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Permalink Zoom MS-50G Do All Pedal. Save Money and Read This.

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SilverFlash wrote:

All this talk about the MS-50G has finally gotten to me.

Good luck Tim. Zoom distortions aren't the greatest on their own, If you choose your chain effects carefully I'm sure you'll get the sound you want.

I own a Zoom R8 recording desk with many preset effects built-in and ready configured for Jimmy Page sound or whatever. When you look in the parameters that created the effect there is a lot going on, compressions, gates and all manner of stuff.

Clarry wrote:

Samurai wrote:

I did set up a patch with Trem, Verb and Echo to use in a small, duo setting and was using that patch through my '53 Deluxe with my White Falcon and you know what? was pretty satisfying.


Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!


I'll put my "sitar" and "Hammond" settings up when I get home. Let's see your Spaghetti Western setting!

Great, nice settings, thanx!
As for Spaghetti Western I use 63 Reverb with pretty moderate settings for Dwell plus Tap echo 3 (echoplex) with a short time about 150, it gives nice full surfy sound and add my Marshall Vibratrem for Western cause I still cannot find a nice vibrato sound in MS-70. A little overdrive from Xotic AC plus - and you're Link Wray)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

CrazyAces wrote:

Samurai wrote:

Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!

Here are the settings that I have in one of my Aces patches.
If I'm using the MS50 for verb it's left on.
The tremolo and echo are switched on and off as needed.

Order of effects is Tremolo first, Delay and Verb last out to amp.

Tremolo is just the simple "pedal", not the fancier selections.

Depth 67 Rate 41 (can vary) Level 116 (I like it to boost a little)
Wave is TRI 6

Delay is the Analog Delay, Memory Man looking Model.

Time 147 (sometimes longer for ballad) Feedback 31 (add more for Shadows songs) Mix 47 HiDmp 8
P-P Mono Level 115 (a little boost is nice) Trail - off

Reverb is the '63 Spring

Decay 12 Tone 10 (wish it could be a little brighter) Mix 48 (more may be desired) Pre-delay 0
Level 100 Tail-off

Hope that helps.



Thanks! Really helpful! But I guess you meant Spring Reverb and not a 63 Spring cause it got another parameters (in ms-70 these are two different reverbs and they sound pretty different as for me)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

crumble wrote:

SilverFlash wrote:

All this talk about the MS-50G has finally gotten to me.

Good luck Tim. Zoom distortions aren't the greatest on their own, If you choose your chain effects carefully I'm sure you'll get the sound you want.

I own a Zoom R8 recording desk with many preset effects built-in and ready configured for Jimmy Page sound or whatever. When you look in the parameters that created the effect there is a lot going on, compressions, gates and all manner of stuff.

I agree regarding Zoom's distortions. I fiddled with an MS-50 long enough to figure out the amp models and distortion effects were a bit lacking (IMHO). The MS-70CDR however does reverb, delay and trem very well.

That said, for most of my Surf / Instro sound I get by with very little distortion anyway so no real loss for me.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Las_Barracudas wrote:

The MS-70CDR however does reverb, delay and trem very well.

The MS-70CDR is also good for Johnny Marr chorus too, That's a bonus for some people.

I had a MS 50-G for a while, I was drawn to the compact size, however (IMHO) it was all very average, the chorus/modulation effects were good, distortion & reverb very poor. I would expect the next couple of generations of these multi effects pedals will see them really improve to a new level (I sold mine after 2-weeks)

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

The next generation came in October 2016. The G3n, G3Xn and G5n.
Metal cased and reasonable price website


crumble wrote:

With the Vibroverb and '63 Reverb combined it produces a very convincing surf sound indeed...

Time to revisit this old thread. Last year, for my birthday, I bought a MS-50G and I've gotten a lot of mileage out of it. And I mean that literally, when I take my guitar on family trips trunk space is at a premium, but a Strat, a Roland Micro Cube, and the MS-50G make a fairly compact traveling rig. In a one gallon ziplock bag I can fit the MS-50G, 2 instrument cords, 2 power cords (and 8 AA batteries in case I leave civilization behind.) This package allows me to have a decent surf sound while I'm away from home, as well as nearly any sound I want to produce with my little six slot virtual pedal board in a single stompbox.

This week I got a surprise birthday present from Zoom. I discovered that last year, firmware version 3.0 was released. This gives 72 additional effects over the effects added by firmware version 2. This new batch of effects includes several that were previously available only for the MS-70CDR and MS100BT, and added, what was most notably of interest to me, the Spring '63 reverb and the FD VIBRO ('63 Fender Vibroverb). At last, I could try out crumble's surf settings from an earlier post in this thread. I dialed in the settings based on the pictures he posted and WOW!, if I was happy with the surf sound available before, I am now experiencing true bliss. I don't know when I would have ever tried the Spring63 and the FD VIBRO combination, but together they are magic. So thank you, crumble, for “...a very convincing surf sound indeed.“

The version 3 update also allows the download of a new Effect Manager app that gives access to a complete list of effects available in the Zoom StompShare App and lets you view, add, and delete effects to customize the MS-50G. You can now delete the effects that you will never use so you can scroll through the effects that you do use faster. Given how long the MS-50 has been on the market, it is pretty cool of Zoom to keep releasing firmware updates.

I have to say that I have really enjoyed my MS-50G. It has some pretty decent distortions, which is nice because I don't have any other than those built into my amps, and the delays and other modulation effects are truly gorgeous. It also allows me to experiment with a simulated pedal board and more effects than I could ever afford. Sure, they are modeled simulations, but they are close enough to help me figure out which physical boxes I might want to purchase someday.

Here are some, but by no means all, of the new V3.0 effects:

OrangeLim This models an ORANGE SQUEEZER.
GrayComp This models a ROSS Compressor.

TS Drive Simulation of the Ibanez TS808.
BG THROTTLE This models the sound of the Mesa Boogie THROTTLE BOX.
RED CRUNCH Use this effect for the famous "brown sound."
Sweet Drive This effect models a sweet sounding overdrive.
RC Boost This booster covers sounds ranging from clean boosts to light drives.

FD VIBRO Modeled sound of a '63 Fender Vibroverb.
VX COMBO Modeled sound of a British combo amplifier representing the 1960s Liverpool sound.
MATCH 30 Modeled sound of a DC-30 (channel 1), the Matchless flagship combo amp.
B-BREAKER This models the sound of a Marshall 1962 Bluesbreaker combo amp.

CloneCho This analog chorus sound models the Electro-Harmonix SmallClone.
StonePha This phaser sound models the Electro-Harmonix SmallStone.
CoronaCho This is a model of tc electronic’s CORONA CHORUS.

TapeEcho3 This tape echo effect models the MAESTRO ECHOPLEX EP-3.
DualDigiD This effect combines 2 delays and is based on the Eventide TimeFactor DigitalDelay.
CarbonDly This analog delay sound is a model of the MXR Carbon Copy.
SlapBackD This delay, which features a short delay time that is good for muted rhythm playing and rockabilly, is modeled on a tc electronic FLASHBACK set for SLAP delay.

ModReverb This reverb generates fluctuating echoes.
Spring63 This spring reverb sound is modeled on a ‘63 Fender Reverb.
LOFI Rev This rough in-your-face reverb is modeled on the LOFI setting of the tc electronic HALL
TremoloRv This effect adds tremolo to reverb and is based on the TREMOLO VERB setting of an Eventide SPACE.
HolyFLERB This effect combines reverb and flanger in a model of an Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail set to FLERB.
ShimmerRv Modeling the strymon blueSky in Shimmer mode, this effect adds pitch-shifting and delayto reverb.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Thanks for this revisit and the information about the Version 3 upload.
I had no idea Zoom had made this available.
It seems like there are some very useful new sounds in that update, especially the Spring63 and some of the drives. Hopefully some of those drives/boosts are better sounding.
I wish they'd have the same update for the G3 but it doesn't appear so.
I still find both units very useful and handy.


Hi Tim. I'm happy the settings worked for you. At the time I just wanted to show off the control screens and didn't give the settings any thought at all! It would be pure fluke if I dialed the best setting! Smile

All downloadable plugins from iTunes Stompshare are now free for the MS-100BT version.

Last edited: Jan 29, 2018 09:32:42

Thanks Tim, for the MS-50G V3 update tip. There's also one for the MS-70CDR (V2). I don't know how old or new that one is, but it's got 56 new effects.

Hi Jeff & Bernie, You are welcome. I couldn't believe that V3 had been out so long and I hadn't found out about it, so spreading the word seemed like my civic duty as a good SG101 citizen.

Hi Crumble, I'll accept serendipity where I find it Big Grin . The Spring63 is better than the old Spring, but I think the FD VIBRO is what puts it over the top. I haven't messed with the amp effects as much as all the other toys, so who knows when I would have ever stumbled across that combination. So thanks for getting me on the right path. If you ever want to share what your "real" setting are, I'm all ears.

It's easy to get "lost" tweaking parameters and trying out different effects in different positions. Hours can disappear that should be spent playing, so I'm real happy to have a simple patch that sounds killer. Here are my "CrumblSurf" settings for anyone interested.

DWELL = 35
MIXER = 35
TONE = 50
LEVEL = 100

Gain = 56
Tube = 64
Level =105
Trebl = 54
Middle = 50
Bass = 47
Prese = 52
Cab = FD Vibro 2x10

Of course, now I want to start tweaking it. Turn up the DWELL and MIXER and maybe try the RC Boost in front of it.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

The same effects appear on my Zoom G1Xon (and on the G1on, which is the same without the volume foot control pedal). At least the names and icons are the same. I like the G1Xon effects including Vibroverb, Springs 63, and several other delays and reverbs. I chose it instead of the G3Xn because it is smaller and lighter.

The G1Xon has far more headroom than previous Zoom effects boxes I have used.

So far I have used it only for performances. I have not used Zoom effects in recordings, yet anyway.


Last edited: Jan 31, 2018 14:12:39

I sold Zoom MS70 some years ago but missed it all the time.
So I got another one)) Switching between Zoom MS50 (FD Vibro ana Spring 63) and Sonic Blue Twanger + SurfyBear and yes, Zoom sounds really convincing.
Great device for a back up or some lazy gigs.


Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Samurai wrote:

I sold Zoom MS70 some years ago but missed it all the time.
So I got another one)) Switching between Zoom MS50 (FD Vibro ana Spring 63) and Sonic Blue Twanger + SurfyBear and yes, Zoom sounds really convincing.
Great device for a back up or some lazy gigs.

I've owned the 50 and the 70. Ended up selling the 70 and keeping the 50. It's a fine, inexpensive secondary pedal.

Last edited: Nov 06, 2021 06:39:34

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