar Headbang Cheers Rock

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That is great news, and thanks for posting this unexpected 'new' side from Link. Now if we can just get him to start touring again...

Wow, this is as cool as it gets.

it's outstanding

Eddie lives, but Link lives too! Great track

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

MissingLink wrote:

That is great news, and thanks for posting this unexpected 'new' side from Link. Now if we can just get him to start touring again...

It would sound great but smell awful

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

This just made a bad day really good Wink Thank you for the news! Just pre-ordered it!
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

Wow that's cool. Not what I would expect as a follow-up to Rumble. Maybe that's why it wasn't released? I wish we could get new music from Link on a regular basis.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Has anyone seen the Rumble documentary? Is it primarily about Link or about native American contributions to rock and roll?

Surf_Skater wrote:

Has anyone seen the Rumble documentary? Is it primarily about Link or about native American contributions to rock and roll?

No, but I would sure like to see it.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Dec 05, 2017 16:41:17

This song has truly been haunting me for the last couple of days. A worthy follow up to Rumble, if not even stronger material, I say! (more notes, for sure Cool )
Mesmerizing stuff, from the playing to the production.

Last edited: Dec 05, 2017 14:48:15

This song is amazing and an instant classic, maybe even stronger than the original. I adore Link's rockabilly surf tunes and his tone his always great. His discography is still pretty obscure, hopefully more unreleased gems of his will be found.

Very underrated

I just listened again and, mercy, that is one great tune. I need to learn it one of these days.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

So awesome. I have such a deep appreciation and respect for Link Wray. Can't say he has not had a huge influence on me. Such a killer tune.

The Me Gustas

Link Wray all the way.

Son of Rumble 7" released today. Anyone heard the b-side "Whole Lotta Talking" yet?

Thanks for the heads-up!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Great track, and it has all the right Link Wray style licks,

Have not heard the b side yet

I don't mean any disrespect to Link or the people who unearthered this gem but can't help thinking it sounds like a very well done homage - it sounds too neat and tidy, perhaps it was recorded more recently and has been made to sound like an older recording.

Finally found an audio snippet of the B-side. Sounds like a straight up funk/rnb number, not sure if this style was typical for Link, but a good track nonetheless (posted a link below).

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