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BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
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Permalink NEW MERMEN on the Horizon! Here's a taste...

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Thank you


Yes! Thank you!!!!!

More information at Looks like they are trying to fund the album through pre-sales.

My favorite so far is Demo 3 BIT. I'm looking forward to hearing the finished product. only 4 months away...


Great stuff!

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders


per their website, , the CD is off at the presses now. The title of the album is "We Could See It In The Distance". 14 sonds, ~80 minutes of music. Previews of all the tracks can be found at

They are doing a record release show on December 30th at Moe's in Santa Cruz and then a NYE show at the Beach Chalet the next night.

I'm looking forward to all of it.



(photos from


Artwork is beautiful. Preview tracks are solid start to finish.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: Nov 25, 2017 12:51:42


Groovy Guitar Groovy Guitar Groovy Guitar Groovy Guitar Groovy Guitar Groovy Guitar Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Monkey Monkey Monkey Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Monkey Duh Duh Duh Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Monkey

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


But wait, there's more. A nice Christmas surprise. From a post on their Facebook page (

There's another boat comin up the river - a 5 song EP - will be up for sale soon and will be released by Christmas - features Jim, Jennifer Burnes on bass and Daniel Guaqueta on drums - This music happened while Jim was writing music for a film - 5 brand new songs -
Listen -to previews:


Interview with Jim and lots of new music on right now on! 97.3/107.9 The Rock Central Coast Community Radio.

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

This is gunna be so RAD!

The new Mermen album : THE MAGIC SWIRLING SHIP( formerly titled FISH OUT OF WATER) is at the factory and the CD's will arrive this Friday 12/22/17 - 6 brand new songs plus newly recorded versions of DRIVIN THE COW, DRAGONFLY, THE WHALES, and LE JIZZ HOTT 12 songs 73minutes long. Previews for the entire and actual album are here:…/…/fish-out-of-water-previews And that is Jim T surfing on the cover (circa 1983( Ortley Beach, New Jersey) The title of the album is from Bob Dylan's MR TAMBOURINE MAN, Jims favortie song of all time.... album cover designed by DENISE HALBE



Interview with Jim Thomas of the Mermen and Abe Perlstein of from December 12, 2017 is now at Features previews of cuts from both new CDs. Merry Christmas!

The little lighthouse on the cover of "We Could See It in the Distance" is the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum. Coincidentally I stayed a few days in that area last summer with my family.

Map Link

In the event you missed it, here's Jim's interview with Abe Perlstein from March 21, 2017 where the recording of a new CD was first announced. Some older cuts are played.

Last edited: Dec 24, 2017 09:55:02

just received both new releases in the mail a few days ago. Really awesome CD's. I like getting recordings direct from the band...the return address was "The Mermen", Santa Cruz, Ca. Thought that was cool.

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