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Permalink Sharing proceeds from online sales in a band

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Band has 4 members. One member composes and arranges several original songs. If band records these originals and they are then sold over the internet on SnoCap or similar, how should the proceeds be divided? In other words, should the composer get anything extra and if so, how much? Whats fair to everyone involved?

All of our money goes to the band fund for merch and touring purposes.

Ditto what Jake said.


Ask yourself would you make that money without the other band members? Then ask yourself if it's so much money that it's worth possibly sowing the seeds of discontent?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I don't feel songwriters should get more proceeds, royalties yes proceeds no, than the rest of the band. If the songwriter does get more proceeds than the bandmember than the songwriter owes the bandmembers money for being the backing band.

Merch sales of any kind be it digital or physical go into our band bank acount which we use to pay band bills. Gas, supplies, merch, etc can all be written off you know! SO far The Pyronauts have had about $40 worth of digital income. I don't know how that compares to everyone else, but it's not filling up the vaults very fast!

Paul The Pyronaut

Idea just pay your bandmates a steady income as hired musicians, and you can keep all the royalties and proceeds of the surf cd's you sell yourself!

iow, what Danny said. Very Happy

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

This is a good post because it leads into band politics, which is an under-discussed subject. Being a songwriter and arranger for my band The TomorrowMen and contributing to my other, I've had occasion to think about this, usually in the irrational dream state of contemplating financial success. Inevitably the realization that I'm in an instro surf band occurs and lays such thoughts to rest, but what remains is the perspective of how you relate to the other band members.

What I've decided for myself is that the band is not in my debt for allowing them to play my music, rather vise versa. They're donating their time, energy, ideas and money to help me in my artistic pursuits. They can play in almost any other type of band which I believe would prove more lucrative than surf.

My responsibility is to give my band-mates great music to play, an enjoyable atmosphere and respect. I may not succeed all the time but I try. Their responsibility is to maintain their commitment to the band and to be open with their own thoughts and contributions.

I don't really foresee a time when we'll be earning more than we're spending, but if it happens it'd be my pleasure to share equally amongst them.I'm referring here to live performances, recording sales and merch. However if a song gets recorded by another group or a TV show or film, the mechanisms are already in place to reward the writer and recording musicians accordingly.

PS I credit Mel Waldorf with being a great role model in this regard. Thanks Mel.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

we made about $400 last year, I have no Idea how much the label made, but we were the top earners on the Spinout label. (I bet a lot due to folks mistaking us for the hip-hop band... who knows... anyhow, I am splitting it 3 ways. I only wrote 4 songs on that disk.... I have no problem taking a fair share, I did all the promotion, all the art and posters web page and paid for the hosting. I would say that is a nastier job than writing. And perhaps the guy who does the lion share of the work should benefit... my old band-mate seemed to think that just writing his songs was all the work he had to do.
I think the point is well taken that the money is not worth the politics. Now we have a band without the politics. I don't mind putting in the extra work when we are playing all my songs, I feel grateful that 4 other guys want to play my tunes... I feel kinda guilty, like I am getting away with something. Down the road I may make more off the songs, but they will always get paid for the performance, but the songs are always the property of the person who wrote them.


Money distribution issues can be devastating to a band. A band I used to play in lost a long-time original member over this issue. It is a long, complicated story that I won't go into here, but I believe the situation could have been resolved had inter-band communication been better and if everyone had been on the same page philosophically. Unfortunately that was not the case.

It is highly doubtful if any substantial profit can be made from playing in a surf band. Most of us do it for the preservation of the genre. When one or more band members start looking at it as a money making enterprise, watch out!

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

I couldn't agree more with WoodyJ!! Make and agree to all financial arrangements up front in writing. Like WoodyJ said, communication is key and efficient use of it will eliminate, or at least minimize, problems down the road.

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

I am simply proud to say that The Lava Rats are self-sufficient monetarily. It seemed a bit cold, but when we started out, each member of the band put in $100 a piece. Since then (almost 5 years back), we have never had to put another dollar in. Even when Kenan left, we were able to give him his $100 back along with other going away gifts, and we've been able to keep a $100 change fund for CD sales at our shows.


Appreciate all of your comments, especially Danny's thoughtful reply. Seems like the consensus is that in the interest of band harmony any proceeds from music sales be divided evenly among all band members.
BTW, although we label ourselves as "surf/instro" we'll do an instrumental cover of any song we ( and hopefully the audience) will like. We play fairly regularly around town for the going rate, so we actually make a little money at this. I do it because I like the music and for the enjoyment of playing guitar in a group, not for the $

I do it because I like the music and for the enjoyment of playing guitar in a group, not for the $

The Pyronauts do it for the chicks!

Casey, Casey, Casey,

Normally, you can count on the accumulated wisdom of this board for intelligent answers to surf & band related questions. However, on this particular occasion, your cyber-friends at SG 101 have failed you miserably. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Luckily for you, your old buddy Kojack is here with solid advice.

Any decisions about who gets what percentage of income in a band situation should only be determined after a lengthy conversation with your agent.

...and for only 35% of your gross (off the top), I'll explain why.


Let’s put it this way:
I am a drummer.
I just suggest a drum fill here and there.
Then I expect to get the same composer credit as the guy who comes up with all the tunes.
What kind of personality do I have?
If it was all guys like me, we were a cover band, with interesting drum rolls (at best).

I think writer royalties should be handled by an organisation like BMI, ASCAP (or GEMA in Germany). Performance royalties I would devide equally.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I think you should divide everything equally, since everyone in the band needs everyone else, even though one of the band members composed the songs, they wouldn't sound as good without the other bandmates.
We haven't earned any money playing but if we did we would surely divide it equally.

Good luck

Augusto Vite

We always shared sales equally. And I would do it again. Nevertheless, as long as my composer credits are registered with GEMA I will get those (broadcast, manufacturing, performance by the Boston Pops etc.) to my personal account.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I heard that Chumbawumba (sp?) split all thier moneys dead even, and Im talking the roadies got the same as the musicians. I think they were Socialist or something though.

I heard that Chumbawumba (sp?) split all thier moneys dead even, and Im talking the roadies got the same as the musicians. I think they were Socialist or something though.

===>Weren't Chumbawumba an off-shoot of Crass, the anarchist
punk band from the UK? Yeah, they probably did split everything
evenly--in the true pirate fashion.

Yarrrrr! Thread Hijack Laughing


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

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