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Permalink Siniestro - the new album by Satan's Pilgrims

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Siniestro, the latest release by our beloved Satan’s Pilgrims is officially out and it’s an excellent addition to one of the finest catalogs of the modern surf music era. This album represents a return to form after the much lauded Psychsploitation album from ( can you believe) 2009. Besides all the great hallmarks of a Pilgrims release - the simple but catchy songwriting, the 3 guitar attack to name two, what stands out most on this album is the production, or rather lack thereof. Of course I don’t really mean that it’s a raw unproduced album, but rather they went old school and put the effort into crafting the sound they wanted playing the songs live and then documenting it. Five seconds in and you can hear that it harkens back to the golden era of the early sixties - a big room and a few mics, and all the instruments bleeding into each other in a sublime soup of sound. One by product of this type of approach is to really appreciate the songs, you have to play them loud, but hey surf music should always be played loud, am I right? (Hell yeah!)

The songs continue in the tradition of the first 5 albums, a trad approach to surf music with hooks galore, powerful drumming and tons of reverb. The songs on the album are all of a piece, but I’ll name a few standouts IMHO. El Cid, with it’s nod to Sandy Nelson’s Casbah, Satan’s Twist with it’s forbidding vibrato and the super catchy Fireball. Great job Pilgrims! Thanks for continuing to be the standard bearer for trad sounding surf music in the 21st century.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: May 07, 2017 14:39:11

Awesome, thanks for the review Danny. Giddy'up, Mailman! I need it now!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

El Monstro, it was sent Saturday from Memphis. You'll probably get yours first!
Thanks for the review, Danny!

A rare moment when my location gives me the edge!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

So excited! I'll be keeping watch for it like a crazy person!

I got my copy today!!! Monkey Guitar

Thanks for the review Danny!

Can't wait to give this a spin (or a thousand).

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The album (CD and 12" vinyl) will be available hopefully by later this week for Europe.
Write me anytime at to save your copy!


Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Like a kid waiting for Christmas to come


Look what I came home to! Sexy velvet cover, too. Beautiful! Great work all around, guys!


Unfortunately it didn't make it in time for the radio show but I also got a new camera and some 45s came in from Peru. So yeah, basically Christmas here.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Can't wait to hear it!!

I've been meaning to order this, and just did so. Can't wait.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

will there be digital copies available? very excited!

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

Yes, digital copies available soon.



Got my beautiful black velvet copy yesterday. Once the kid was in bed, I poured me a nice little glass of rum, went into my den, and I played it from start to end. No phone. No distractions. I did get a refill or two (or three??), but other than that, I just wanted to listen.

There is a sound and vibe that is kind of a signature of Satan's Pilgrims. While it is distinct and identifiable, I have a hard time putting it into words. Basically, when listening to Satan's Pilgrims, you know right away that you are listening to Satan's Pilgrims. It's not just from sounding consistent, but something more.

Whatever it is, this album has it in spades. This is a Satan's Pilgrims album!! I don't need to rave about it. I don't need to say it's great. Of course it's great! THIS IS A SATAN'S PILGRIMS ALBUM!

I love the spooky songs like Creep Beat, Ghoul School, and Graveyard Stomp. But Taki (Souvlaki) and Laneda Drag also grabbed me on the first listen. Looking forward to many more listens Cool

Took the cd with me to work today,
Sitting in my truck, at my first pool.
I don't want to stop listening and go clean the pool.


Jeff, that's almost a haiku.
Thanks everyone! Glad you are enjoying it. We sure had fun making it!

I've listened to it a few times through now and my appreciation continues to grow. The "sound" is traditional SP and the actual sound--the ambience of the recording room and the minimal setup--is just tits. I think surf music, like jazz, is really best when its recorded live and simply. You guys nailed it. Ted Pilgrim, if you could just go ahead and move back to Portland and you guys start playing regularly, that'd be greaaat.

My black velvet fronted LP came in the mail yesterday and I just had a chance to give it a whirl!

Classic Pilgrims: great grooves and production!

The stand out tracks for me are The Fireball, Laneda Drag and Satan's Twist. These guys play like A REAL ROCK N'ROLL band and the groove is felt their recordings. Great work!

Science friction burns my fingers.

Last edited: May 09, 2017 19:47:25

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