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Permalink SG101 Members Jam! Sign up list, Sun Aug 6th at noon. Surf Dogs in HB

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So, while I'm happy to participate if needed (I realize I may be excess baggage), I will be out of town and likely out of contact next week. This does not indicate a lack of interest on my part. Guitar, bass, or six string bass if you need it. I just need time to learn whatever song gets chosen. If I'm not needed, no worries. PM with any thoughts, questions, or threats. Cheers! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101! SG101!

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


Hey SG101ers,
It looks like there isn't much interest in the member jam this year. (sad face emoticon)
I want to encourage everybody who has even the slightest bit of skill to perform. SurfGuitar101 was formed to encourage new players and enjoyment of the music. Here is your chance to play a song in the genre of music that you love, in front of encouraging (and very forgiving) friends.
We all have to start somewhere... if you just started playing or are a bedroom maestro, even if you already play with a band, please throw your hat in the ring!

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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Last edited: Jul 13, 2017 17:01:15

PolloGuitar wrote:

Hey SG101ers,
It looks like there isn't much interest in the member jam this year. (sad face emoticon)


It does seem that way Ferenc but several things have been adopted over the past few years that have wacked the modus operandi. Last year there were a few tunes signed up in advance but not as many in the two years I'm familiar with preceding.

MOM SURFING was curating 7&8 and I don't know how many years before. Last year I was gifted with the sign up sheet on the day of the event and there were plenty of takers that made for an interesting event/evening. I may even have audio recordings that are from that night. This year is limited by time factor (Jeff, is it only an hour again?) and I believe Carol said she would not be available on Sunday to manage. I would volunteer but I don't know if it is my place to do that. Last year I ran it like many sign up sheet jams of many different varieties. It worked out fairly well.

This is also to announce that Gellert and I have been emailing each other (not posting ..but here is the first tell tale sign ) and we are discussing performance of SLAUGHTER ON TENTH AVENUE (Ventures) - we need a bass player and a drummer. Maybe we need a surf drummer 101 off shoot site (and now looking at this while more awake the next day...maybe the word is really "chute" ).
I have offered to play bass and or guitar for other sets but as of yet no takers besides Gellert. Open for MISERLOU (bass most likely) and NEW VICTORS on rhythm guitar. I think at this time I only want to fly one instrument.
I would also be interested in playing rhythm for BOMBORA in either Bambi or Jon & the Nightriders style if anyone is interested.

I want to encourage everybody who has even the slightest bit of skill to perform.

I will never attain the perfection I desire to acquire - but I can try. Stumbling and failing along the way, but always dusting off and trecking onward. I

A photo from one of my recent productions : Mystery Men? At the Persistence of Surf Music v6


Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jul 14, 2017 10:00:27

i'm lucky i'm even getting to attend this year because of work. unfortunately i have to fly home sunday morning. if i didn't i would have happily stepped up to do this again. and a note to anyone afraid to get up there and play.......if i can do it, and i have on multiple occasions, so can you.

Those even remotely thinking about this should re-read Ferenc's post above - especially those lonely toiling souls with no surf in their area, learning & playing along with backing tracks. If I were free I'd be there- and if I was there, I'd have a guitar along. (Hmm, which one?)

Honest, it'll be OK, really. Everyone is invested in just playing the music. Smile. Have fun, play it, celebrate it. And don't forget to breathe.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I'm game for rhythm on New Victor (Dick Dale?), or other songs anyone cares to choose.

mom_surfing wrote:

i'm lucky i'm even getting to attend this year because of work. unfortunately i have to fly home sunday morning. if i didn't i would have happily stepped up to do this again. and a note to anyone afraid to get up there and play.......if i can do it, and i have on multiple occasions, so can you.

Aloha happy you get to attend now. Looking forward. What tune do you want to play?

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

FritzCat wrote:

I'm game for rhythm on New Victor (Dick Dale?), or other songs anyone cares to choose.

Maybe Callifornia Maxx would do LEAD?

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

I'll be happy to do either rhythm or lead on that song as needed.

DoNtFearTheReverbBass wrote:

mom_surfing wrote:

i'm lucky i'm even getting to attend this year because of work. unfortunately i have to fly home sunday morning. if i didn't i would have happily stepped up to do this again. and a note to anyone afraid to get up there and play.......if i can do it, and i have on multiple occasions, so can you.

i can't attend on sunday so no members jam for me. i'm leaving early in the AM to fly back to the east coast.

Aloha happy you get to attend now. Looking forward. What tune do you want to play?

I can be your Huckleberry on drums for many of the songs listed if Scotty Bravo doesn't show or nobody else can or wants to. I'd have to learn a few and will play most of them badly, but I know quite a few standards.

Songs in the thread I haven't played include:

New Victor
Flight of the surf guitar
Return of the...
Viva la Vida
Somewhere over the rainbow
A couple others on Gellerts list that I can't think of right now.
I'm sure I can learn enough to get through those and any others by then.

Is someone going to try to firm up a list or will it be a day of kind of thing?

Should be fun.

Thank you Duff!


Jamie, not Duff. He's welcome to jump in too.


  1. MISERLOU - Maxx on lead
  2. SLAUGHTER ON TENTH AVENUE - Gellert on Rhythm , Don on Lead, Scotty Bravo - drums
  3. NEW VICTOR - Fritz on Lead, Don on Rhythm
  4. FLIGHT IF THE SURF GUITAR - Scott Kowitt - drums, Gellert Domany - Lead guitar,
    Will keep amending (editing) this post until all tunes and players are listed, so refer back to this list. It will be changing .....

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jul 15, 2017 08:34:15

DoNtFearTheReverbBass wrote:


  1. MISERLOU - Maxx on lead
  2. SLAUGHTER ON TENTH AVENUE - Gellert on Rhythm , Don on Lead
  3. NEW VICTOR - Fritz on Lead, Don on Rhythm

Will keep amending (editing) this post until all tunes and players are listed, so refer back to this list. It will be changing .....

I can easily do rhythm guitar on Misirlou, if that's still open. Just need to know which version.

I can also do leads on Surf Party, Walk Don't Run (original Ventures version), or Pipeline.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Monkey Monkey Monkey

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Can't afford it, but I'm coming anyway! As usual, I'll play anything!!!!


ScottyBravo wrote:

Can't afford it, but I'm coming anyway! As usual, I'll play anything!!!!

This man has been certified insane!!!

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Syndicateofsurf wrote:

ScottyBravo wrote:

Can't afford it, but I'm coming anyway! As usual, I'll play anything!!!!

This man has been certified insane!!!

Well, he is an insanely good drummer. I have only ever worked with one sane drummer anyway, but he had his crazy period. Now he's one of Nashvilles top call session players and has many Grammys lots of album credits. Beth says Dane Carter is about as level (also insanely good) headed as they come , but I have not played with him only hired him for shows.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Revised 15 July 10:30 eastern, 20:43 update


  1. MISERLOU - Maxx on lead, Gellert Domany - rhythm guitar, Jamie Surfbeatslbc - drums
  2. SLAUGHTER ON TENTH AVENUE - Gellert on Rhythm , Don on Lead, Scotty Bravo - drums
  3. NEW VICTOR - Fritz on Lead, Don on Rhythm
  4. FLIGHT OF THE SURF GUITAR - Scott Kowitt - drums, Gellert Domany - Lead guitar,
  5. BOMBORA - Jaime surfbeatslbc - drums, Don Schott - rhythm guitar,
    Will keep amending (editing) this post until all tunes and players are listed, so refer back to this list. It will be changing .....

*REMINDER : keep checking this most recent list for up to date changes AND keep an eye out in your PERSONAL MESSAGES for contacts between players. *

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jul 15, 2017 19:43:31

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