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Permalink 10th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention, August 4-6,2017, (flyer added)

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bigtikidude wrote:

davidphantomatic wrote:

Well, it's official, the woman and I are gonna be attending the Saturday show!

Very Cool, congrats David!
Please say hi.

Will do!

It'll be great to meet y'all!

The Phantomatics on Facebook
The Phantomatics on Instagram
The Phantomatics on Bandcamp

Yesterday was 101 days till SG101 convention.


For anybody that was thinking about possibly Going to Tiki Oasis the weekend, after the Surf Guitar 101 Convention. Well unless you got tix,
Yer out of luck, it sold out in just a few days. First time for that.
Hopefully some of the people that didn't get tix will come to the Surf Con.


I would like to share some news. Linda and I will be attending the 10th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention being held at the Alpine Village in Torrance, California on August 4th - 6th. We will be there Friday, the 4th, from 6pm to 12 pm and on Saturday, the 5th, from 12pm till midnight. We will have a table and will be selling Surf Raiders items including Surfin’ Fever CDs, Surf Raiders buttons and the 3rd edition of my book Surfin’ Guitars Instrumental Surf Bands of the Sixties.
For this event only, if you pre-order Surfin’ Guitars your cost will be $55 and you can pick up your book at the show! Regular price of the book is $60 plus postage. To preorder you may send a $55 check/money order to Robert Dalley 1312 W. 8780 S. West Jordan, UT 84088. Please be sure to include your personal information such as address and phone number, plus Email if possible. Also on the dates of the show a limited number of books will be available for $60.
If you have any edition of Surfin’ Guitars or any Surf Raiders memorabilia that you would like to have autographed feel free to bring them to the show and we will be happy to do so. We will be looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the shows. If you have any questions you may reach me at or 801-255-3116. Thank you,
Bob and Linda Dalley

Bump for reminder to buy Bob's book in advance.


Big Announcement!
The Lively ones are reuniting to play the Surf Guitar 101 convention this year! I am very excited for this. Please help spread the word.



Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Yes! That is a big announcement! Hot damn!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

And i am going to miss this?!? —

Thats a great news. Enjoy the moment!

Los Oxidados


My band -


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Wow! Great work Jeff.


Canadian Surf

Unbelievable news! I could not be more excited for this.

bigtikidude wrote:

Big Announcement!
The Lively ones are reuniting to play the Surf Guitar 101 convention this year! I am very excited for this. Please help spread the word.

From past me to future you

LosVenturas wrote:

And i am going to miss this?!?

Well.... You can still come,
Even though the band couldn't.



I'm doing everything in my power to make it this! The lineup looks amazing.

The Me Gustas



Jeff, you are totally right! But with a third kid coming, I have to save some money.. bad excuse, no?

Who will be in the band? Is Jim Masoner still on? Ed Chiaverini?


Both of them, and Joel on sax, Tim on drums,
Only fill in will be bass.


Last edited: May 12, 2017 15:16:59

Many kudos to Jeff fro putting this epic show together. Congratulations! The lineup is like a dream.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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