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Posts: 19
Kentwood, MI

Posted on Nov 10 2014 10:01 PM
when you do the firmware upgrade is their a list of updates? Based on your positive review of the ms50g I ended up buying the zoom g1xon which is a cross between the ms50g and the g3. I just did a firmware update and cannot really determine what the new effects are, I cannot seem to find them on the zoom website. I got the g1xon instead of the ms50g because I wanted to add a trad wah pedal. my experience with this zoom multi stomp has been a very pleasant one and some of the effects are badass.
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Guildford England

Posted on Nov 11 2014 07:10 AM
Excuse me intruding bripaw. Regarding the firmware updated new effects you can find the old list by searching with: "zoom g1xon effects list pdf" look for "(PDF)Effects List - Zoom" it should be about 1.97MB. Then compare it with the new effects list at the Zoom site Here
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Nashville, TN.

Posted on Nov 11 2014 09:44 AM
Thanks for answering that crumble.
I'm not on the internet/forum as much as I used to be so any answer I have may be longer in coming than you might wish and hell, it's a forum so any and all ideas or opinions about the discussion topic are welcome indeed.
With devices such as this there are probably many here that will unlock more of the potential of this pedal than I can or will.
I did set up a patch with Trem, Verb and Echo to use in a small, duo setting and was using that patch through my '53 Deluxe with my White Falcon and you know what? was pretty satisfying.
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Kentwood, MI

Posted on Nov 11 2014 02:31 PM
Thanks Crumble,
I now have both lists and I am going to compare the two and see whats new. Thanks again
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Guildford England

Posted on Nov 11 2014 03:52 PM
You're welcome! I didn't give the G1Xon a second look but glancing at the specs it's the same 44.1kHz - 24bit oversampling - 100 patches as the MS50G/MS100BT for very nearly half the price I paid.. With extra bonus of a Vibroverb amp model and a 63 Spring Reverb plus an expression pedal and WHAT! a looper as well!! My word what a bargain!
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Kentwood, MI

Posted on Nov 11 2014 08:14 PM
I'm pleased with it and so far so good. the vibroverb amp model is very cool. my only complaint is that none of the fuzz is very 60's but I'm still experimenting, I've been messing around with the pro co rat with an eq on it and it is close to what I like.
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Guildford England

Posted on Dec 13 2014 08:24 PM
bripaw wrote:
I'm pleased with it and so far so good. the vibroverb amp model is very cool. my only complaint is that none of the fuzz is very 60's but I'm still experimenting, I've been messing around with the pro co rat with an eq on it and it is close to what I like.
I agree the Vibroverb sounds very good although it gets a little hissy when cranked up I don't think it is so annoying It can't be used. I bought a cheap iPod and bagged myself a few other effects with an app called StompShare, There's quite a few freebies such as the "Black Hole" pre-set from the Eventide Space reverb pedal, a whole bunch of rarities from days gone by, stuff you might never get the chance to try or own otherwise. I also bought the Spring'63 Fender Reverb Unit, complete with dwell, mix and tone controls plus a sub menu level control. With the Vibroverb and '63 Reverb combined it produces a very convincing surf sound indeed, with the many cabinet simulations available within the Vibroverb sub-menu a plethora of tonal flavours are available. The Vibroverb and '63 cost me just under £5GBP ($8)

Last edited: Dec 14, 2014 03:13:55
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Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 04 2017 09:14 AM
I have an MS70 and want to play around with the Duo Trem.
I wondered if anyone knows what settings under WAVE I should dial in for square/triangle wave?
The parameters are UP 0 - 9
DOWN 0- 9
TRI 0 - 9
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Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 04 2017 03:29 PM
Don't worry (as if you would!), I've found the TremReverb and TremDelay "boxes" in the unit. Much easier to understand.
Roll on the Surfy Bear Trem!
Joined: Mar 14, 2006
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Kiev, Ukraine

Posted on Jan 18 2017 04:33 AM
CrazyAces wrote:
Thanks for answering that crumble.
I'm not on the internet/forum as much as I used to be so any answer I have may be longer in coming than you might wish and hell, it's a forum so any and all ideas or opinions about the discussion topic are welcome indeed.
With devices such as this there are probably many here that will unlock more of the potential of this pedal than I can or will.
I did set up a patch with Trem, Verb and Echo to use in a small, duo setting and was using that patch through my '53 Deluxe with my White Falcon and you know what? was pretty satisfying.
Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!
— Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine
Lost Diver
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Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 18 2017 06:06 AM
Samurai wrote:
I did set up a patch with Trem, Verb and Echo to use in a small, duo setting and was using that patch through my '53 Deluxe with my White Falcon and you know what? was pretty satisfying.
Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!
I'll put my "sitar" and "Hammond" settings up when I get home. Let's see your Spaghetti Western setting!
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Nashville, TN.

Posted on Jan 18 2017 07:09 PM
Samurai wrote:
Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!
I'll get the pedal out and see if the settings are still the same/there and then post them.
I haven't been playing much lately so it's been a while since I played through the MS-50 but it's still on my "regular" pedal board (workde great on a session for grab bag sounds and verb) and my Surf/Crazy Aces pedal board. I still think it's great.
I'll post settings in the next few days.
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Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 19 2017 03:25 AM
For anyone interested:
“Sitar-ish” – best played as near to the bridge as you can. Sounds a little Eleki in other positions.
In order of input, obviously.
Stereo Guitar Eq
160Hz -7, 400Hz +9, 800Hz -6, 3.2 kHz -8, 6.4 kHz +10, 12 kHz +9, Level 100
Depth 50, Rate x8, Bal 72, Tone 5, Level 100
Depth 15, Rate x10, Reso -6, Pre D 10, Mix 38, Level 100
Flanger #2
Depth 78, Rate x3, Reso 0, Pre D 0, Mix 65, Level 100
“Organ” – needs a lot of tweaking but I can hear where it’s coming from.
Stereo Guitar Eq
160Hz -3, 400Hz -3, 800Hz +1, 3.2 kHz +1, 6.4 kHz +1, 12 kHz 0, Level 100
Pitch Shift
Shift 12, Tone 3, Bal 68, Fine 0, Level 100
Pitch Shift#2
Shift 12, Tone 10, Bal 69, Fine 0, Level 100
Roto Closet
Bal 50, Mode Fast, Level 150, Drive 22
All the above is non-scientific and just copying from other websites what others have done using normal pedals and terminology such as “high”, “low” and “use your own ears”!
If anyone tries them and has any tweaking ideas, please let me know…
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Guildford England

Posted on Jan 19 2017 05:52 AM
Clarry wrote:
Don't worry (as if you would!), I've found the TremReverb and TremDelay "boxes" in the unit. Much easier to understand.
Roll on the Surfy Bear Trem!
I do happen to care a monkeys but I use my Zoom MS-100bt so infrequently I've forgotten how it works. For me it's rather like that Tom Cruise movie "Edge of Tomorrow" where I have to keep on re-living the manual. It is a complex beast for sure, thanks for diggin' in with settings and showing some enthusiasm - seriously.
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Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 19 2017 10:08 AM
It can be a bit complicated, especially for someone like me who reckons he can figure stuff out without the instructions...
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Nashville, TN.

Posted on Jan 19 2017 10:05 PM
Samurai wrote:
Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!
Here are the settings that I have in one of my Aces patches.
If I'm using the MS50 for verb it's left on.
The tremolo and echo are switched on and off as needed.
Order of effects is Tremolo first, Delay and Verb last out to amp.
Tremolo is just the simple "pedal", not the fancier selections.
Depth 67 Rate 41 (can vary) Level 116 (I like it to boost a little)
Wave is TRI 6
Delay is the Analog Delay, Memory Man looking Model.
Time 147 (sometimes longer for ballad) Feedback 31 (add more for Shadows songs) Mix 47 HiDmp 8
P-P Mono Level 115 (a little boost is nice) Trail - off
Reverb is the '63 Spring
Decay 12 Tone 10 (wish it could be a little brighter) Mix 48 (more may be desired) Pre-delay 0
Level 100 Tail-off
Hope that helps.
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Posts: 519
Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 20 2017 04:29 AM
Thanks Jeff, there's going to be some experimenting tonight!
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Posts: 519
Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 21 2017 05:16 AM
CrazyAces wrote:
Samurai wrote:
Hi Jeff! Will you possibly share you settings on trem, verb and echo patch? Just got MS-80CDR and experiment with the sounds) thanks!
Here are the settings that I have in one of my Aces patches.hh
If I'm using the MS50 for verb it's left on.
The tremolo and echo are switched on and off as needed.
Stuck this in my MS70 last night. Sounded fantastic Jeff!
I've copied it into a few empty memory slots and adapted to taste, removed both reverb and delay and shoved through my Surfy Bear. Wonderful sounds.
It's nice to have the sound in one pedal for ease. This and my Joyo will see me through until the Surfy Bear Trem arrives.
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Near Atlanta, GA

Posted on Jan 21 2017 08:46 PM
All this talk about the MS-50G has finally gotten to me. I broke down and ordered one for my birthday today. I had a hard time deciding between the 50 and the 70, but the amp simulations and distortions pushed me to go with the 50. I've got my Surfy Bear for reverb, but the 50 will cover a lot of effects that I haven't got. I can't wait to try out some of the setting you guys have shared.
— -Tim
My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
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Guildford England

Posted on Jan 22 2017 05:28 AM
Anyone thinking of buying the MS-100bt I can recommend it for extra downloadable effects via Bluetooth and iPhone. You head to the StompShare page, either pick them up free or demo them for 15 minutes then buy for a couple of bucks.
I'm a Android user so I never know what's going on but from what I've read Zoom brought updates to StompShare on a very regular basis over the period of a couple of years. As of 2016 things have slowed down considerably. As an Android user I'm hoping StompShare will appear on Google Play. Something is going on, no one knows what it is yet though.