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Permalink The Blair-Pongracic Band Eastern Seaboard Tour, June 16-24

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Have fun all! (Go get 'em KK's.)

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Ladies and Gentlemen...appearing this evening in Cincinnati OH. The John Blair / Ivan Pongracic Band along with the AmpFibians and the Grateful Surf....a moment awaited and worked on for a long time. Rain like crazy in this town , hope it does not keep the crowd away. (I thought it was not supposed to rain if the whole MADEIRA band was not present???) & Now I know I'm crazy. But I love my work.


Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Jun 23, 2017 09:24:54

Syndicateofsurf wrote:

The show's at 9??? I thought I'd read 7. What time does Surfer Rex take the stage? Cambreezy- what's the skinny???

Hey Doug, sorry for not responding to your post in a more timely fashion but so glad you were able to make the show. And what a show it was! Rock (Got pics?)

That the Blair-Pongracic Band drove eight hours from NYC to Cleveland and brought their A-Game is testimony to their professionalism. Plus they did freakin' encores!

Finally, kudos to TomH of Surfer Rex for organizing and promoting the Happy Dog show. Decent turnout for a Thursday night.


Sorry man, my pics are sh_t. Still not good with my shart phone. 8 hours? Crikey and I bitch about my little hour and a half drive. I did manage to get lost on the way home, well, I was on the right road at the wrong time. Pulled in well under the 2:30 mark so not my worst time driving.

Great night great show. Too lazy to write a full review so, one sentence reviews:

Surfer Rex- Cool melodic songs with a hyperactive bass player that I only part of the time wanted to take down with a tranquilizer dart.

Blair Pongracic (they played 2nd!)- Able to TIME TRAVEL both forward and reverse using traditional tools of the trade causing grown men to weep, the lame to walk and giving women hope for the lesser sex.

The Kahuna Kings: Mounting the stage which had just been swept clean of all life forms by John, Ivan and Co., Kahuna Dave and Co. dried their tears, strapped on their gear and PLAYED with all the gusto of Lazarus refreshed after his 3 day nap.

Shrimp Cocktail: Again I curse my phone and it's user cuz NO PICS OF SHRIMP but then no one would be reading this they would just be ogling you (which is wrong) so Even Steven.

I did come away with this courtesy of the bass player who in real life plays guitar with The Auqualads.

Pretty cool I'd say.


PS: Special mention of The Madiera drummer who was real nice and played like a friggin BANSHEE ON FIRE. I so wished that right before the encore which almost didn't happen I would have shouted "PLAY WIPEOUT!" and then if they did the insanity factor would have gone to WARP 11, no rehearsal, just do it cuz everyone plays WIPEOUT and then, and then....

there would be no survivors.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Last edited: Jun 23, 2017 11:02:11

What a great and incredible night!
Thanks to John, Ivan, Jeremy and
Dane for wanting to play in Cleveland
and for asking me to put something
together. You guys were amazing!
Wow! Seeing these guys play together was
an experience never to be forgotten!
Thanks to the Kahuna Kings
for driving up from Akron, for
graciously letting Surfer Rex and
The Blair Pongracic Band use your
drum kit and bass amp, which made
set ups a breeze, for being willing
to play third, and most important,
for giving your all for an incredible
performance. As always, you guys
knocked the socks off everyone there!
I'm sure that tonight's show in Cinti
will be just as awesome. If you're in
the area, don't miss it. Thanks again
to everybody who was there last night.
Just one quick illustration of why we
all do this sort of thing. After we had all finished,
a couple in their 20s came over to me as
they were heading out the door. They went
on and on about how much they loved what
they had heard. The one kid said, "A friend
told us about the Happy Dog. We came for the
hot dogs. We knew that there was music, but we
had no idea it was going to be anything like
this!" 2 more converts!

">>Surfer Rex- Cool melodic songs with a hyperactive bass player that I only part of the time wanted to take down with a tranquilizer dart.<<"

Doug, great idea. I have contacted our local vet and will now keep a tranquilizer gun in my gig bag!

Nice! Also make available at Merch table- Hot Item!

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Thanks Doug!!!

The Kahuna Kings

PatricK and Todd of the Madeira WILL BE guesting with the Blair-Pongracic Band at our final show of the tour tonight at Melody Inn in Indy! You don't want to miss this, folks, it WILL be epic.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Jun 24, 2017 18:21:27

Let the be video! Please?

I have got to find the keys to my T.A.R.D.I.S. so I can go to all these shows, no matter where or when they are.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Hi folks! I wish I had it in me to write a real tour review, but I got home eight days ago exhausted and with a ton of stuff awaiting my attention, so... no go! But suffice to say that John, Dane, Jeremy and I had a REALLY fun time! We covered 2700 miles through nine states in Dane's Honda Pilot (driven mostly by him - he's our Bruce Dickinson! Big Grin ) and played nine shows in nine cities with 14 other surf bands! What an adventure! Probably the best part was seeing all those great bands, from established heavy-hitters such as Aqualads, the Coffin Daggers, Atomic Mosquitos, the Mystery Men, to the long-time surf faithful such as the Surge, Phatlynx, the AmpFibians, The Grateful Surf, to the many excellent up-and-coming talents, such as the Kahuna Kings, Surfer Rex, the Katatonics, thee Aquaholics, El Mirage and Blue Wave Theory - truly a cornucopia of great surf music that alone made this a very special trip! Thanks to all of you that came (though it was probably not the best time to tour, with so many people traveling for vacation, but it was the only time we could do it), all the above bands that hosted us, all the fantastic clubs that let us play super-loud ( Big Grin ) and to all the many folks that spent a great deal of time arranging and promoting the shows, such as Chad Shivers, (Cousin) Crispy Bess, Paul Carson, Vincent Minervino, Peter Klarnet, Tom Hinders, and especially Don Schott! You all RULE! Thank you, and I hope to see many of you again at the SG101 Convention in August! (I should mention that we recorded the DC show and hope to release it in due time - stay tuned!)

(I can't post the many photos and videos here, but if you just go to our FB page you should be able to view it all, as I believe all are set as Public, meaning you don't have to be a FB member to view it. Enjoy!)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Jul 03, 2017 21:47:54

I watched the N.J. show. Wow! Smile

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