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Permalink RIP Glen Campbell

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Wrecking Crew guitarist and country-pop star Glen Campbell passed away today. I didn't really care that much for his pop songs, but he could really play guitar! Listen to his harmonies and blazingly fast 12 string playing on "Ghost Riders in the Sky", with the great Roy Clark. RIP Glen.


Last edited: Aug 09, 2017 00:22:33

An incredible guitar-player and singer. RIP Glen.

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

The news was spread in the German TV program "morning magazin" news.
It was also stated that his weekly tv program was watched by 50 million people!
He played for a few months live with The Beach Boys in 1964 replacing
Brian Wilson.

I would post a witty comment or 2 but this one cuts to the bone. Along with Ray Charles, Glen Campbell was always on the turntable at my grampas as I grew up.
Terrible disease.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Glen Campbell was such a talent. That voice, the instrumental abilities..
We are so lucky to have the body of work, recordings he leaves behind.
Together with his family they exhibited such grace and are an inspiration to us all.
We used a portion of Wichita Lineman in a recent demo we did just weeks ago. I thought it appropriate to share here. Glen was one of those performers that will always inspire me to try to be a better player.

Here's a great montage of some of his amazing guitar solos - R.I.P. Glen

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

Check out this album!
The Big Bad Rock Guitar Of Glen Campbell:

Last edited: Aug 09, 2017 10:21:06

spskins wrote:

Check out this album!
The Big Bad Rock Guitar Of Glen Campbell:

Holy smoke, that's a good one!
Thanks for posting. This will make great shop music for the day.


I really like his vocal, and baritone guitar playing on this one. Such a talent!


Canadian Surf

We used to watch his show back in the '70s. It was quite different music to the records I was listening to at the time never the less I'd still watch. I appreciate him so much more now. Great musician so sad he faded out like that.

CrazyAces wrote:

Glen Campbell was such a talent. That voice, the instrumental abilities..
We are so lucky to have the body of work, recordings he leaves behind.
Together with his family they exhibited such grace and are an inspiration to us all.
We used a portion of Wichita Lineman in a recent demo we did just weeks ago. I thought it appropriate to share here. Glen was one of those performers that will always inspire me to try to be a better player.

Truly beautiful playing in that video, very poignant, Jeff. Thank you for that.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Aug 09, 2017 15:05:41

CrazyAces wrote:

Glen Campbell was such a talent. That voice, the instrumental abilities..
We are so lucky to have the body of work, recordings he leaves behind.
Together with his family they exhibited such grace and are an inspiration to us all.
We used a portion of Wichita Lineman in a recent demo we did just weeks ago. I thought it appropriate to share here. Glen was one of those performers that will always inspire me to try to be a better player.

I'm glad Ivan replied to this, somehow I missed Jeff's video (above) the first time. Really nice!

Last edited: Aug 09, 2017 21:33:40

I've said before that Witchita Lineman was one of the few really good love songs a dude can enjoy without having to surrender his 'Man Card'. Great song.

A number of years ago, Dean Deleo, Robert Deleo and Eric Kretz (3/4 of Stone Temple Pilots) along with a keyboardist (I'm not sure who) did a cover of Witchita Lineman, along with Glen Campbell himself. Glen played the signature Baritone guitar parts, and hit the high notes as well.

Good stuff. Worth a look, if you are so inclined.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

Clark, the video is posted above.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks Ivan and Ted for your kind words on the demo/tribute video.
I can't really take credit though.
I'm just playing Jimmy Webb's beautiful composition as close to Glen's interpretation as I am capable.
Such a beautiful melody!


Jimmy Webb is a genius, but you made it sound real good. I like the passing chord stuff you added. Am I right in thinking that Carol Kaye played the baritone solos on Wichita Lineman and Galveston?

You're right, Brian!
And if I hadn't been trying to follow this thread on a mobile device, wearing 6 year old glasses, I probably would have noticed that. Wink

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

Am glad this thread was started. I wish all good things for his long persevering family & especially his wife. One of those situations where, upon reflection, most people can realize they don't really have problems at all.

Grew up listening to him & Chet Atkins, Roy Clark, Jerry Reed and others, always trying to pick out who was doing what on the guitar (even in the midst of forced piano lessons as a youngster). One of those gents who could flat-out play anything. He has left us a lot, and we were lucky to have him.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

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