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I've listened to this one a bunch of times from the That's Swift! compilation but just got an original and it sounds amazing.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Also on the Ace records Birth of Surf!


I bought the new Hank Marvin solo album a couple of weeks ago. As I was in the first 100 pre-orders I received a signed photograph.


Today, I bought this.


AWWWWWWE-SOME!!!!!!! I would buy it for the album art alone. Perfect bookend for Pure Pop for Now People. Wait.... if I could find it...

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Well I'm out $23.9 USD and since I just ordered it I so I don't really have it but I am still quite pleased with me and my purchase. Vinyl! Cheers Clarry!


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Los Javelin - Cocktail Caracas. I got this from Green Cookie Records as a digital download on Bandcamp. The CD is not ready yet. It is Pop/Rock in the direction of Lounge. I really like it. Made me think of Seks Bomba, which is a favorite band. The only bad thing, there are only eight songs. Would like to hear more.


There's a LOT going on on that Los Javelin record. Definitely deserves some attention. Reminds me of The Barbwires or Los Plantronics in terms of just how many different sounds you have going on.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I struggled to describe it.

Another I can't stop listening to is Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience - Meanwhile In Mallorca. For some reason this CD has about everything I like in an instrumental.


There's so much great music out now that I don't want to lessen my affection for anything I have purchased but I want to say how much I'm enjoying the Black Flamingos' Neon Boneyard. There's something about the combination of reverb, instruments and the songs that I really like. I've purchased more music so far this year than usual for all year in the past. Everyone of them has been way better than good. I have so much great music that making a decision as to what to listen to is real tough! Smile The last few years has been beyond description and way past any hopes or dreams. Thank you to all the bands that are still creating new music! Smile

Got a few MP3s a couple nights ago. I got The Torquay's Return Engagement and Somewhere in California. Wow, the hype was true! This is a pretty perfect, to me anyway, surf band. Might've cracked my top 5-10 surf bands with just two albums!
I got Jon and the Nightrider's Stampede. Toe tapping good time. Very authentic classic sound. I was listening to it on the way to work, for the first time today, and instantly recognized a song. I hit pause, and sure enough, they covered Garbage's (my wife loved them when we got together years ago)Special. They made it work really well, actually. Very enjoyable album, and I hope they have more stuff.

Diabolical by the Delstroyers. Listening to it now.

The Mermen "We Could See It In The Distance". Doing the first listen now. Digging it.

darrenk wrote:

The Mermen "We Could See It In The Distance". Doing the first listen now. Digging it.

Came in the mail yesterday. Ditto! Groovy Headbang

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


I picked up a used copy of Susan and The Surftones CD "The Originals" off Amazon, very nice, hearing the first track I wasn't too sure it was what I wanted but from the second song on to the last pure "surf".

Last edited: Jan 03, 2018 21:59:33

Los Banditos - Apocalypse der Liebe on 12"
Highly recommended!!


Continental Magazine Issue #25 CD Compilation. I can't recommend this magazine or these comps highly enough.


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Me too. Smile

I got The Tomorrowmen's It's About Time. Kickass album. I see Futourism in my future. Impressive sounding band.
Also got Legends of Surf Vol. 4.
For December 25th my brother in maw gave me Takeshi's Nippon Guitars, my first Japanese surf. Very interesting. Lots of fun hearing the melding of surf and his native music.
My wife got me the cowabunga boxset, just haven't gotten to listen to it yet.


gatorfiend wrote:

I got The Tomorrowmen's It's About Time. Kickass album. I see Futourism in my future. Impressive sounding band.
Also got Legends of Surf Vol. 4.
For December 25th my brother in maw gave me Takeshi's Nippon Guitars, my first Japanese surf. Very interesting. Lots of fun hearing the melding of surf and his native music.
My wife got me the cowabunga boxset, just haven't gotten to listen to it yet.

Thanks for the props Gatorfiend! Glad you like the album. For the rest of you out there who are on the fence, we're getting very low on CD's of It's About Time! and have no plans to make any more. Available here. and from Double Crown Records.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Feb 10, 2018 10:22:04

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