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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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Gilette wrote:

kizzer wrote:

Hi Guys I'm new to the forum. I'm looking to order and start a build of a Surfy Reverb and Tremolo unit within the next month. Although i've wired up a couple of make your own pedals in the past this will be a step up for me.

I was wondering what way around you guys were wiring up joint units, whether reverb into tremolo or tremolo into reverb? Also, where would I place a front mounted switch in the circuit to be able to switch the tremolo out of the circuit?

Thanks for any help you can give guys.


I've made such a switch in my Surfy Hybrid. It's an easy schematic, just like a true bypass switch.


It looks like this:


So you'll need to get a DPDT switch, which looks like this:


That's great, thanks for the help Frank Big Grin

straightblues wrote:

Has anyone made a footswitch? I have the reverb, trem, and I am going to add a vibe pedal to the box as well. So I need a foot-pedal to switch on three pedals. I would like LED's on the footswitch if possible. I really don't have any idea how to do it. I have read a little bit about momentary switches but I am not sure if that would work for this. I think I could get a shielded cable with six wires in it. Any thoughts, directions, or places to look would be much appreciated.

Make sure to connect the shielding of the cable to the foot switch box. Hope this helps. Smile


Last edited: Jun 28, 2017 08:25:23

I tried the search function but couldn't get any results. Anyone know what is the current draw of the surfy reverb pedal?

RaistMagus wrote:

I tried the search function but couldn't get any results. Anyone know what is the current draw of the surfy reverb pedal?

You need a 1A power supply. 12V, Positive center.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

RaistMagus wrote:

I tried the search function but couldn't get any results. Anyone know what is the current draw of the surfy reverb pedal?

The driver part of the reverb is a class A amp which draws about 5 watts at peak. In Bjorn's words: Single-ended class A design. Power disipation = 2 x 2.5 W. A lot of HEAT.
So, in theory, you could work with 12 volts at 0.5 Amps. But to keep it safe better stick to 1 Amp.

Thanks Gilette for the diagram. I will give it a try.

For whoever is not interested in DIY, we announce that from today the SurfyBear Pedal is available online

Very few pieces available in the 3 colors. This is still a quasi-hand made product so the production is quite limited. But we are working to have a large availability in the shortest time possible!


Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

This reverb sounds great!!!!! I'm trying to hunt down why my Surfy Bear build has a low frequency hum when I turn up the mixer knob. Ive built in a Harbor Freight 17" toolbox with new Accutronics reverb pan inside. The hum goes away when I turn down the mixer knob. I'm checking isolation of the RCA cables and will probably switch them out for ones I make out of shielded cable. The power supply is one of the ones recommended early on in the thread.

Im going to do the troubleshooting tonight when I have time. Any other ideas?


Can anyone post a video or clip of their Surfy Bear getting a pronounced drip and let me know what spring pan you're using? I've fussed around with mine for over a year and I've never been able to get a pronounced drip out of it. Used a MOD pan to start, then an Accutronics, no luck tracking down a vintage pan and I don't really want one honestly (G-Spring and Little Kahuna don't use vintage pans and always sound drippy in clips). It sounds great as just a lush reverb, there's maybe the faintest hint of a drip if I listen really closely, but it's not the surf rock sound I was after by making it. I'm getting close to just shelling out for a Fender RI unit or seeing if I can track down a used boutique build with a reasonable budget somewhere. I've tried every permutation of settings, using a jag, boost/od pedals, palm muting, plectrum thickness. It's just not happening.

I just wanna know if my expectations are way off, I'm missing something huge and obvious or maybe something got fudged in my kit and I didn't realize it.

Better if you write us at as I think there is something wrong with your kit. Please see the video on our homepage with me playing on the SurfyBear pedal, this is what you should get and it exactly what you would expect by a fender unit.

Do the opposite: send me a sound sample or a video of YOUR sound and I tell you how it is.

Waiting for you.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Sorry to hear that Corey. I've hade a MOD in mine but that didn't splash as clear as I wanted so I took the accutronics from an old LAB amp. I do like that one better although the sound the Mod wasn't bad at all.

But, I expect there is something wrong with the electronics. It's all about the power with which the springs are driven. Yours doesn't seem to go loud enough to get any drip, because it should be very close to the 6G15 actually. Any chance of posting some pictures of the wiring inside?

I can take a video or something of it tonight.

EDIT: Lorenzo, any particular setting on the unit that would be preferable to showcase the issue? I'm playing a Squier VM Jag stock into it, into a Showman clone, into a Eminence Swamp Thang loaded 1x12" cab.

Last edited: Jul 11, 2017 11:20:39

5-5-5. Its just a quick clip so excuse the technique.

Last edited: Jul 11, 2017 12:34:08

The settings I was using when testing mine out again last night were 6-6-8. I took a video, but it's a bit low quality and rambling. I might have come off a little ornery, not sure if I should post it.

Ahw come on. We'll be judging the reverb, not your playing. Smile
We probably all have recordings we'd rather forget.

I cut out all my yapping and just left in the playing. Pardon my sloppiness, I haven't played guitar in over 6 months, I just unpacked all the gear in my basement from moving. I compared this to Bjorn's old demo video and Lorenzo's pedal version demo. Sounds like a dramatic difference to me, the fact that it's kind of muffled on the cell phone video might obscure that a bit. I had someone solder up all the components for me, I built the box and assembled everything. The person who first assembled the components actually messed it all up, so I mailed it to a friend of mine who builds amps and pedals professionally and he got it all together and working for me (he has made his own tube and FET driven reverb designs from scratch as well, though not Fender '63 style). So maybe a trimpot setting got messed with or something, I dunno. The best I ever got it to sound was with my old Strat with hot 50's CS pickups and a boost, but it still wasn't quite drippy.

Playing was Squier VM Jag (stock) with heavy strings on both pickups > Surfy Bear > Frugal Amps single channel 50W Showman > Eminence Swamp Thang 1x12"

6-6-8 settings on the reverb unit.

Hi Corey
To me it doesnt sound as bright as an Accutronics pan normally sound.
You say the settings are 6-6-8. Is the 8 the Tone?

Have you tried other amplifiers?
This type of reverb circuits are sensitive to the amp's input impedance.

Hmm. I wouldn't say that came from a faulty surfy bear. You can hear the MOD tank not being very bright or complex in its response but not a misfiring spring driver. I know vintage accutronics are hard to find but if you can find a friend with a vintage reverb amp you might be able to hook up your surfy bear to see what it can do. Im sure it will sound a lot better.

Last edited: Jul 11, 2017 13:57:34

8 is the Tone setting, yes. The amp is built off a brownface Showman schematic, the normal channel only (no tremolo) and just has some tone stack mods. The video I posted is the Accutronics pan. The Accutronics made it a bit brighter and more vintage voice (to my ear) compared to the MOD, but neither have that pronounced "sproing" sound that I associate with drip. I hear it immediately and prominently on every demo and even when I just use a vintage voice spring reverb in Logic.

For some references and comparisons in different settings...

Here's a properly recorded comparison I made of the two tanks. MOD first, then Accutronics. This is with a boost/light OD running up front:

Surfy Bear FET Reverb - Pan Comparison

Here's a song I recorded all in Logic, with no real amps or effects, using their Fender voiced vintage spring reverb effect:

Surf Rock Instrumental

Here's a song I recorded with the same rig I used in the video, but different guitar (Fender MIM Strat with Fat 50's CS pickups, also used in the previous track). It's a different vibe of song, but still lots of single note palm muting. It has a very nice tone, but pretty much no identifiable "drip" to my ear. More similar to what I hear from a pedal like the Topanga. There's an audible slapback sound before the decay, but "sproing" sound snapping with the attack of the palm muted notes.

Frugal Amps Showman Demo

EDIT: Compare to this video. A '63 copy vs a Billy Zoom Little Kahuna. It's a MIM Strat and running into an interface with a simulated Fender amp. You hear the drip instantly on both, if the mix/dwell/tone are up beyond a little under halfway or so. My reverb never makes this sound.

Last edited: Jul 11, 2017 14:35:40

First off, both examples sound good to me. It sounds like the Logic amps are much closer to the breakup point than the live amp. I wonder if running the live amp closer to breakup would help pronounce the reverb effect since you're starting to compress the signal at that point.

One of the things initially on my build was mess up the pot values. I had a similar problem of not getting enough out of the unit as a result. Maybe something to check.

Good luck.

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