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Permalink Who isn't watching the Super Bowl?

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Yes! I watched the... er... professional sports ball thing! It was very fun. Especially when the guy did that thing with the ball to create a score. Oh man, it was professional sports ball at its best!

Lady Gaga killed it! No sarcasm.

Gaga was spectacular and extremely brave.

I didn't watch at all. I never quite understood all the hoopla over the dumb ball games in this country- football in particular. Guys slamming into each other to get some lopsided pigskin "ball" from one end of a field to another; or another one thru some dopey basket or hitting another ball with a bat and then running around in a circle stepping on some magical square pads on the ground along the way.
I've tried - but frankly - it all just bores the hell out of me.

So no - I didn't watch the dumb football game - or any other "Super(toilet) Bowl game in previous years.
Last I looked, it's a free country. To those who dote on this stuff, more power to you. I'll work on my wheels or play my guitar.
Isn't America a great country?

J Mo'

Ah shit- was that this weekend? Sigh

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

I never watch, if all pro team sports disappeared it would be years before I noticed. Did watch some of Lady Gaga, impressive enough to silence more than a few nay sayers out there.

bamboozer wrote:

I never watch, if all pro team sports disappeared it would be years before I noticed. Did watch some of Lady Gaga, impressive enough to silence more than a few nay sayers out there.

I typically check out the 1/2 time show but couldn't do it this year cuz not a gaga fan and couldn't pretend to be interested.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

spskins wrote:

Lady Gaga killed it! No sarcasm.


spskins wrote:

Lady Gaga killed it! No sarcasm.

I heard her duets with Tony Bennett. She can sing! As much as I find her over-the-top fashion/pop/diva shtick annoying, I must admit that she has an absolutely incredible voice.

Last edited: Feb 07, 2017 16:07:23

Love her or hate her, she's an all around great performer that is rare these days.

Didn't watch it... no interest in overpaid thugs in tights...

I would have watched GaGa, she is very talented, but I forgot and was designing my new Fuzz pedal...

B.M.E (Bastard Musical Engineering)

spskins wrote:

Love her or hate her, she's an all around great performer that is rare these days.

Perhaps I will listen to a selection of hers.
Accessing Steely Resolve.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Syndicateofsurf wrote:

spskins wrote:

Love her or hate her, she's an all around great performer that is rare these days.

Perhaps I will listen to a selection of hers.
Accessing Steely Resolve.

Listened to Million Reasons, Perfect Illusion and Applause. All perfectly executed pop toons- she really can sing! I feared hippity hop pop which is not top with this ol pop. New data accepted.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

I have neutral feelings about Lady Ga-Ga, seems maybe a cut above the current pop dreck, and I didn't see her SuperBowl performance (well, a couple of short highlights), but I came across an article on FB about it, and this was in the first or second paragraph, which really cracked me up:

"She warbled her usual agglomeration of overproduced garbage; she strutted around the stage like a maimed llama wearing Beyonce’s old outfits; she appeared to commit suicide. Twice."


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
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Last edited: Feb 08, 2017 11:47:12

Syndicateofsurf wrote:

Listened to Million Reasons, Perfect Illusion and Applause. All perfectly executed pop toons- she really can sing! I feared hippity hop pop which is not top with this ol pop. New data accepted.

Photo taken from her Glastonbury festival performance 2009. Admittedly the guy out of shot on the synth workstation makes most of the pop sounds. She knows how to rock.


IvanP wrote:

"She warbled her usual agglomeration of overproduced garbage; she strutted around the stage like a maimed llama wearing Beyonce’s old outfits; she appeared to commit suicide. Twice."

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! LMAO

IvanP wrote:

"She warbled her usual agglomeration of overproduced garbage; she strutted around the stage like a maimed llama wearing Beyonce’s old outfits; she appeared to commit suicide. Twice."


So in contrast to many 1/2 time shows in the past - 4
Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

IvanP wrote:

I have neutral feelings about Lady Ga-Ga, seems maybe a cut above the current pop dreck, and I didn't see her SuperBowl performance (well, a couple of short highlights), but I came across an article on FB about it, and this was in the first or second paragraph, which really cracked me up:

"She warbled her usual agglomeration of overproduced garbage; she strutted around the stage like a maimed llama wearing Beyonce’s old outfits; she appeared to commit suicide. Twice."

The trolls were out in full force in the British press too.
You're sure to enjoy the forthcoming Lady GaGa/Metallica show soon! ;)

Last edited: Feb 08, 2017 14:50:26

I was so grateful she didn't make any overt political statement, that I would have been fine with anything she did. As it is, what impressed me most was her bravery to be suspended and lowered hundreds of feet attached by two cables.

The game itself was one for the ages.

I've boycotted every 1/2 X show since it was learned that Robin Trower would never perform hits from Bridge of Sighs during one of the games. Argh I'm sure all of you feel the same. Big Grin I can't be alone on this. You do know he plays a strat right? He's a brother in arms and the king of the space blues!

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Feb 08, 2017 14:09:45

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