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317 days ago

dp: dude
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254 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
238 days ago

GDW: showman
189 days ago

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111 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
104 days ago

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90 days ago

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69 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
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You'd think the widow of a university professor would know what "transparent" means. It was a really nice festival though. I think the "Lava Ladies" will change apparel between winter coming up and the drafty clubs of northeast Ohio.

Great discussion. Situational awareness and consideration for the audience to whom we play is the key take-away for me.

Dr Bill: "I'm building a cocktail drum kit that I plan to paint to look like a Tiki ..."

Please share a photo of your cocktail drum when you can!

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

In addition to my comment about doing the Donovan's Reef bathing costume change, which I still think would be a lot of fun, I'll add this.

Women's swim suits have undergone drastic change since the days of fringed leggings, sleeves, collars, caps and parasols. The one piece swim suit Elizabeth Allen wore under her old-fashioned costume was sleek, yet fully covered everything. The bikinis worn in all those Beach Party and Elvis movies are very tame compared to today's little more than pasties with straps and G-strings that are acceptable on beaches now. I wonder if the letter-writing woman would have been offended by vintage bikinis? Maybe? But I do think they are very appropriate to the music being played, as would be the dances of the era. So would grass skirts.

IMHO. YMMV. And I also want to see the Tiki drum kit.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

LakeEffectReverb wrote:

You'd think the widow of a university professor would know what "transparent" means. It was a really nice festival though. I think the "Lava Ladies" will change apparel between winter coming up and the drafty clubs of northeast Ohio.

Thanks for coming out to yet another Kahuna Kings gig John!!!

The Kahuna Kings

Great feedback Noel. Here's Lightning from an August gig in a more trad swimsuit.

The Kahuna Kings

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