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Permalink NE Ohio anyone?

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I moved from central California to near Youngstown, OH back in January. I haven't even really had an opportunity to check out any kind of music scene yet, what with house and job hunting and a new baby arriving during all that. So I'm just starting now. Anyone here in the general area? Any good bands/venues/Facebook groups or anything like that I should seek out? Cleveland, Akron and Pittsburgh are all within reasonable driving distance as well.

Hey Corey,

Check out the member map. That might help you.

California to Ohio...........oh gee man.

Helpful Ed.

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

The Kahuna Kings, Surfer Rex, the Beyonderers and me for starters. You just missed Blair Pongracic a couple of weeks ago. Welcome to the hinterlands. Cleveland still rocks.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Welcome to the Midwest! My band the D-Rays is a little further South, in Athens.

eddiekatcher wrote:

Hey Corey,

Check out the member map. That might help you.

California to Ohio...........oh gee man.

Helpful Ed.

Ehh, well, most parts of California aren't "California". I'm not from SF or LA and never spent too much time in any big city, I'm from an agricultural area where there's not even any music venues and live music was not allowed in bars. There's way more going on here than where we're from and I own my house and have money in my savings account now. There's some things I do miss, but I actually like this area. Plus, my new job is a much better work environment than where I was for a long time.

*Syndicateofsurf wrote:*

The Kahuna Kings, Surfer Rex, the Beyonderers and me for starters. You just missed Blair Pongracic a couple of weeks ago. Welcome to the hinterlands. Cleveland still rocks.

Toneschaser wrote:

Welcome to the Midwest! My band the D-Rays is a little further South, in Athens.

Thanks, I'm gathering up a list of bands to check out. Hopefully I can get around to some gigs eventually.

August 19th is a big music festival in Akron where you can see my band The Kahuna Kings and The Beyonderers. Afternoon show. I will post to SG101 once times are set.

The Kahuna Kings

The Grease Monkeys surf the Youngstown area. Caddady (Greg) is on the 101. Also, The Turbosonics are just down the pike in Pittsburgh. Both bands are on Facebook.

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