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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
327 days ago

dp: dude
308 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
263 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
247 days ago

GDW: showman
198 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
120 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
114 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
99 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
79 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
30 days ago

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June 11 playlist

900SP - Bamboogie Injections
Tube Dance - BI
Instroduction to - BI

Macaroni Pie - Surfer Joe June 22-25
Devil's Bridge - SJ
A Fistful of Schnitzel - SJ

Largo 32 - Los Coronas
Adios Sancho - LC
Go Kato Go - LC

911 - C&C Surf Factory cc
Fire on the Dance Floor - CCSF cc
Phasors On Stun - CCSF cc

Vanilla Amarilla - Mexican Chili Taco Fiesta
La Fortuna - MCTF
Liftoff - MCTF

Tragica Noite - O Boi Solitarioi
Dois Passos Para a Morte - OBS
A Ultima Cavalgada - OBS

Ben Hur Got Picked Off in a Gazebo - Shadowy Men cc

cc Canadian Content
background music - Ghost Riders in the Sky - Urban Surf Kings

Canadian Surf

This week's show (Sunday, June 18) features music from the Phantom Four,Los Grainders, Surfer Rex and more. Tune in at 1:00pm AST


Canadian Surf

GWS 24 - June 18

Esperanza - Phantom Four
Vanloo -P4
Lorke Lorke - P4

Mocambo Heat - Surfoniani
Bingo Bongus - S
Red Waves - S

Tunisian Moon - Los Twang Marvels
Adventures of the Green Camaro - LTM
Cumana - LTM

Sharp Stone - Los Grainders
Convolution - LG
First Board, First Ride - LG

Flying Bomb - Atomic 7 cc
Various Rats are Whacked - A7 cc
The Wreck of the Dick Family Weiner Boat - A7 cc

Red Breather - Surfer Rex
Sputnick - SR
Koitere Twist - SR

The Unknown Rider - Black Flamingos
Cock Grease - BF
Neon Boneyard - BF

Takeshiesque - C&C Surf Factory cc

cc Canadian Content
background music - Impact - The Impacts

Canadian Surf

Today's show on in 20 minutes is an O Canada Day special. All Canadian instros. Tune in if you can.


Canadian Surf

Good stuff Rev!


Week 26 - O Canada

Hot Boxcar - Shadowy Men cc
She's Got Haggar Party Pants - Atomic 7 cc

The Score - The 427s cc
Whale Man - The Burning Sands cc
Beach Bonanza - Hang Ten Hangmen cc

Double Blowout - The Green Reflectors cc
Devil's Wave - The Gnarly Ones cc
Crash - The Mighty Swells cc

Pedro's Girlfriend - Wes Dakus & the Rebels cc
Man From Adano - The Esquires cc
Les Girls - The Gemtones cc

Switchblade Flip - Rev Hank Meets Wadadli Riders cc
Cyclops - Rev Hank cc
Espresso Twist - Urban Surf Kings cc

Night of the Iguana - Huevos Rancheros cc
Sixty Seconds to What? - Brent J Cooper cc
Dallas B. Goode - Ramblin' Ambassadors cc

The Side Track -The Sadies cc
Fire on the Dance Floor - C&C Surf Factory cc
Repeat Alpha Bravo - The Reverb Syndicate cc

Empire Santos - The Blue Demons cc
Love or Money - The High Tides cc
In the Shadows - Mark Malibu & The Wasagas cc

Curse of the Red Baron - The Banzai Rebels cc

cc Canadian Content
background - Magic Moments - Rev Hank cc

Canadian Surf

On today's show (1:00pm AST): Surfoniani, Mullet Monster Mafia, Messugah Beach Party, The Crazy Aces & more. Tune in.


Canadian Surf

Week 27 - July 9

Mocambo Heat - Surfoniani
Bingo Bongus - S
Zero Zero Tette -S

Neptune's Fury - Mullet Monster Mafia
The Wave of Seven Days - MMM
Surfing with the Gypsies - MMM

Artza Alinu - Messugah Beach Party
Baklava - MBP
Latkes - MBP

Jed's Got Sled - Crazy Aces
Hippy Trip - CA
Bangers - CA

Panpede - The Panasonics
Kaiser Pan - P
Pancake - P

Sumo Wrestler - The El Caminos
Staccato -TEC
The Eliminator - TEC

Cheia de Esteres - Light Strucks
Jacare Alligator - LS
Moonshine Runners - LS

Crossfire - The Akulas
SL-54 Automatic - TA
Holiday Panic - TA

background: Meadowlands - The Chessmen cc
cc Canadian Content

Canadian Surf

Thanks for the spin.


Week 28 - Jul 16

Besame Mucho - The Huntington Cads
Super Kay - THC
El Cordobes - THC

Lava Flow - The Tiki Tones
Fire Good - TTT
Joe 90 - TTT

Boom - The Mobsmen
Gold Factory - TM
Smau Sound - TM

Gone For Good - The Thunderchiefs
Space Hustle - TT
Dark Matter - TT

Tidal Wave - 9th Wave
Hotline -9W
Shortboard Action - 9W

The Throwaway Age - Bob Irwin & the Pluto Walkers
Whirlcage - BI
Any Old Love - BI

Hairbone - Atomic 7 cc
Swinger's ear - A7 cc
Guitar For Sale - A7 cc

Baile na Matriz - Dead Rocks
Beach Bitch - DR

cc Canadian Content
background: The Sneak-a-roo - Biller & Horton

Canadian Surf

Coming up on this Sunday's show (1:00pm AST): new music from The Kilaueas & Rondo Hatton, plus Black Flamingos, Surfer Rex, and more. Tune in.


Canadian Surf

On the air now. Next week SG101 Convention feature show!!!

Canadian Surf

Last edited: Jul 23, 2017 11:23:24

You're off to a great start. I don't know how much time the dj's spend putting shows together but I sure appreciate it. Thank you. Smile

revmike wrote:

On the air now. Next week SG101 Convention feature show!!!

Thank you sir.


bigtikidude wrote:

revmike wrote:

On the air now. Next week SG101 Convention feature show!!!

Thank you sir.

My pleasure. I hooe you have an amazing convention!


Canadian Surf

Mike, see email I sent you.


And off the air again????


Canadian Surf

Last edited: Jul 30, 2017 11:39:22

Week 29 - July 23

A Brave Face Against Insurmountable Odds - The Reverb Syndicate cc
Malicious Compliance - TRS cc
Impossible Intermission - TRS cc

Scratch - Rondo Hatton
Rondo Stomp - RH

La Miranda - Black Flamingos
Linty Dock - BF
Unknown Rider - BF

The Men From MENSCH - The Kilaueas
Monkey Spy - TK
Space Module - TK

Why I Smoke Cocaine - Dirty Fuse
I'm a Junkie - DF
Why Don't You Tell Us - DF

New Dimension - Huntington Cads
Shanghaid - HC
Deguello - HC

Seville - Teisco del Rey
Theme From Lawrence of Arabia - TdR
Camel Walk - TdR

Koitere twist - Surfer Rex
Rebreather - SR
Wipeline - SR

background - Bullwinkle pt II - The Centurions
cc Canadian Content

Canadian Surf

Week 30/31 - SG101

Fri/Sat Aug 4-5 Alpine Village, Torrence, CA
Sun Aug 6 Surf Dogs Sports Grill, Huntington Beach, CA

Surf Teen Beat - The El Caminos
Surf Bound - TEC
Hornet's Nest - TEC

Volcanova - The Kilaueas
Luna Tiki - TK
Zambesi Nocturne - TK

Giant - The Madeira
Intruder - TM
Express to Baghdad - TM

Blues Theme - The Dynatones
Mosquito Royale - Atomic Mosquitos
Polaris - Insect Surfers

Surf Beat - Dick Dale & The Del-Tones
Surf Rider - The Lively Ones
Wipe Out - The Surfaris

Honest Engine - Venturesmania
Sin is a Lonely City - V
A Piece of the Action - V

Ebonite Satellite - Huntington Cads
Al Malaikah - HC
Theme From Maneater - HC

background - Rev Hank meets Wadadli Riders cc
cc - Canadian Content

Canadian Surf

Thank you Rev!


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