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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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Here's the chassis in the cabinet.


Here is a shot of the grommets isolating the pan. I had to order these as the pan was pulled from an old 6G15 and was originally on springs.


Another shot of the chassis in the cab.


Here's my first attempt at the front panel. Long explanation coming! So I got this idea that I wanted to do something interesting for the front panel. When I first thought of the image I used (The Great Wave off Kanagawa), I was going to do it in plexiglass and etch it with my Dremel. Then I'd light it up H&K-style. Not being super-handy with the Dremel, I decided that it was too much hand-tracing and I'd probably screw it up at like 95% completion.

Then I got the idea to somehow print it on wood. The original painting is not nearly as wide as my panel, so I spent a couple hours in a freeware Photoshop knockoff painting ends onto the original. Then I reversed the image and printed it out on a color laser printer.

Following the instructions of a funny guy on YouTube (The Crafsman), I glued the image face down with Polycrylic. When dry I got the paper wet and rubbed it away, trying to leave the image behind. I rubbed through in a couple spots and then when everything dried there was still paper left over. This is what it looked like.


I tried this again and failed. I was about ready to just glue the paper down but I liked the wood grain showing through the "white" areas. My next option worked - I got tissue paper (used for wrapping gifts) and glued/taped it to printer paper. I printed a non-reversed image on it and then used Polycrylic to glue the tissue paper down after removing it from the printer paper backing. It was thin enough to go transparent when it hit the glue, and then I went over it with several coats. It was a PITA because A) there's a seam, and B) it wrinkled. Still, I think it fits the "antique" vibe pretty well.

Also, I glued some aluminum foil to a piece of cardboard and fit it to the front of the pan before final mounting for some shielding.

Repost! The final picture of the front (with little feet on the bottom, but no handle yet).


Neptune Trojans

Last edited: Apr 17, 2017 20:56:15

BrentD wrote:

Repost! The final picture of the front (with little feet on the bottom, but no handle yet).


That looks SWEET!!!

The SurfyBear DIY Kits are back in stock as promised!

After the launch we temporarily ran out for the large volume of orders. Anyway here they are. Remember the 12V power supply and the reverb pan are not included... you can buy them separately at the ACCESSORIES page.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Here is mine. Not as pretty as the genuine article or some others here but works well.

Very very cool and also here I like the integration of the tremolo and the reverb in one single unit. I put the photo already in the media gallery of the Surfy Industries web site.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Peterk wrote:

Here is mine. Not as pretty as the genuine article or some others here but works well.

That looks brilliant.

Show us the inside!^^^^^^^^^

Here you go - a little untidy I know...

What kind of pedal are you using for the volume control? I like what I see. You have utilized most everything we have discussed. Smile

I have a Vox AC15 hand wired amp and that Vox pedal came with it. It is just an on/off switch that I use turn the relay on and off to switch between the two Mix potentiometer settings.

Hello surf people.
We launch today a little very informal video of the upcoming SurfyBear Pedal (release July 2017 - but it will be available already at the Surfer Joe Summer Festival).

As you know Smile I am not a professional demo-man... but I tried to show what people requested us to see. More professional material will be produced soon at Surfy Industries.

Anyway... here it is.
Send us questions at

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Lorenzo, you did well. Smile

Hi everyone. Here's my take on the what now seems to be the classic red toolbox version of the surfybear/trem:

I'll be adding some labels for the functions soon. By the way I'm getting a hiss when I turn up the tone or mixer knobs. Any thoughts, suggestions?

Hi Basil, it looks great!

The hiss should not be there.
You will probably need to experiment to solve the problem. I suggest that you check the wires to the pan. Make sure ground and signal not is reversed.
The power supply can also be the source to the hiss.

On the website there is an FAQ that contains useful info!

I split the trem and verb so they're like 2 separate pedals. I have some hum that originates from the small class D amp I'm using. The unit is quiet now outside of the amp hum which maybe caused by the laptop power supply I'm using. This isn't as neat as it may get on down the road but at least it works as intended. Smile

So I have figured out that my footswitch is to blame for the noise. I wired both the Trem and the Reverb to a single Tip/Ring jack run by a two button footswitch. When I kick on the Reverb it's hiss/buzz city. For some reason the Trem is quiet as a mouse. When I unplug the f/s the reverb is always on, and it very quiet. It is probably a grounding issue, but I haven't gotten that far yet. By the way should I ground the whole unit to a grounding lug? Where would I connect it to the boards?

Here's mine all tarted up with labels:

BasilK wrote:

So I have figured out that my footswitch is to blame for the noise. I wired both the Trem and the Reverb to a single Tip/Ring jack run by a two button footswitch. When I kick on the Reverb it's hiss/buzz city. For some reason the Trem is quiet as a mouse. When I unplug the f/s the reverb is always on, and it very quiet. It is probably a grounding issue, but I haven't gotten that far yet. By the way should I ground the whole unit to a grounding lug? Where would I connect it to the boards?

Shielding is connected close to the input and rather star wise than daisy chained. Also check to see if the ground wire running to the foot switch connector is actually soldered to the ground lug. You might have switched them, and that can cause a lot of noise.

Last edited: May 28, 2017 20:24:23

Thanks Frank, I'll check that out.

I just ordered the Trem and Reverb. Got a shipping notice the next day. Great customer service.

I was wondering, has anyone used a vintage Gibbs reverb pan with this circuit. I like the Gibbs tanks in my tube reverb better than the new Mood tanks.

Also, I am planning to add a vibe pedal to the inside of my box as well. Any thoughts or ideas?

Last edited: Jun 01, 2017 23:52:39

Folks is there any idea of how much the production model will cost? I was going to do a DIY unit very much in the same vein. If I can afford it though, I'd happily buy the production unit in July.

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