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Permalink Short review of the Sand Devils show at Tiki Oasis 6

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I did this in another thread, but wanted to make sure people knew about it here.

I've seen Ran's band the Sand Devils about 5 or 6 times.
I liked them alot before they were kinda similar to His old band the Astroglides from Israel. Very Heavy Intense surf( which I like alot)
But the last few times that they've played, they kinda brought the level down a tad, and played with more Dynamics( What an Improvement!!) These guys are really becoming a class act. Even with Great outfits( Yes I admit the look is a good thing) and stage movements. I think they won over alot of new fans from the Tiki Crowd that might not have known about them, or seen them before.
I got a bit teary eyed when they were playing, as I realized it was a great moment for tiki and surf music to come together. Yeah I know it happned in other cities/states/Countries before. But at Tiki Oasis is big big time for them.



Thanks for the kind words Jeff and the on-going support. The gig was a lot of fun, and who knows, maybe there will be more opportunities for Surf music in Tiki Oasis in the future. There was a lot of positive comments from the crowd during and after the gig.

Thanks, now looking forward for the gig with The Madeira in July...


The Scimitars


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

This one is for Jeff and Ran:

Rapa Nui!!!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I don't know about Ran, but Damn I was buzzzzzed there, look at my eyes.
Thanks for posting the Pictures Kristena.
Do you have any more of the Sand Dunes?


Jeff(bigtikidude)'re lookin' a little sauced in that photo...

"friends don't let friends"...umm...drink and speak big-tiki-talk...I guess

-dp Wink

ps: I dig the "bowling shirt" Sand Devil stage gear b.t.w.

This should be in the Shallow end, not here,
but yeah I was pretty sauced every night.
I highly suggest anyone who digs Tiki's and exotica music
to Check out the Tiki Oasis next Year.
Ask Ferenc I beleive he went to a few years. I know I saw him last year. But He flaked, this year, when He heard there was gonna be a surf band (yuk!!) J/K Ferenc.



This should be in the Shallow end, not here,

Well, whatever. I knew you'd find it here. It's all the same event. Here's the other photo:


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

looks like they are facing towards the Mecca of Surfdom: praying towards Trestles...

thanks for the cool photos Tena...


looks like they are facing towards the Mecca of Surfdom: praying towards Trestles...

hahaha, Yeah! Something like that. It was the highlight of the Tiki Oasis for me! That was my first time seeing the Sand Devils, so I was very impressed. The event made it even better.

I'll tell you this much, Ran is one heck of a guitar player! But don't let me minimize the rest of the band. They are all excellent.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Wow!! that one's way better, thanks again.
I remember I got chills when they did that part.
Music came down and got all drippy and muted.



Do you have any more of the Sand Dunes?


Sand Dunes? a little slip of the tongue there Jeff Laughing
Tena, thanks for this pic, that was in the bridge of "Omar Shariff Ballad" which is a song from my old band "The Astroglides". I was waiting for a pic in this vain, rather than of us looking at our guitars like idiots (see first pic).
Dave - These are actually not bowling shirts, but Dickies work shirts. I stumbled across them when I was looking for red work shirts.

Oh, one more thing, I want to thank Rick (Rickshaw Records) for letting me borrow his reverb tank (and fixing it) so I can have a back-up for worry free reverb crashes. That extra peace of mind helped me focus on playing (thus giving Tena and the audience the illusion that I know what I'm doing), instead of worrying about possible malfunctions, thanks Rick!


The Scimitars

so I can have a back-up for worry free reverb crashes.

Worry-free reverb crashes! LOL, sounds like a commercial!

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

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