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Permalink Quilter 101 Mini Head

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Yes, this is exactly what I meant when I said that Quilter was listening to their customers.

When the 101 (and Power Block) came out and hit the streets many asked for standard style EQ, bass, middle, treble and the possibility of on board Reverb.

They listened and implemented. Very cool of Pat and gang.


CrazyAces wrote:

Yes, this is exactly what I meant when I said that Quilter was listening to their customers.

When the 101 (and Power Block) came out and hit the streets many asked for standard style EQ, bass, middle, treble and the possibility of on board Reverb.

They listened and implemented. Very cool of Pat and gang.


Can you share any details? How is the new unit voiced?

Salute to Pat & company!

METEOR IV on reverbnation

CrazyAces wrote:

Yes, this is exactly what I meant when I said that Quilter was listening to their customers.

When the 101 (and Power Block) came out and hit the streets many asked for standard style EQ, bass, middle, treble and the possibility of on board Reverb.

They listened and implemented. Very cool of Pat and gang.


You've got my ears.

This has my attention!

The Kahuna Kings

I look forward to some nice prized second-hand 101s in the future!!!

That looks tempting. I love my 101, and have no reason to want something new...but I do.

Here's a quote from a Quilter Sales Manager from 01-21-2017:
(quote copied from another guitar forum)

Hey Guys,

There was a bit of a miscommunication. This amp was set to launch at the show was pushed back pretty last minute by us for a few months. That listing will be removed shortly. Somethings are taking longer than we realized in the pre NAMM craziness on our end. We are still going through UL approvals for that amp. That said, it appears the word has gotten out there pretty quickly. The amp is awesome. A while ago I posted on here that we had something in the works that I thought would be great for the players on this forum and this is that amp. I guess stay tuned for more details!

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Jan 27, 2017 19:11:31

I wonder if the new 101 is going be the same price as the existing. Having the limiter I think makes the amp incredible. Having more control of the frequencies is even more of a bonus.

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

I wonder if the new 101 is going be the same price as the existing. Having the limiter I think makes the amp incredible. Having more control of the frequencies is even more of a bonus.

I would think so. Perhaps a little more for the onboard reverb? Imho, if they go too much above the $300 price point you may as well go ahead and spend a little more for one of the other heads. I think the price point is right on target.

They briefly had them listed for pre-order on Chicago Music Supply, but they were pulled before I could see the price.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Las_Barracudas wrote:

Here's a quote from a Quilter Sales Manager from 01-21-2017:
(quote copied from another guitar forum)

Hey Guys,

There was a bit of a miscommunication. This amp was set to launch at the show was pushed back pretty last minute by us for a few months. That listing will be removed shortly. Somethings are taking longer than we realized in the pre NAMM craziness on our end. We are still going through UL approvals for that amp. That said, it appears the word has gotten out there pretty quickly. The amp is awesome. A while ago I posted on here that we had something in the works that I thought would be great for the players on this forum and this is that amp. I guess stay tuned for more details!

This is why I'm not giving out details until given permission.
I am fortunate to be testing this out but I do not want to betray the confidence of both the person who lent it to me or Quilter.
Just wanted to share that more cool things are coming from Quilter soon.


I'll order one right away if they aren't crazy more expensive. I just think with all the new features....more money. I have just enough space for one more Quilter in the Duel Reverb Quilty Bear!

The Kahuna Kings

According to the mow-removed links the 200OD was $550, and the 101rev was $400. This still keeps them in the "reasonably priced" camp.
I also talked to the one dude I know personally that was at namm (and is a quilter dealer) and he indicated they'd pushed these two back until summer namm.
That makes sense if UL testing is taking longer, like Jeff said above.
I'll own one of the 3 new quilters, if not 2 as soon as they start hitting the shelves. we should see the 45 in 6ish weeks.

I guess it depends on how they're voiced for me. I don't see a selector switch so I guess we'll see, unless we get some 1st hand input from somebody that's demoed one prior.

Limiter... yeah I don't know?

I think they could've easily modded the original Q101 without adding to the expense. Add a dual bass / treble dial instead of the Hi-Cut and eliminate a couple of the voices; same footprint / housing.

That was my suggestion to them (Quilter) anyway.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Jan 28, 2017 06:51:27

The 101 Reverb has just been announced :

I just ordered a used 101 this morning, and I see this ! Anyway I'm lookin forward to hear how this new version compares with the old one, and especially how the EQ and limiter impact the sound.


Lead Guitar in Blackball Bandits :
Solo project :

I just realized that the new Reverb 101 does not have the 100 watt option in the Surf and Jazz voices of the original Mini Head. I don't think I ever turned the wattage up that loud anyway but it is something to consider.

Full Q setting only, 50 watts, Limiter... ugh, I'll pass. No

They should've just added a dual bass / treble control to the existing unit like I suggested.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Apr 15, 2017 08:48:32

Here's a fun, lightweight, 2x12 Quilter 101 rig.
I recently found these two 1x12 lightweight cabs from the 60's.
They almost look like a Silvertone product. The cabs are not very deep, only about 7 inches but they sound great and here's the cool part: they fasten together for transport so it's one of the most compact 2x12 cabs I've seen. Probably a PA setup originally.
I dig the flexibility, they sound great as a 1x12 as well and also the fact that there is enough storage space in the cabs when fastened together to throw in the head, cables and some pedals.
For $50.00 plus a few speakers I had laying around - not bad!

A cabinet builder like Mojotone should jump on this idea in this day and age of mini-heads.


That's a great 2x12 rig - I'd love to run my Mach II Micro Pro through it (I use a pretty lightweight 1x15 cabinet, but two 12s would be fun).

Nice setup Jeff! I'm still really digging mine!

The Kahuna Kings

Whoa, that's cool, Jeff.
I gotta go noodle around with one of these soon.

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