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Permalink The Evil?? Starbucks puts out surf comp. cd

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I have to admit; in the past, I have been hesitant to buy music from Starbuck's. It's sort of like buying fastfood at a gas station, it just didn't seem right. I didn't feel like becoming the tool and stooge of the big marketing people at Starbuck's: no way were they going to suck me in and sell me their version of "hip and cool"'s the same problem I have with Hot Topic and Mall Kultur in general...I don't like being told and sold what's "cool"...especially in such a contrived and controlled and predictable venue...

anyway...purchasing this new Starbuck's Surf Comp CD is helping me with all this pent up angst...

I think it's kind of funny...the last coffeehouse gig that our band (Forever Surf) played was at an independent family-run's funny because we played most of the "old standards" found on this Starbuck's comp!...

I guess my point is: cool! Starbuck's has a CD available, and this CD should help spread the word re: the eternal beauty of surf music. I just wonder if Starbuck's will start allowing surf musicians to perform at their locations???

one step at a time, i suppose...

Now I'm 0 for 2. Just learned from my wife that the location she was at today didn't have it...Does anyone know of any San Francisco locations that are carrying this comp?


drummer-Lava Rats

Fresno Olive location has it. Wait. we have something the Bay Area does not???

Dead Thread


Fresno Olive location has it. Wait. we have something the Bay Area does not???

...that's exactly what I was thinking! Dumb old Victorville CA in the Mojave Desert has something cool before San Fran does!?!?!



Hey Taylor -- I saw it in the Pacifica location today. Unfortunately they weren't willing to trade me for a new LR disc...

After the three years of my life that I gave that company!


I think Kristena met Matt, from the Reventlos at Starbucks while he was playing with his solo surf act "Wave Machine"= him live surf, with recorded backing tracks.



Last edited: Jul 16, 2007 12:02:40

Bellingham, WA has it - just picked it up today. A great comp - I have most of the tracks already, but when you listen to as much surf as I do it's rare that you go back to the classics. It was nice to hear them today, then as I got further into the disc it moved into the 3rd wave tunes. Bit jealous that we couldn't get a Double Crown track on it, but hey, maybe we'll get a crack on Volume 2?

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Bought mine in Ft. Lauderdale today. Will listen to it and check it out tomorrow.


My wife called me about five minutes after I posted yesterday to let me know she found it of all places at a Starbucks stand in an Albertson's grocery store. Guess I shouldn't have been to worried, there are like 500 locations in San Francisco...anyhow, we put it on this morning when the news got a little too depressing.


drummer-Lava Rats

It has appeared in the Starbucks at Baseline & Broadway, Boulder, CO.

I didn't notice anyone playing it there.

I think Kristena Met Matt, from the Reventlos at Starbucks while he was playing with his solo surf act "Wave Machine"= him live surf, with recorded backing tracks.


Yeah, back in the late 90s at my sister's store. I went to visit her one night and here was this guy playing "Bahareeba." I almost dropped my drink in amazement. After that, I saw Matt in a couple other locations.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

My girl Cheri just heard Pollo Del Mar playing at the Starbucks in Folsom. She said it was really weird, and cool... she's probably the only one through that Starbucks today that knows who Pollo Del Mar is, but that's all changing. I think this is a really HUGE thing and I'm so stoked and happy for Pollo Del Mar!

Paul The Pyronaut Monkey

Finally got a chance to listen through the entire CD and I can't get song #14 out of my head. Congrats Ferenc!!!

(dada daaaa, dada daaaa, dada da dada dada daaaa)


I got mine today, an they had it playing too! Very Happy


This should be a news item for the front page.... Hmmm

Congrats again to everyone involved. It would be nice to know who in Starbucks management likes surf music.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Of course I had most of these songs already, but Its good to have the Jorgen Ingmann Version of Apache finally.
I really like the later songs of course.
and most of the ealy stuff is soo over played, but I can see why they would go with those to sell to the General public. This cd is not for us really.

I thought the liner notes were neat , and had some fresh info that I didn't know previously.

The sticker is cool to,
But I have to agree with somebody that mentioned the lack of the 80's representation. and some of the non surf stuff, kinda stuck out to me.
but pretty cool over all.



The sticker is cool too...


i thought the sticker was one of the best parts of the deal. don't know if i should stick it on the back window of the davejeep, or on the old skateboard, or on the guitar case...or maybe stick it on the glass at my local starbucks when they aren't looking...

where are you gonna stick yours?



The sticker is cool too...


i thought the sticker was one of the best parts of the deal. don't know if i should stick it on the back window of the davejeep, or on the old skateboard, or on the guitar case...or maybe stick it on the glass at my local starbucks when they aren't looking...

where are you gonna stick yours?


I was gonna put mine on your vehicle if I ever see you at a show, but that will probably never happen again. Cry



It's all over the Starbucks in Memphis and on the East Coast where I was working last week.
Anyone else feel kind of weird about the term "Surf Rock"? Is it necessary for the public at large to understand it this way? It does include some vocal tracks, so that's not really the dividing line. Do they call it "Ska Rock"? I guess there's Punk Rock, though again, I prefer "punk". Why not "5 Decades of Surf?" or "5 Decades of Surf and Surfing Music?"
Do any bands out there call what they do, "Surf Rock"? In my mind, the only Surf Rock artist I can think of is Gary Hoey.
It's a great collection and fantastic for the genre. Very exciting. So if I should just shut up, tell me. Very Happy

Last edited: Jul 16, 2007 11:52:58

^ Jeff, are you going out to Pioneer Town on Thursday August 2 to see Pollo del Mar?

Should be a cool show!

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