Finding myself in-between situations I'll repost this from what, 2 years ago? You never know.
....... and a link from the Unsteady one from 4 years ago at Otto's.
Here in Central Jersey there are probably more coyotes roaming free than surf/instro bands looking for bass players but I thought I would just try SG 101 once again. Me, played lead/rhythm guitar, then bass in a surf band from 2004 to 2013. (bass is my main instrument) Yes, we did all things surf bands do (Otto's, etc.) and more. Scheduling conflicts and turning down gigs took the life out of that situ. Since then I became more proficient on upright bass and am looking to play the upright with a surf/rockabilly band. Yep, one can dream but I thought I'd put this out there anyway.
—What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?
Last edited: Jun 07, 2017 08:15:50