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Permalink Siniestro - the new album by Satan's Pilgrims

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Great album! Like some live feeling about it and very delicate producing, sounds pretty raw and oldschool but at the same time fresh.
Nice catchy tunes also!

Thanks, that's a reaaly cool record!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

This is simply a sublime album. Third go-round for me. Impressive!


Wow, can't wait to get this one. Been waiting as it were, now how about a tour?

Listening ow on Bandcamp, the time my record arrives in the mail (hopefully today !) :

Really likin' it so far !! We can definitely feel the vibes of the old mansion in that album !


Lead Guitar in Blackball Bandits :
Solo project :

Thank you Satan's Pilgrims! What a great record!
LOVE the big room/natural echo all the way through! And I imagine just a few mics strategically scattered around the room. Great songwriting, arrangements and top notch musicianship from all 5 of the boys!

...that's it from me...gotta go listen some more.... Smile


The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

I listened to the album on Bandcamp today at my desk while pretending to work and then ordered the vinyl!

Now I will have a real record collection!

Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

What an awesome record!! WAGH! so great! Thanks Satan's Pilgrims! You rule! Smile

Delstroyers Facebook
Delstroyers Bandcamp

Such a great album! Classic Pilgrims sound (although I still thoroughly enjoy Pschosploitation too) that reminds you why they're one of the best modern surf groups.

I was concerned a couple of years ago when it seemed like Frankenstomp was going to be the final release. I hope the Pilgrims continue to churn out great albums like this and I promise to keep giving them my money.

As everyone has mentioned that underproduced sound is fantastic. Just enough rawness to give it a warm and immersive texture. And while I really like all the songs, the track that really stands out for me is Manzanita at the end. Just a smooth, delightful finish to another truly great album.

Thank you, Satan's Pilgrims! Don't ever stop!

  • Stephen

Thanks everyone! We feel like we reached a sound we have been chasing for years.
Here's a review from Alan Taylor at Pipeline Magazine (UK)


Wow! Thanks to Rodrigo R. Herrera for reviewing our new album, "Siniestro" for Música Inclasificable based in Mexico City. It was great to meet him at Wild o'Fest 2! LP and CD available at

Here is a feeble English translation:
It is a reality that during the nineties, the musical world of the United States lived a glorious time brought about by the union of diverse factors, but under the fury of the so-called grunge and all the effervescence of MTV , a movement was generated by the Radio broadcasters and the acting of young people who understood that through mutual work, you get better results. With that in mind, in 1992 they were joined by five young friends from Portland with the most diverse musical tastes and, as they themselves told us in the interview that we realized , the founding of an instrumental surf band was never the original plan, But in the end things just happened. 25 years have passed since then and now each of them has new responsibilities, there are children to attend, a rent to pay and for 8 hours a day they must perform other tasks that allow them to pay their expenses, but above all that continues their Passion for creating music , which is why the five members continue on this path, although not with the regularity of their beginnings, although this was not an impediment for this year to be presented for the first time in Mexico City (we recommend reading our Wild O 2 ). After eight years of his previous LP, Psychsploitation , Cataloged by some specialists as one of the best works in the history of surf music , the instrumental quintet characterized by the atypical use of three guitarists presents its new material, which is already the seventh in its trajectory. Created slowly and unhurriedly, especially because Ted , drummer of the group, for several years resides in another city ( as he told us in the interview we do ), the album is completely removed from the psychedelic sound And experimental that characterized his previous work and instead now present a style closer to that dominated his first materials. Through 15 songs, The album is like a well-oiled machine and bathed in reverb in which there is no place for mistakes. In some cases, having three guitarists for an instrumental ensemble could mean an abuse, but not for them who know how to take full advantage of them to impregnate their new compositions with an energetic touch as a whirlwind and fresh as the first rays of the morning. From the first drumbeats of " Buggin 'Out", the theme with which he opens the disc, feels a sound full of power that seems to be executed by some twenty-somethings and not by experienced musicians that are approaching the half century of life, While in " Taki (Souvlaki)" you hear a strong influence of the Fender IV and in "Creep Beat" They enter into the atmospheres of horror surf that characterized several of the compositions that integrate their first albums. Finally, the material finishes with "Manzanita", that behind such an innocent title is a relaxed composition, calm and with the sweet sound of the waves of the sea like musical background. Although it is true that for some years the band has had very little activity and only usually offer few concerts a year due to the geographical distances that exist between its members, the reality is that the result obtained with their new album demonstrates the mental synchrony Which exists between each of its members and the fullness with which they currently enjoy.

Last edited: Jul 28, 2017 10:55:13

That's a fantastic review (and album). Long live Satan's Pilgrims!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Listened to it this morning, killer "drip" and a great mix of old school and new stuff.

Very cool, congrats


Here's a review that just popped up from Kiev, Ukraine.

Here's the feeble English translation:
In the eight years of silence that have passed since the album Psychsploitation , the Pilgrims of Satan apparently got where they needed, because they returned with what they need.
Musicians from a cult band from Portland, Oregon, caught a wave of "tarantine" surf rivayv of the nineties, changing the more relevant grunge, indie and punk at that time. Since the beginning of the zero group gives a couple of concerts a year and occasionally records albums - always of excellent quality, full of musical experiments on the part of crossing the garage and surfing with adjacent styles. In particular, the mentioned Psychsploitation came out in 2009 and, to put it metaphorically, was a walk on a sixties surfboard in the dark and wet forests of psychedelia, horror and saiko. To hell, which we deserve. Interesting and competent playing of almost all surf subgenres is a kind of "chip" of the group. Recognized branded sounding of the Pilgrims of Satan is provided by three guitarists at once - the case for the surf group is exceptional. Except, of course, The Astronauts . Siniestro is a garden of divergent surfers, it is a festive salad "fur coat", where the stiffness of the garage rhythm section, softened by three "singing guitars", layers of sliced ​​sci-fi, horror, billy, surf'n'roll and Gd knows What other types of surf, and at the table appear the predatory faces ofLinka RayandDick Dale, who devoured all these vocal scammers and gave birth to all this heavy metal sound in the early sixties. The softness and singing of guitars, by the way, is deceptive - the album is full of powerful attacks. If the salad "fur coat" could attack, - this would be the case. However, we always get to the basics - and thePilgrims of Satanalways return the listener to the staccato of the sixties. In general, Siniestro - a great album, although there is a small minus. For all its sophistication, the album, and even the surf in general - is probably boring for an untrained listener. But those to whom the pilgrims have jammed the news, will appreciate

Last edited: Aug 03, 2017 14:03:26

Tough to get through that review, but overall it looks like they gave you guys two thumbs up! I will have to check out the new album sometime. Also, I love the term "vocal scammers." Laughing - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

spskins wrote:

it is a festive salad "fur coat"

Found your pull-quote

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

spskins wrote:

it is a festive salad "fur coat"

Found your pull-quote

Yes, I was waiting to see how long it took for someone to bring up the festive salad "fur coat"! Maybe a future song title?

A Festive Salad goes with a Shit Sandwhich


I told my son about this and he googled it. It's a thing! Festive salad "Fur Coat" is a beloved Russian dish of pickled herring, boiled eggs and sliced beets with a sour cream dressing. So I guess it is a compliment! Personally, I like herring but could do without the rest...

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