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Permalink crazy asking prices for CDs

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I was looking around on Amazon and came across some surf CDs that seem a bit expensive.

Satan's Pilgrims - Psychsploitation $55.76 (offered for $13 at )
Satan's Pilgrims - Soul Pilgrim $242.20
Pollo del Mar - The Golden State $535.98
Double Crown - Seasonal Favorites Vol 2 - $1,267.37

What type of crazy asking prices has people seen for music or gear?


It's a bit like asking $1,000,000.00 for a glass of lemonade; you just need one rube to go for it.
The most I ever spent on a CD was around $35.00 for the first Nebulas CD. It had a few tunes I wanted to learn. That rare event from years back has not since been repeated. Twenty bucks give or take is all a CD is worth.

In other areas, I've met some clowns that spent six figures on the Les Paul '59 "Holy Grail".
Gang - It's just a guitar. It's construction and whoever played it previously isn't going to make it sound any different than how you play at present. And really - what's the big deal??!!
I guess the "mystique" is OK for a collector market. Regardless, I hate overpaying and usually don't. My personal hell on earth would be if I had more money than brains.

All MHO, of course
J Mo'

I think the most I spent on a cd was around 40 for a new from Japan Surf Coasters in a store.
LP, I think around 50 for the Pyramids original Vinyl.


darrenk wrote:

I was looking around on Amazon and came across some surf CDs that seem a bit expensive.

Satan's Pilgrims - Psychsploitation $55.76 (offered for $13 at )
Satan's Pilgrims - Soul Pilgrim $242.20
Pollo del Mar - The Golden State $535.98
Double Crown - Seasonal Favorites Vol 2 - $1,267.37

What type of crazy asking prices has people seen for music or gear?


i have all four of those and would most happily let them go if someone offered me those prices :o)

Will these asked prices really be paid?
In Germany a few decades ago someone wanted for a vinyl album more than 1000 DM.
But he got no bid on that one.
So lets keep cool and trade or sell records or cds for reasonable prices.

Last edited: Jan 02, 2017 11:35:41

JohnnyMosrite wrote:

It's a bit like asking $1,000,000.00 for a glass of lemonade; you just need one rube to go for it.

Yup; one born every minute.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Records are worth what you're willing to pay. In eBay sold listings Led Zeppelin's 1st album sold for £1,255.55 but at least it was a rarity.

I don't use Amazon for selling, is it cheap to list cd's?

Some theories mentioned in Amazon seller forums:

The price is a "placeholder" because the seller can't locate the item
in his inventory, has already sold the item, or hasn't yet determined the "actual" price.
Software generated price.
Money laundering scheme??

darrenk wrote:

Pollo del Mar - The Golden State $535.98

Seems totally reasonable to me!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

PolloGuitar wrote:

darrenk wrote:

Pollo del Mar - The Golden State $535.98

Seems totally reasonable to me!

It is a really great album.


bigtikidude wrote:

PolloGuitar wrote:

darrenk wrote:

Pollo del Mar - The Golden State $535.98

Seems totally reasonable to me!

It is a really great album.

It must be made from gold too!

I get the feeling these prices are set by some computer algorithm that tries to weight supply versus perceived demand. When these CD's don't sell, or a human notices, they get adjusted. If you are a CD merchant/reseller and you have 1000's of CD's in your inventory, you aren't going to set the price on each one individually every day... just a guess at what is happening here.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

We'll be making more copies of Seasonal Favorites #2 this September, maybe just 300 copies or so - that will bring the price down to normal. Having said that, volume #3 will likely sell out sometime this year, so if you need a copy I'd get one soon.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

I have most of the CD's listed, could care less about vinyl and find lots of good to great stuff out there for $10 or less, especially digital downloads. Pity the fools, collectors or not, that would even consider these prices.

We have Soul Pilgrim on vinyl! If you're interested email I promise they are less than $242.00!

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