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Remember the good ol days when you would run down to the store or music shop to buy the latest album from your favorite artists? or buying that one album casue the album cover was so cool? Well, thats all changing nowdays thank(no thanks) to downloading. I mean, sure its the latests thing on how to get your music, but I see that only the "hits" or singles are the only thing I see geting dowloaded. 99.9% of i-pods I see only have a the latest hit songs and not he entire album. Not to be hipocitcal, cause I do download, BUT ONLY to sample the artist songs. THEN, I go and buy the whole album. I find it cool opening the Cd and reading the booklet with the lyrics and pictures on them. Does anyone feel the same way I do about dowloading? Feel free to add, this is just a summery of what I think.

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villian"

Downloading, if done legally, can be quite convenient.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Local Independent record stores are evil. I never spend under $50 in one.

We have Easy Street records in Seattle and they are great about carrying local, great indie music, and even older indie music. Whatever you want you can find there. They carry all of an artists catalog and they also have a large vinyl selection.

I've only ever bought one album solely because of the album art and it was the LP version I bought. It was a decent album. Irish band with a very california sound.


I should add that I personally don't like the idea of legitimate downloads that cost money. This is 100% personal and relating to what it feels like to buy, own, or be given an album.

For the most part I buy the CD and also enjoy the graphics, booklet, lyrics etc., that accompany it. It becomes part of my music collection and on rare occasions get it autographed by the artist. I buy downloads only when I want one specific song - usually older music.


Downloading isn't what's killing music. I could write three paragraphs and not even scratch the surface of what I mean to say, so instead I'll just repeat. Downloading isn't what's killing music.

This is the first album I bought for the cover art. Turns out the artist had a future in film...image although I probably bought this one for the cover too

when i was my son's age --16-- i spent every penny i earned on records (and was lucky enough to get free tickets to all concerts because of where i worked)

my son has never spent a penny on music and his ipod is loaded

what a difference a couple of decades makes

I should add that I personally don't like the idea of legitimate downloads that cost money. This is 100% personal and relating to what it feels like to buy, own, or be given an album.

...not to mention, mp3s sound so crappy...

I really like going out for the day, and grabbing a bite to eat somewhere new, going to a few reocrd stores and flipping thru the racks,

there really is something to be said for getting out of the house,
its a great thing to behold.

p.s. if you were wondering I don't download anything.


I don't completely agree with the downloading killed music thing. I download all the time, but I do it to see if I like a new artist, or to see if I want a particular cd... I'm sick of buying cds that I have heard one good song off of, and the rest suck.
Actually, thanks to downloading, I have found at least 2 dozen bands that I would have never even heard of, and bought plenty of cds. In fact, I still buy alot of cds.

I am super sweet

i've been going through all of my cd's and putting the songs i like into my itunes and am amazed at all of the one or two song cd's i own.

wow. Well, im personaly upset that Tower Record Stores have been closing casue of all this dowloading. Does everyone really just like one or two songs and not the whole album any more?

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villian"

No, Tower Records is closing because they have been price gouging for years. Every CD was going to be 18.99 there and I refuse to pay that for a record.

I do actually buy most of my music on CD's, but I see nothing wrong with legal downloads of individual songs.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I buy virtually all my music on CD's. About all that I download are
the free downloads at I like the cover art and owning
something tangible that I can touch and hold, as opposed to an
electronic file. A lot of my CD's and vinyl have appreciated in price.
I don't own many "one or two song" CD's or LP's. I see the value
and appeal of downloads, but I prefer buying the CD or LP. But then
again, the walls are closing in on me as the collection grows well into
the mid-thousands. Yikes!!! Shocked



Cool RobbieReverb. I had a friend that owned more than 3000+ Cds. Its cool if you upload them to say an Mp3 or something, But ya, Its owning the material is awsome. As for Tower Recods, ya there stuff was a bit pricy, but I got many of my CDs there that NOWERE else had them. And I was greatful at for that.

"One may smile, and smile, and be a villian"

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