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Permalink Playing the Madeira's "Witch Doctor"

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Another bonus after yesterday's Dick Dale track: here is a song by The Madeira that we haven't played live in several years (originally on our 2012 album "Tribal Fires"). This track has been one of my favorites ever since I wrote it, and I love playing it. It's a bit tricky to perform cleanly as it moves through the various parts and textures, including some of that lush Fender brownface Harmonic Vibrato, some double-picking, and a whole lot of reverb and echo! Enjoy!

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The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I have to come up with demo videos all the time and I know the work that can go into them so I just wanted to say that it's a real gift - you taking the time to perform, shoot and post these videos for so many to learn from and also just plain enjoy.
When a much beloved and talented player like yourself shares your time so generously everyone benefits.
Way to go man!


Might you be taking requests?? Maybe Defector, Exolmunia, El Caliph, Red Sunrise, SandStorm??? It's not so much the notes as it is the position.

J Mo'

I love this tune - seriously haunting & where you placed it in the list in Indy when you recorded "Sonic Cataclysm" was purrrrrfekt!
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

One of my favorite Madeira tracks as well! Thanks for posting Ivan. And I think you should play it live again! Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Witch Doctor IS my favorite Madeira song and I'm flabbergasted you don't play it live more often. I've always liked the sinister overtones of this song. Thanks for taking time to show us what it looks like to play.

CrazyAces wrote:

I have to come up with demo videos all the time and I know the work that can go into them so I just wanted to say that it's a real gift - you taking the time to perform, shoot and post these videos for so many to learn from and also just plain enjoy.
When a much beloved and talented player like yourself shares your time so generously everyone benefits.
Way to go man!

That's extremely nice of you to write, Jeff! I really appreciate your kindness. It's a lot of fun for me, and I'm grateful that people seem to enjoy it, especially the Madeira tracks. Thank you, my friend!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

JohnnyMosrite wrote:

Might you be taking requests?? Maybe Defector, Exolmunia, El Caliph, Red Sunrise, SandStorm??? It's not so much the notes as it is the position.

Sure, I'll consider it. I'm planning on doing at least a couple more, and I've had some other requests, so I'll throw these in the mix.

Badger wrote:

I love this tune - seriously haunting & where you placed it in the list in Indy when you recorded "Sonic Cataclysm" was purrrrrfekt! Thumbs Up

Thanks, Wes! Glad to hear that!

Brian wrote:

One of my favorite Madeira tracks as well! Thanks for posting Ivan. And I think you should play it live again! Smile

crumble wrote:

Witch Doctor IS my favorite Madeira song and I'm flabbergasted you don't play it live more often. I've always liked the sinister overtones of this song. Thanks for taking time to show us what it looks like to play.

Thank you, Brian and crumble! And I am actually a bit surprised to hear it's among people's favorites - or even THEE favorite! I just don't remember seeing people say much about it when the album came out or since then, but it makes me very happy! Thank you, gentlemen! I guess at this point we're showcasing more of the Ancient Winds songs, which are still fairly recent. It's tough to choose songs once there are four albums worth of material. A good problem to have, though, no doubt! I'm sure Witch Doctor will make it back to the setlist at some point, though.

Thank you all again so very much!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Ivan, Would you say that your volume level on the demo was close to the actual studio recording. I love that drive in the studio recordings!

The Kahuna Kings

David, I used my Gomez Surfer and Vox AC-30 for the original, but they were both set around 6 on the volume, so they would have been a fair bit louder than my Bandmaster set around 5.5-5.75 (Vibrato channel) - but they were in an iso-room, so not blasting my ears - except through the headphones.

In general I really hate playing any of my amps with the volume set below 5 - I find them too stiff and unresponsive. I'm usually somewhere between 5 and 7 on volume, with 6 being the sweet spot.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

What a great way to get good tone on tape! I had my bandmaster up to 5 today testing her out.

The Kahuna Kings

Hadn't you ever turned up your Bandmaster to 5 before, David?? Shocked

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Absolutely but I just had it modded to blonde specs and picked it up Wed. We did not put 5881's in it just yet and debating that idea. I do want to order some new 7025's for V1 and V2. I really like having the presence control. For the gig tonight I am going to use my Quilter because I have spent a lot of time tuning it while the bandmaster has been at the shop. The sound guy wants stage volume moderate and then pound volume through the pa. The Quilter does lower volume very well. After the gig I will spend more time with the bandmaster and play with the tube array a bit.

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

Absolutely but I just had it modded to blonde specs and picked it up Wed. We did not put 5881's in it just yet and debating that idea. I do want to order some new 7025's for V1 and V2. I really like having the presence control. For the gig tonight I am going to use my Quilter because I have spent a lot of time tuning it while the bandmaster has been at the shop. The sound guy wants stage volume moderate and then pound volume through the pa. The Quilter does lower volume very well. After the gig I will spend more time with the bandmaster and play with the tube array a bit.

So he ended up including the triple-tapped pots, values, etc? Excellent. After you get it sorted out you should discuss the comparison in the gear area, maybe. You are going to like having a Presence control.
[/end hijacking the Witch Doctor] Cool

Am looking forward to hearing the Quilter gigged.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Thanks Wes! I just did a string change test on the 2013 AS through the Quilter. Just love the low end response from that amp!

What is different about my mod is that we only changed the treble control and tone stack to the normal channel since that's what I use and to change to harmonic tremolo required much more work than what we both thought was necessary especially with the Surfy Trem due out. The trem channel retains it's blackface values.

After listening to Ivan again that tonal character is just so perfectly aggressive yet has so much clarity to it. I might have to order the 5881's after hearing this again although I would like to know what Ivan is running in V1 and V2. What can I say. I love the tone!!!

The Kahuna Kings

Witch Doctor also appeared on Sonic Cataclysm and if I remember correctly a special Double Crown records compilation possibly before the release of Tribal Fires? and YouTube live before that! I certainly picked up it for sure, anyone else?

stratdancer wrote:

After listening to Ivan again that tonal character is just so perfectly aggressive yet has so much clarity to it.

That's the special magic of the Fender brownface amps - in particular the Showman and the Bandmaster! There's a good reason why surf music always sounds best played through those amps.

I might have to order the 5881's after hearing this again although I would like to know what Ivan is running in V1 and V2. What can I say. I love the tone!!!

Thanks, David! I use simple JJ ECC 83S tubes in there. For output tubes, I have NOS Phillips JAN 6L6 WGB in this amp.

crumble wrote:

Witch Doctor also appeared on Sonic Cataclysm and if I remember correctly a special Double Crown records compilation possibly before the release of Tribal Fires? and YouTube live before that! I certainly picked up it for sure, anyone else?

You're 100% correct, crumble! Wow! I'm impressed! (The comp was Brave New Surf which came out in early '12, I think, definitely before the Tribal Fires album, and which I put together.)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Many thanks for divulging that Ivan! Tubes are tone!

The Kahuna Kings

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